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小说: 简爱(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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er age; and which proved she had been carefully trained。
“Was it your mama who taught you that piece?” I asked。
“Yes; and she just used to say it in this way: ‘Qu’ avez vous donc? lui dit un de ces rats; parlez!’ She made me lift my hand—so—to remind me to raise my voice at the question。 Now shall I dance for you?”
“No; that will do: but after your mama went to the Holy Virgin; as you say; with whom did you live then?”
“With Madame Frédéric and her husband: she took care of me; but she is nothing related to me。 I think she is poor; for she had not so fine a house as mama。 I was not long there。 Mr。 Rochester asked me if I would like to go and live with him in England; and I said yes; for I knew Mr。 Rochester before I knew Madame Frédéric; and he was always kind to me and gave me pretty dresses and toys: but you see he has not kept his word; for he has brought me to England; and now he is gone back again himself; and I never see him。”
After breakfast; Adèle and I withdrew to the library; which room; it appears; Mr。 Rochester had directed should be used as the schoolroom。 Most of the books were locked up behind glass doors; but there was one bookcase left open containing everything that could be needed in the way of elementary works; and several volumes of light literature; poetry; biography; travels; a few romances; &c。 I suppose he had considered that these were all the governess would require for her private perusal; and; indeed; they contented me amply for the present; pared with the scanty pickings I had now and then been able to glean at Lowood; they seemed to offer an abundant harvest of entertainment and information。 In this room; too; there was a cabi piano; quite new and of superior tone; also an easel for painting and a pair of globes。
I found my pupil sufficiently docile; though disinclined to apply: she had not been used to regular occupation of any kind。 I felt it would be injudicious to confine her too much at first; so; when I had talked to her a great deal; and got her to learn a little; and when the morning had advanced to noon; I allowed her to return to her nurse。 I then proposed to occupy myself till dinner…time in drawing some little sketches for her use。
As I was going upstairs to fetch my portfolio and pencils; Mrs。 Fairfax called to me: “Your morning school…hours are over now; I suppose;” said she。 She was in a room the folding…doors of which stood open: I went in when she addressed me。 It was a large; stately apartment; with purple chairs and curtains; a Turkey carpet; walnut…panelled walls; one vast window rich in slanted glass; and a lofty ceiling; nobly moulded。 Mrs。 Fairfax was dusting some vases of fine purple spar; which stood on a sideboard。
“What a beautiful room!” I exclaimed; as I looked round; for I had never before seen any half so imposing。
“Yes; this is the dining…room。 I have just opened the window; to let in a little air and sunshine; for everything gets so damp in apartments that are seldom inhabited; the drawing…room yonder feels like a vault。”
She pointed to a wide arch corresponding to the window; and hung like it with a Tyrian…dyed curtain; now looped up。 Mounting to it by two broad steps; and looking through; I thought I caught a glimpse of a fairy place; so bright to my novice…eyes appeared the view beyond。 Yet it was merely a very pretty drawing…room; and within it a boudoir; both spread with white carpets; on which seemed laid brilliant garlands of flowers; both ceiled with snowy mouldings of white grapes and vine…leaves; beneath which glowed in rich contrast crimson couches and ottomans; while the ornaments on the pale Pariain mantelpiece were of sparkling Bohemian glass; ruby red; and between the windows large mirrors repeated the general blending of snow and fire。
“In what order you keep these rooms; Mrs。 Fairfax!” said I。 “No dust; no canvas coverings: except that the air feels chilly; one would think they were inhabited daily。”
“Why; Miss Eyre; though Mr。 Rochester’s visits here are rare; they are always sudden and unexpected; and as I observed that it put him out to find everything swathed up; and to have a bustle of arrangement on his arrival; I thought it best to keep the rooms in readiness。”
“Is Mr。 Rochester an exacting; fastidious sort of man?”
“Not particularly so; but he has a gentleman’s tastes and habits; and he expects to have things managed in conformity to them。”
“Do you like him? Is he generally liked?”
“Oh; yes; the family have always been respected here。 Almost all the land in this neighbourhood; as far as you can see; has belonged to the Rochesters time out of mind。”
“Well; but; leaving his land out of the question; do you like him? Is he liked for himself?”
“I have no cause to do otherwise than like him; and I believe he is considered a just and liberal landlord by his tenants: but he has never lived much amongst them。”
“But has he no peculiarities? What; in short; is his character?”
“Oh! his character is unimpeachable; I suppose。 He is rather peculiar; perhaps: he has travelled a great deal; and seen a great deal of the world; I should think。 I dare say he is clever; but I never had much conversation with him。”
“In what way is he peculiar?”
“I don’t know—it is not easy to describe—nothing striking; but you feel it when he speaks to you; you cannot be always sure whether he is in jest or earnest; whether he is pleased or the contrary; you don’t thoroughly understand him; in short—at least; I don’t: but it is of no consequence; he is a very good master。”
This was all the account I got from Mrs。 Fairfax of her employer and mine。 There are people who seem to have no notion of sketching a character; or observing and describing salient points; either in persons or things: the good lady evidently belonged to this class; my queries puzzled; but did not draw her out。 Mr。 Rochester was Mr。 Rochester in her eyes; a gentleman; a landed proprietor—nothing more: she inquired and searched no further; and evidently wondered at my wish to gain a more definite notion of his identity。
When we left the dining…room; she proposed to show me over the rest of the house; and I followed her upstairs and downstairs; admiring as I went; for all was well arranged and handsome。 The large front chambers I thought especially grand: and some of the third…storey rooms; though dark and low; were interesting from their air of antiquity。 The furniture once appropriated to the lower apartments had from time to time been removed here; as fashions changed: and the imperfect light entering by their narrow casement showed bedsteads of a hundred years old; chests in oak or walnut; looking; with their strange carvings of palm branches and cherubs’ heads; like types of the Hebrew ark; rows of venerable chairs; high…backed and narrow; stools still more antiquated; on whose cushioned tops were yet apparent traces of half…effaced embroideries; wrought by fingers that for two generations had been coffin…dust。 All these relics gave to the third storey of Thornfield Hall the aspect of a home of the past: a shrine of memory。 I liked the hush; the gloom; the quaintness of these retreats in the day; but I by no means coveted a night’s repose on one of those wide and heavy beds: shut in; some of them; with doors of oak; shaded; others; with wrought old English hangings crusted with thick work; portraying effigies of strange flowers; and stranger birds; and strangest human beings;— all which would have looked strange; indeed; by the pallid gleam of moonlight。
“Do the servants sleep in these rooms?” I asked。
“No; they occupy a range of smaller apartments to the back; no one ever sleeps here: one would almost say that; if there were a ghost at Thornfield Hall; this would be its haunt。”
“So I think: you have no ghost; then?”
“None that I ever heard of;” returned Mrs。 Fairfax; smiling。
“Nor any traditions of one? no legends or ghost stories?”
“I believe not。 And yet it is said the Rochesters have been rather a violent than a quiet race in their time: perhaps; though; that is the reason they rest tranquilly in their graves now。”
“Yes—‘after life’s fitful fever they sleep well;’” I muttered。 “Where are you going no

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