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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第70部分

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 to hear? When you move yourself over into your clone body and leave nothing behind but a puter; you won't suddenly be an adult。 Instead; you'll be a weird sort of baby in an adult body; with the world a buzzing confusion around you and totally strange。 You may find it frightening。 I'll be there; I promise I will be there and holding your hand。 But you won't know me; your new eyes won't abstract a gestalt of me until you learn to use them。 You won't understand a word I say…did you realize that?〃
  〃I do realize it; Lazarus。 I did know it; I have given it much thought。 Getting into my new body…without destroying the puter that I am now; which I must not; as Ira will need it and so will Ishtar…making that transition is the most critical phase。 But if I make it; I promise you that I will not be frightened by the strangeness。 Because I know that I will?have loving friends around me; cherishing me; keeping me alive; not letting me hurt myself nor be hurt…while I'm learning to be a flesh…and…blood。〃
  〃That you will have; dear。〃
  〃I know and I am not worried。 So don't you worry; beloved Lazarus…don't think of it now。 Why did you say; earlier; 'that mythical time machine'?〃
  〃Eh? How would you describe it?〃
  〃I would describe it as an 'unrealized potential。' But 'mythical' implies impossibility。〃
  〃Eh? Keep talking!〃
  〃Lazarus; I learned from Dora; when she taught me the mathematics of n…space astrogation; that every jump transition involves a decision as to when to reenter the time axis。〃
  〃Yes; certainly。 Since you are cut off from the framework of the speed…of…light you could go as many years astray as there are light…years involved in the jump。 But that's not a time machine。〃
  〃It isn't?〃
  〃Hmm… It's a disturbing thought…it feels like intentionally making a bad landing。 I wish Andy Libby were here。 Minerva; why didn't you mention this before?〃
  〃Should I have put it into your Zwicky Box? You turned down time travel forward 。 。 and I ruled out time travel into the past because you said you wanted something new。〃
  Excerpts from the Notebooks of Lazarus Long
  Always;store beer in a dark place。
  By the data to date; there is only one animal in the Galaxy dangerous to man…man himself。 So he must supply his own indispensable petition。 He has no enemy to help him。
  Men are more sentimental than women。 It blurs their thinking。
  Certainly the game is rigged。 Don't let that stop you; if you don't bet; you can't win。
  Any priest or shaman must be presumed guilty until proved innocent。
  Always listen to experts。 They'll tell you what can't be done; snd why。 Then do it。
  Get a shot off fast。 This upsets him long enough to let you make your second shot perfect。
  There is no conclusive evidence of life after death。 But here is no evidence of any sort against it。 Soon …enough you will know。 So why fret about it?
  If it can't be expressed in figures; it is not science; it is opinion。
  It has long been known that one horse can run fister than another…but which one? Differences are crucial。
  A fake fortueller can be tolerated。 But an authentic soothsayer should be shot on sight。 Cassandra did not get half the kicking around she deserved。
  Delusions are often functional。 A mother's opinions about her children's beauty; intelligence; goodness; et cetera ad nauseam; keep her from drowning them at birth。
  Most 〃scientists〃 are bottle washers and button sorters。
  A 〃pacifist male〃 is a contradiction in terms。 Most selfdescribed 〃pacifists〃 are not pacific; they simply assume false colors。 When the wind changes; they hoist the Jolly Roger。
  Nursing does not diminish the beauty of a woman's breasts; it enhances their charm by making them look lived in and happy。
  A generation which ignores history has no past…and no future。
  A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits。
  What a wonderful world it is that has girls in it!
  Small change can often be found under seat cushions。
  History doss not record anywhere at any time a religion that has any rational basis。 Religion is a crutch for people not strong enough to stand up to the unknown without help。 But; like dandruff; most people do have a religion and spend time and money on it and seem to derive considerable pleasure from fiddling with it。
  It's amazing how much 〃mature wisdom〃 resembles beingtoo tired。
  If you don't like yourself; you can't like other people。
  Your enemy is never a villain in his own eyes。 Keep this in mind; it may offer a way to make him your friend。 If not; you can kill him without hate…and quickly。
  A motion to adjourn is always in order。
  No state has an inherent right to survive through conscript troops and; in the long run; no state ever; has。 Roman matrons used to say to their sons: 〃e back with your shield; or on it。〃 Later on; this custom declined。 So did Rome。
  Of all the strange 〃crimes〃 that human beings have legislated… out of nothing; 〃blasphemy〃 is the most amazing…with 〃obscenity〃 and 〃indecent exposure〃 fighting it out for second and third place。
  Cheops' Law: Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget。
  It is better to copulate than never。
  All societies are based on rules to protect pregnant women and young children。 All else is surplusage; excrescence; adornment; luxury; or folly which can…and must…be dumped in emergency to preserve this prime function。 As racial survival is the only universal morality; no other basic is possible。 Attempts to formulate a perfect society on any foundation other than 〃Women and children first!〃 is not only witless; it is automatically genocidal。 Nevertheless; starry…eyed idealists (all of them male) have tried endlessly…and no doubt will keep on trying。
  All men are created unequal。
  Money is a powerful aphrodisiac。 But flowers work almost as well。
  A brute kills for pleasure。 A fool kills from hate。
  There is only one way to console a widow。 But remember the risk。
  When the need arises…and it does…you must be able to shoot your own dog。 Don't farm it out…that doesn't make it nicer; it makes it worse。
  Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life; take big bites。 Moderation is for monks。
  It may be better to be a live jackal than a dead lion; but it is better still to be a live lion。 And usually easier。
  One man's theology is atiother man's belly laugh。
  Sex should be friendly。 Otherwise stick to mechanical toys; it's more sanitary。
  Men rarely (if ever) manage to dream up a god superior to themselves。 Most gods have the manners and morals of a spoiled child。
  Never appeal to a man's 〃better nature。〃 He may not have one。 Invoking his self…interest gives you more leverage。
  Little girls; like butterflies; need no excuse。
  You can have peace。 Or you can have freedom。 Don't ever count on having both at once。
  Avoid making irrevocable decisions while tired or hungry。 N。B。: Circumstances can force your hand。 So think ahead!
  Place your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark。
  An elephant: A mouse built to government specifications。
  Throughout history; poverty is the normal condition of man。 A

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