三色电子书 > 文学其他电子书 > time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版) >


time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第87部分

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  The dogs finished drinking。 I looked at Fritz and wished that he could talk as well as a mule。 Did I have anything tc write on? No; not a durn thing! If I told him to fetch Dora Fritz would try…but would she e? I had told her flatly to stay in the kraal till I got back。 Minerva; I wasn't thinkint straight; the heat and no water had got to me。 I should havt given Dora contingency instructions 。 。 because if I stayed away too long and it… started to get dark; she was going te e looking for me no matter what。
  Hell; I hadn't even fetched a bucket!
  In the meantime I at least had sense enough to scoop up and drink a couple of handfuls of water; Gideon style。 That seemed to… clear my head some。
  I dropped the straps of my overalls; got my shirt off; soaked it in water; and gave it to Fritz。 〃Find Dora! Fetch Dora! Fast!〃 I think he thought I had gone nuts; but he left; carrying that wet shirt。
  Then the first mule showed up…old Buck; praise Allah!… and I ruined a hat。
  That hat Zack had fetched as a present for me。 It was alleged to be an all…weather hat; so porous it would let air in; yet so water…repelleOt that it would keep your head dry …in a pouring rain。 The former allegation was only moderately true; the latter I had not had a chance to test。
  Buck snorted and was all for going into the water up to his knees; I stopped him。 Then I offered him a hatful。 of Water。 Then a second。 And a third。
  〃Enough for now; Buck。 Assembly。 Water call。〃
  With his throat wet Buck could do it。 He let out a trumpeting bellow that was mule talk; not English; and I won't attempt to reproduce it; but it meant 〃Line up for water
  and nothing else。 〃Fall in to be harnessed〃 was another sort
  …of bellow。
  Then I was trying to cope with a dozen…odd thirst…crazed mules。 But between me; Buck; Beulah who was Buck's straw boss; Lady Macbeth who was used to helping Buck too…and a hat that wasn't quite all that waterproof…we made it。 I never did learn how seniority was established among mules; but the mules knew and Buck enforced it and water call ale order; and heaven help the youngster who tried crowd in out of turn; the least he could exp;ect was a nipped ear。
  By the tim?the last had been given a hatful of water my hat was a mess…but here came Dora with Fritz; her needle gun in her right fist; and; glory be!…two buckets in her left hand。 〃Water call!〃 I told my top sergeant。 〃Line 'em up again; Buck!〃
  With two buckets and two of us working we got a full
  … bucket into each mule pretty rapidly。 Then I got my shirt
  … back from Fritz; scrubbed out the buckets a bit; filled them;
  and announced a third water call; telling Buck to let them
  drink from the pond。
  He did so; but he still maintained discipline。 As Dora and I left; each with a bucket of water in one hand and a drawn gun in the other; Buck  to drink one at a time; by seniority。
  It was nearly sundown when Dora and I and the dogs got back to the wagons; almost full dark as we finished watering goats and sow and cats and chickens。 Then we celebrated。 Minerva; I swear solemnly: On the half bucket of water we saved for ourselves Dora and I got stinkin' drunk。
  Despite earlier resolutions not to stop short of the pass; we bivouacked there three days…but very useful days。 The mules grazed steadily and filled out; plenty of water; plenty of forage。 I shot a prairie goat at the water hole; what we couldn't eat; Dora sliced and dried as jerky。 I filled all the barrels…not as easy as it sounds as Buck and I had to work out a route to the water hole; then I had to chop some; then I had to …take the wagons in one at a time; it took me a day and a half。
  But we had cooked fresh meat and all we could eat…and hot baths! With soap。 With shampoos。 With a shave for me。 I carried Dora's big iron kettle to the pool; she fetched a bucket;
  I built ~ fire…then we took turns getting the stink?off; one guarding while the other washed。
  When we rollec} toward the pass the morning of the fourth day; we were not only in fine shape; but Dora and I smelled good and kept telling each other so; in high spirits。
  We were never again short of water。 There was snow somewhere above us; you could feel it in the breeze and sometimes catch … a distant glimpse of white in a saddle between peaks。 The higher we got; the oftener we encountered rivulets; water that never reached … the prairie in so dry a year。 The forage was green and good。
  We stopped in a little alp close to the pass。 There I lCft Dora with the wagons and the mules and with flat…footed instructions about what to do in case I did not e back。 〃I expect to be back by dark。 If I am not; you can wait a week。 No longer。 Understand me?〃
  〃I understand you。〃…
  〃All right。 At the end of a week; lighten the first wagon by chucking out anything you can do …without on trek。 Put all food into that wagon; empty the barrels in the second wagon and put them in the first wagon; turn the sow and the chickens loose; and head back。 Fill all your barrels 。at that trickle we crossed earlier today。 After that; don't stop for anything; roll all day from dawn till dark。 You should reach Separation in half the time it took to get us up here。 Okay?〃 …
  〃No; sir。〃
  Minerva; a few centuries earlier I would have started to boil up at that point。 But I had learned。 It took me about a tenth of …a second to realize that I could not …make her do anything…if I were … gone…and that a promise made under duress won't hold。 〃All right; Dora; tell me why not and what you intend to do instead~ If I don't like it; perhaps we both will start back for Separation。〃
  〃Woodrow; while you did not say so; you are asking me to do what I should' do…and 。1 would do!…if I were a widow。〃
  I nodded。 〃Yes; that's right。 Dearest; if I'm not back in a week; you're a widow。 No possible doubt。〃
  〃I understand that。 I also understand why you are leaving the wagons here; you can't be sure that you can turn them around higher up。〃
  〃Yes。 That's probably what happened to earlier parties… reached a place where they couldn't go forward and couldn't turn around 。 …。 then tried one or the other and went over。〃
  〃Yes。 But; my husband; you mean to be gone only one day…half a day out; half a day back。 Woodrow; I won't assume that' you are dead…I can't!〃 She looked at me steadily and her eyes filled with tears; but she did not cry。 〃I must see your dear body; I must be certain。 If I am certain; I will go back to Separation as fast and as safely as possible。 And then to~ the Magees as you have told me;' …and have your child and
  …bring him up to be as much like his father as possible。 But I must know。〃 … …
  〃Dora; Dora! In one week you will know。 No need to look for my bones。〃
  〃May 1 finish; sir? If you aren't back tonight; I'm on my own。 At dawn tomorrow I start out on Betty; with another saddle mule following。 At noon I turn back。
  〃Perhaps; if I can't find you; I'll find a spot higher up where I can take one wagon and turn it around。 If I find such a spot; I'll move one wagon up and use it as a base and look farther。 I could have missed your track。 Or I might have followed mule tracks…but you aren't on the mule。 Whatever
  …it is; I'll search and search again。 Until there's no hope at all! Then 。 。 I will go to Separation as fast ~as mules can get me there。 …
  〃But; my darling; if you are alive…maybe with a broken leg but alive…if you still have a knife or even your bare hands; I don't believe that a loper or anything 〃can kill you。 If you are alive; I'll find you。 I will!〃
  So I backed down and checked watches with her and agreed on what time I would turn back。 Then Buck and I; with me up on Beulah; set out to scout ahead。
  Minerva; at least four parties had tried that pass; none had e back。 I'm certain enough that they each failed from being too eager; not patient enough; unwilling to turn back when the risk was too great

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