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小说: 简爱(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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。 I had dared and baffled his fury; I must elude his sorrow: I retired to the door。
“You are going; Jane?”
“I am going; sir。”
“You are leaving me?”
“You will not e? You will not be my forter; my rescuer? My deep love; my wild woe; my frantic prayer; are all nothing to you?”
What unutterable pathos was in his voice! How hard it was to reiterate firmly; “I am going。”
“Mr。 Rochester!”
“Withdraw; then;—I consent; but remember; you leave me here in anguish。 Go up to your own room; think over all I have said; and; Jane; cast a glance on my sufferings—think of me。”
He turned away; he threw himself on his face on the sofa。 “Oh; Jane! my hope—my love—my life!” broke in anguish from his lips。 Then came a deep; strong sob。
I had already gained the door; but; reader; I walked back—walked back as determinedly as I had retreated。 I knelt down by him; I turned his face from the cushion to me; I kissed his cheek; I smoothed his hair with my hand。
“God bless you; my dear master!” I said。 “God keep you from harm and wrong—direct you; solace you—reward you well for your past kindness to me。”
“Little Jane’s love would have been my best reward;” he answered; “without it; my heart is broken。 But Jane will give me her love: yes—nobly; generously。”
Up the blood rushed to his face; forth flashed the fire from his eyes; erect he sprang; he held his arms out; but I evaded the embrace; and at once quitted the room。
“Farewell!” was the cry of my heart as I left him。 Despair added; “Farewell for ever!”
That night I never thought to sleep; but a slumber fell on me as soon as I lay down in bed。 I was transported in thought to the scenes of childhood: I dreamt I lay in the red…room at Gateshead; that the night was dark; and my mind impressed with strange fears。 The light that long ago had struck me into syncope; recalled in this vision; seemed glidingly to mount the wall; and tremblingly to pause in the centre of the obscured ceiling。 I lifted up my head to look: the roof resolved to clouds; high and dim; the gleam was such as the moon imparts to vapours she is about to sever。 I watched her e— watched with the strangest anticipation; as though some word of doom were to be written on her disk。 She broke forth as never moon yet burst from cloud: a hand first perated the sable folds and waved them away; then; not a moon; but a white human form shone in the azure; inclining a glorious brow earthward。 It gazed and gazed on me。 It spoke to my spirit: immeasurably distant was the tone; yet so near; it whispered in my heart—
“My daughter; flee temptation。”
“Mother; I will。”
So I answered after I had waked from the trance…like dream。 It was yet night; but July nights are short: soon after midnight; dawn es。 “It cannot be too early to mence the task I have to fulfil;” thought I。 I rose: I was dressed; for I had taken off nothing but my shoes。 I knew where to find in my drawers some linen; a locket; a ring。 In seeking these articles; I encountered the beads of a pearl necklace Mr。 Rochester had forced me to accept a few days ago。 I left that; it was not mine: it was the visionary bride’s who had melted in air。 The other articles I made up in a parcel; my purse; containing twenty shillings (it was all I had); I put in my pocket: I tied on my straw bon; pinned my shawl; took the parcel and my slippers; which I would not put on yet; and stole from my room。
“Farewell; kind Mrs。 Fairfax!” I whispered; as I glided past her door。 “Farewell; my darling Adèle!” I said; as I glanced towards the nursery。 No thought could be admitted of entering to embrace her。 I had to deceive a fine ear: for aught I knew it might now be listening。
I would have got past Mr。 Rochester’s chamber without a pause; but my heart momentarily stopping its beat at that threshold; my foot was forced to stop also。 No sleep was there: the inmate was walking restlessly from wall to wall; and again and again he sighed while I listened。 There was a heaven—a temporary heaven—in this room for me; if I chose: I had but to go in and to say—
“Mr。 Rochester; I will love you and live with you through life till death;” and a fount of rapture would spring to my lips。 I thought of this。
That kind master; who could not sleep now; was waiting with impatience for day。 He would send for me in the morning; I should be gone。 He would have me sought for: vainly。 He would feel himself forsaken; his love rejected: he would suffer; perhaps grow desperate。 I thought of this too。 My hand moved towards the lock: I caught it back; and glided on。
Drearily I wound my way downstairs: I knew what I had to do; and I did it mechanically。 I sought the key of the side…door in the kitchen; I sought; too; a phial of oil and a feather; I oiled the key and the lock。 I got some water; I got some bread: for perhaps I should have to walk far; and my strength; sorely shaken of late; must not break down。 All this I did without one sound。 I opened the door; passed out; shut it softly。 Dim dawn glimmered in the yard。 The great gates were closed and locked; but a wicket in one of them was only latched。 Through that I departed: it; too; I shut; and now I was out of Thornfield。
A mile off; beyond the fields; lay a road which stretched in the contrary direction to Millcote; a road I had never travelled; but often noticed; and wondered where it led: thither I bent my steps。 No reflection was to be allowed now: not one glance was to be cast back; not even one forward。 Not one thought was to be given either to the past or the future。 The first was a page so heavenly sweet— so deadly sad—that to read one line of it would dissolve my courage and break down my energy。 The last was an awful blank: something like the world when the deluge was gone by。
I skirted fields; and hedges; and lanes till after sunrise。 I believe it was a lovely summer morning: I know my shoes; which I had put on when I left the house; were soon wet with dew。 But I looked neither to rising sun; nor smiling sky; nor wakening nature。 He who is taken out to pass through a fair scene to the scaffold; thinks not of the flowers that smile on his road; but of the block and axe…edge; of the disseverment of bone and vein; of the grave gaping at the end: and I thought of drear flight and homeless wandering—and oh! with agony I thought of what I left。 I could not help it。 I thought of him now—in his room—watching the sunrise; hoping I should soon e to say I would stay with him and be his。 I longed to be his; I panted to return: it was not too late; I could yet spare him the bitter pang of bereavement。 As yet my flight; I was sure; was undiscovered。 I could go back and be his forter—his pride; his redeemer from misery; perhaps from ruin。 Oh; that fear of his self…abandonment—far worse than my abandonment—how it goaded me! It was a barbed arrow…head in my breast; it tore me when I tried to extract it; it sickened me when remembrance thrust it farther in。 Birds began singing in brake and copse: birds were faithful to their mates; birds were emblems of love。 What was I? In the midst of my pain of heart and frantic effort of principle; I abhorred myself。 I had no solace from self… approbation: none even from self…respect。 I had injured—wounded— left my master。 I was hateful in my own eyes。 Still I could not turn; nor retrace one step。 God must have led me on。 As to my own will or conscience; impassioned grief had trampled one and stifled the other。 I was weeping wildly as I walked along my solitary way: fast; fast I went like one delirious。 A weakness; beginning inwardly; extending to the limbs; seized me; and I fell: I lay on the ground some minutes; pressing my face to the wet turf。 I had some fear—or hope—that here I should die: but I was soon up; crawling forwards on my hands and knees; and then again raised to my feet—as eager and as determined as ever to reach the road。
When I got there; I was forced to sit to rest me under the hedge; and while I sat; I heard wheels; and saw a coach e on。 I stood up and lifted my hand; it stopped。 I asked where it was going: the driver named a place a long way off; and where I was sure Mr。 Rochester had no connections。 I asked for what sum he would take me there;

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