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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第65部分

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each the gun she kept at the cashbox; she couldn't fight and was bright enough not to try against those odds。 I suppose this dude didn't know that Joe had simply stepped out of sight。
  〃Just as this free…lance socialist was gathering up their day's receipts; Joe lets him have it; with a cleaver。 Curtain。 The only notable thing about it was that Joe acted so quickly and correctly in the crunch; for I feel sure that the only fighting that he bad ever tried was that which I forced on him in the 'Libby。' Joe did everything else properly; too…finished taking the head off; threw the body into the street for his friends to take away if he had any; for the scavengers to remove if not… then displayed the head in front of the shop on a spike meant for such purpose。 Then he closed his shutters and cleaned up the mess…then may have taken time to throw up; Joe was a gentle soul。 But it's seven to two that Llita did not throw up。
  〃The city's mittee for public safety voted Joe the usual reward; and the Street mittee passed the hat and added to it; a cleaver against a gun rated special notice。 Good advertising for Estelle's Kitchen but not important otherwise; save that the kids could use that money helped pay the mortgage; no doubt; and wound up in my pocket。 But I wouldn't have heard of this minor dustup had I not been in New Canaveral and happened to stop by Estelle's Kitchen when the real head was removed…flies; you know…and the plastic trophy head custom required … Joe to display was substituted for it by the Street mittee。 But I was speaking of privacy。
  〃When I picked the property for Maison Long; I made sure that it included space for a growing family; that's all; since they had three bucking and one in the chute the night we planned it。 Rearranging hours gave them privacy from each other; too。 Happy as it is to snuggle and make love; nevertheless; when you are really tired; it is often good to have the bed to yourself…and the new routine not only allowed this but necessitated it; part of each day; through staggering their working hours。
  〃But I also planned room to give them privacy from their children…and to cope with another problem Llita did not have straight and Joe may not have thought about。 Minerva; can you define 'incest'?〃
  The puter replied; 〃 'Incest' is a legal term; not a biological one。 It designates sexual union between persons forbidden by law to marry。 The act itself is forbidden; whether such union results in progeny is irrelevant。 The prohibitions vary widely among cultures and are usually; but not always; based on degrees of consanguinity。〃
  〃Y're durn tootin' it's 'not always。' There are cultures which permit first cousins to marry…geically risky…but forbid a man to marry his brother's widow; which involves no more risk than it did for the first union。 When I was a youngster; you could find one rule in one state; then cross an invisible line and find exactly opposite laws fifty feet away。 Or some times and places both unions might be mandatory。 Or forbidden。 Endless rules; endless definitions for incest; and rarely any logic to them。 Minerva; so far as I recall; the Howard Families are the first group in history to reject the legalistic approach and to define 'incest' solely in terms of geic hazard。〃
  〃That accords with the records in me;〃 Minerva agreed。 〃A Howard geicist might advise against a union between two persons with no known mon ancestry but place no objection to marriage of siblings。 In each case analysis of geic charts would control。〃
  〃Yeah; sure。 Now let's drop geics and talk about taboo。 The incest taboo; although it can be anything; most monly means sisters and brothers; parents and offspring。 Llita and Joe were a unique case; brother and sister by cultural rules; totally unrelated by geic ?ules…or at least no more so than two strangers。
  〃Now es a second…generation problem。 Since Landfall had this taboo against union between siblings; I had impressed on Llita and Joe that they must never let anyone know that they thought of each other as 'brother' and 'sister。'
  〃Fine so far as it went。 They did as I told them; and there was never a lifted eyebrow。 Now es the night we planned Maison Long…and my godson is thirteen and interested; and his sister is eleven and beginning to be interesting。 Full siblings both geically hazardous and contrary to taboo。 Anyone who has raised puppies…or a number of children…knows that a boy can get as horny over his sister as over the girl down the street; and his sister is often more accessible。
  〃And little Libby was a redheaded pixie so endearingly sexy at eleven that even I could feel it。 Soon she was going to have every buck in the pasture pawing the ground and snorting。
  〃If a man pushes a rock; can he ignore an avalanche that follows? Fourteen years earlier I had manumitted two slaves because a chastity girdle on one of them offended my concept of human dignity。 Must I find some way to put a chastity girdle on that slave's daughter? Around we go in circles! What was my responsibility; Minerva? 1 pushed the first rock。〃
  〃Lazarus; I am a machine。〃
  〃Humph! Meaning that human concepts of moral responsibility are not machine concepts。 Dear; I wish you were a human girl with a spankable bottom long enough for me to spank it…I would! In your memories is far more experience on which to judge than any flesh…and…blood can have。 Quit dodging。〃
  '~Lazarus; no human can accept unlimited responsibility lest he go mad from unbearable load of unlimited guilt。 You could have advised Libby's parents。 But your responsibility did not extend even to that。〃
  〃Um。 You're right; dear…it's dismal how regularly you are right。 But I am an incurable buttinsky。 Fourteen years earlier I had turned my back on two puppies; so to speak…and that the oute was not tragic was good luck; not good planning。 Now here we go again; and the oute could be tragic。 I felt no 'morals' about it; dear…just thumb rules for not hurting people unintentionally。 I didn't give a hoot if these children 'played doctor' or 'make a baby' or whatever the kids there called their experimenting; I simply did not want my godson giving little Libby a defective child。
  〃So I did butt in and took it up with their parents。 Let me add that Llita and Joe knew as much about geics as a pig knows about politics。 Aboard the 'Libby' I had kept my worries to myself; and never discussed the matter with them later。 Despite their remarkable success in peting as free human beings; in most subjects Llita and Joe were ignorant。 How could it be otherwise? I had taught them their Three R's and a few practical matters。 Since arrival on Landfall they had been running under the whip; they hadn't had time to fill in gaps in their education
  〃Perhaps worse yet; being immigrants; they had not grown up exposed to the local incest taboo。 They were aware of it because I had warned them…but it wasn't canalized from childhood。 Blessed had somewhat differenct incest taboos…but the taboos there did not apply to domestic animals。 Slaves。 Slaves bred as they were told to; or as they could get away with…and my two kids had been told by highest authority… their mother and their priest…that they were a 'breeding pair' 。 。 so it could not be wrong; or taboo; or sinful。
  〃It was simply something to keep quiet about on Landfall because Landfellows were tetched in the head on this subject。
  〃So I should have thought of it earlier。 Yeah; sure; sure! Minerva; I plead other obligations。 I could not spend those years playing guardian angel to Llita and Joe。 I had a wife and kids of my own; employees; a couple of thousand hectares of farmland and twice that much in virgin pinkwood… and I lived a long way off; even by high…orbit jumpbuggy。 Ishtar and Hamadryad; and; to some extent; Galahad; all seem to think I am some sort of superman simply beca?se I've lived a long time。 I'm not; I have the limitations of any flesh…and…blood; and for years I was as busy with my problems as Llita and Joe were with theirs。 Skyhaven didn't e to me gift…wrapped。
  〃It wasn't until we put aside

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