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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第90部分

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hase; secured it to the rear axle; tied Buck's hind feet together; hooked over the tie and took up the slack。
  Dora had e out with me。 〃Just a moment; dear。〃 She stopped to pat Buck's neck; then leaned down and kissed his forehead。 〃All right; Woodrow。 Now。〃
  … I heaved on the line。 For a moment I thought the wagon would move despite the brakes being locked。 Then Buck started to slide; and fell into his grave。 I shook the hook loose; then backfilled fast; closing in twenty minutes a hole it had taken me most of the day to dig。 Dora waited。
  I finished。 〃Up into the wagon; Dorable; that's it。〃
  〃Lazarus; I wish I knew something to say。 Do you?〃
  I thought about it。 I had heard a thousand burial services; most of them I did not like。 So I made up one。 〃Whatever God there be; please take care of this fin? person。 He always did his best。 Amen。〃
  (Omitted) …
  …even those first years weren't too hard; as Happy Valley
  would grow anything; two and three crops a year。 But we should have named it 〃Dragon Valley。〃
  Lopers were bad enough; especially the small lopers that hunted in packs which we found on that side of Rampart Range。 But those damned dragons! They almost drove me out of my skull。 When you've lost the same potato patch four times running; it begins to wear。
  … Lopers I could poison and did。 I could trap them; too; if I changed style every time。 Or I could put out bait at night and sit quietly and get most of a pack; silently; with a needle gun。 I could do lots of things and did; and the mules learned to cope with them; too; sleeping closer together at night and always with one on watch; like… quail or baboon。 Whenever I heard the bellow that meant 〃Loper!〃 I always came awake fast and tried to join the fun…but the mules rarely left me any; they not only could stomp them; but they could outrun them and get some or all of a pack that tried to escape。 We
  …lost three mules and six goats to lopers; but the lopers got the
  …news and started giving us a wide berth。
  But those dragons! Too big to trap and would not take poison; salad was all they were after。 But what one dragon
  …can do to a cornfield in one night shouldn't happen to Sodom and Oomorrah。 Bow…and…arrow was futile against them; and a needle gun just tickled them。 I could kill one with a blaster; full power right through the armor; or minimum power the way I got that first one if I could get my target to open its mouth。 But; unlike lopers; they were too stupid to stay away when they we…re losing。
  The first summer I was able to farm I killed more than a hundred dragons in trying to save my crops 。 。 which was a defeat for me and a victory for the dragons。 Not only was the stench terrible (what can you do with a carcass that big?); but; far worse; I was running out of charges and they didn't seem to be running out of dragons。
  No power。 Buck's River did not have enough head on it where we settled to think about trying to build a water wheel; even if I cannibalized one wagon to build it。 The windmill I had fetched was in fact nothing but gears and other hardware; the mill itself I would have to build; from sails to tower。 But until I had power I had no way to recharge power packs。
  Dora solved it。 We were still living in that first pound; nothing but a high adobe wall just big enough to surround the wagons and to bring the goats inside at night; while we s。lept in the first wagon along with baby Zack and cooked in
  a clay Dutch oven…and between smoke and goats and chickens and the sour smells babies can't help making and … the cesspit that had to be inside the wall…well; the stench of dead
  dragons wasn't too noticeable。… …
  We were finishing supper; Dora dressed in her rubies as always for supper; and were watching the moons and the stars ing out…best time of day; always; except that when I should have been admiring our firstborn at suck and enjoying the sky; ;I was grousing about power and what in hell I could do about those pesky dragons。 …
  I had ticked off several simple ways to produce power… simple if you are on a civilized pla or even at a place like New Pittsburgh with its coal and its infant metals industry… when I happened to use a very old…fashioned term。 Instead of talking about kilowatts or megadynecentimeters per second or such; I had remarked that I would settle for ten horsepower any way I could get it。
  Dora had never seen a horse; but she knew what one was。 She said; 〃Beloved; wouldn't ten mules do instead?〃
  (Omitted)… …
  We had been in our valley seven years when the first wagon showed up。 Young Zack was nearly seven and beginning …'to be some help to me…or thought he was and I encouraged him to try。 Andy was five; and Helen not yet four。 We had lost Persephone; and Dora was pregnant again; and that was why
  …Dora had insisted on starting another baby at once; not wait one day; one hour…and she was right。 Once ?e knew she had caught; our morale picked up overnight。 We missed Persephone; she had … been a darling baby。 But we stopped grieving and looked forward instead。 I hoped for another girl but was willing to settle for any baby…no way to control the sex of a child; then and there。 …
  All in all; we were in fine shape; with a prosperous farm; a healthy; happy family; plenty of livestock; a much larger pound with a house built right into it against the back wall; a windmill that drove a saw; or ground grain; or supplied power for my blaster。 …
  When 1 spotted that …wagon; my first thought was that it was going to be nice~ to have neighbors。 But my second thought was that I was going to be proud; very proud; to show off my…fine family and our farm to these newers。 …
  Dora climbed up to the roof and watched the wagon with me; it was still over fifteen kilometers away; could not arrive before evening。 I put my arm around her。 〃Excited; hon?〃
  〃Yes。 Though I've never been lonely; you haven't let me be。 How many do you think I should expect for supper?'
  〃Hmm…~ Only one wagon。 One family。 My best guess is a couple; with none; one; or two children。 More than that would surprise me。〃
  〃Me; too; darling; but there'll be plenty to eat。〃
  〃And put some clothes on our kids before thej get here… wouldn't want 'em to guess we're raising savages; would we?〃
  She answered; deadpan; 〃Shall I wear clothes; too?〃
  〃What swank! That's up to you; Rangy Lu…but who was it said just last month that she had never worn her party dress?〃
  〃Will you be wearing a kilt; Lazarus?〃
  〃I might。 I might even take a bath。 I'll need one because I'm going to spend the rest of the day cleaning the goat pound and a lot of other things…make this place look as neat as possible。 But forget the name 'Lazarus;' dear; I'm Bill Smith again。〃
  〃I'll remember…Bill。 I'll bathe before they get here; too… because I'm going to have a hot and busy time; cooking; cleaning house; bathing our children; and trying to teach them how to be introduced to strangers。 They've never seen anyone else; dear; I'm not sure they believe there is anyone else。〃
  〃They'll behave。〃 I was sure they would。 Dora and I …had the same ideas about raising kids。 Praise them; never scream at them; punish as necessary and right now…never a moment's delay…then it's over with and forget it。 Be as lavish with affection after a spanking as any othec time…or a bit extra。 Spanking they had to have (Dora usually used a switch) because; without exception over the centuries; my kids have been hell…raisers who would take advantage of the sweetnessand…light routine。 Some of my wives had trouble believing what little monsters I spawn…but Dora was right with me on this wild…animal act from scratch。 In consequence she raised the most civilized brood I've ever fathered。
  When that wagon was maybe a kilometer away; I rode out to meet them…then was surprised and disappointed。 A family; yes; if you count a man and two grown sons as a family。 No women; no

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