三色电子书 > 文学其他电子书 > time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版) >


time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第43部分

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  〃Ish;〃 Galahad put in; 〃you go tinkering with his memory and you might lose everything Ira is after。〃
  〃And I might save our client; too。 You stick to backrubbing; dear; and leave delicate work to Minerva and me。 Anything more; Minerva?〃…
  〃No。 Yes。 Ira is telling me to find Hamadryad; he wants to talk to her。 Will she take the call?〃
  〃Sure!〃 agreed Hamadryad; rolling over。 〃But patch him in through you; Minerva; I won't go to the phone; I don't have my face on。〃
  〃Yes; Ira?〃
  〃Message for you。 Be nice to an old man and show up at the cottage as usual; will you? Better yet; get there early and have breakfast with him。〃
  〃Are you sure he wants to see me?〃
  〃He does。 He shouldn't; after the way you embarrassed him。 What possessed you; Ham? But this message is his idea; not mine。 He wants to be sure he hasn't scared you off。〃
  She sighed with relief。 〃I'm not scared off if he will let me stay。 Father; I told you I would devote as many days to this as he will permit。 I meant it and still mean it。 In fact I've told my manager that she can buy me out on long…term credit; that's how serious I am。〃
  〃So? I'm very pleased。 If you do; and want to cash out; I…the government; that is…will pick up the loan from you without discounting it; I've assigned unlimited credit to anything relating to the Senior。 Just tell Minerva。〃
  〃Thank you; sir。 I don't expect to need it…unless Gramp gets tired of me and I see something else I want to invest in。 But the business is prosperous; I may just let Priscilla support me in style for a few years。 Quite prosperous…betcha my assets exceed yours。 Your private fortune; I mean。〃
  〃Don't be silly; my silly daughter; as a private citizen I'm almost a pauper…whereas in my official capacity …I could confiscate your assets with just a word to Minerva and no one would question it。〃
  〃Except that you never would…you're sweet; Ir?。〃
  〃You are 。 。 even if you can't remember the names of my children。 I'm feeling very gay; Papa; you've made me happy。〃
  〃You haven't called me 'Papa' for; oh; fifty or sixty years。〃
  〃Because you never encourage intimacy once a child is grown。 Nor do I from mine。 But this assignment has made me feel closer to you。 I'll shut up; sir; and I'll be there early tomorrow。 Off?〃
  〃One moment。 I forgot to ask where you are。 If you're home…〃
  〃I'm not; I'm having a bath with Galahad and Ishtar。 About to; that is; you interrupted a wonderful back rub they were giving me。〃
  〃Sorry。 As you are still in the Palace; I suggest that you stay。 To be here early tomorrow。 Beg a bed from them or; if that is intruding; e to my apartments; we'll find something。〃
  〃Don't fret about me; Ira。 If I can't shame them into keeping me overnight; Minerva will find me a bed。 Truly; Lazarus' bed is the only one I've ever found impossible to get into… maybe I need to apply for rejuve。〃
  The Chairman Pro Tern was slow in answering。 〃Hamadryad 。 。 you were serious in proposing to have children by him…were you not?〃
  〃Privacy; sir。〃
  〃Sorry。 Hmm… The custom of privacy does not forbid me to say that I think it is a very good idea。 If you tell me to; I will encourage it in any way I can。〃
  Ham adryad looked at Ishtar and spread her hands in a gesture of 〃What do I do now?〃…then answered: 〃His refusal seemed very firm; sir。〃
  〃Let me offer you a male viewpoint; my daughter。 A man often refuses such a proposal when he wants to accept it…a man likes to be sure of a woman's motives and sincerity。 At a later time he may accept。 I don't mean that you should nag him with it; that would not work。 But if you want this bide your time。 You're a charming woman; I have confidence in you。〃
  〃Yes; sir。 If he does give me a child; we would all be richer thereby…would we not?〃
  〃Yes; certainly。 But my motives are somewhat different。 If he dies or leaves us; there is always the sperm bank and the tissue bank…neither of which he can touch because I'll cheat if necessary。 But I don't want him to die; Hamadryad; nor do I want him to leave soon…and I am not speaking from sentiment。 The Senior is unique; I've gone to much trouble not to waste him。 Your presence pleases him; your offer stimulates him 。 。 even though you feel he reacted badly。 You're helping to keep him alive…and if he eventually lets you have his child; you may succeed in keeping him alive a long time。 Indefinitely long。〃 … …
  Hamadryad wiggled with pleasure and smiled at Ishtar。 〃Father; you make me feel proud。〃
  〃You have always been a daughter to be proud of; dear。 Although I can't claim all the credit; your mother is a most exceptional woman。 Off now?〃
  〃Off; with music playing。 Good night; sir!〃
  Without getting up; Hamadryad grabbed both her friends around their waists and hugged them tightly。 〃Oh; I feel good!〃
  〃So get down off this table; narrow broad; it's my turn。〃
  〃You don't need a massage;〃 Ishtar said firmly; 〃you've been under no emotional strain and the hardest work you've done all day is to beat me two games of murder ball。〃
  〃But I'm the spiritual type。 Sensitive。〃
  〃So you are; dear Galahad; and now you can most spiritually help her down and help me bathe her…still most spiritually。〃
  Galahad plied while plaining 〃You two ought to bathe me; instead。 Pretend I'm a blind music maker。〃 He closed his eyes and sang:
  〃'There's a cop around the corner
  who is sometimes not so friendly
  To a man who isn't holding
  Or otherwise unlucky…
  〃That's me…'unlucky'…or I wouldn't have to work with two women in the house。 What cycle; Ish?〃
  〃'Relaxing' of course。 Hamadear; since you let us hear that call; I assume that I can talk about it。 I agree with Ira。 You have Lazarus sexually stimulated whether he knows it or not; and if you can keep him that way; he won't be depressed。〃
  〃Is he truly that nearly recovered; Ishtar?〃 Hamadryad asked while raising her arms and letting them work on her。 〃He looks better。 But I can't tell…his manner doesn't change。〃?
  〃Oh; definitely。 He started masturbating a month ago。 Shampoo; 'dear?〃
  〃He did? Really? Oh; that's wonderful! Do I need one? Yes; I do…thanks。〃
  〃 'So it's well to
  Have a sister
  Or even an old uncle…
  〃Close your eyes; Hambone baby; shampoo mix ing。 A client has no privacy with Ishtar。 But she didn't tell me; I had to infer it from his graphs。 Ish; why do I always wind up washing Ham's back?〃
  〃Because you tickle; sweetheart。 There was no need for you to know。 But a client certainly has no privacy with Minerva to help…and that's as it should be; we need better puter service at the Clinic; I now see。 Although he does have privacy in its true sense; as all nf this is covered by the Oath。 Even though you are not regular staff; Ham; I'm sure you realize that。〃
  〃Oh; certainly! Not quite so hard; Galahad。 Red…hot pincers could not make me talk other than to you …tWo。 Not even to Ira。 Ishtar; do you think I could learn to be a real rejuvenator?〃
  〃If you feel a vocation for it and want to study that hard。 Let it rinse now; Galahad。 You have the empathy; rm sure。 What's your index?〃
  〃'They're your friends; boy。
  Don't neglect them
  Birthdays and Yom Kippur…
  〃Uh 。 。 'Genius…minus;〃 Harnadryad admitted。
  〃Takes genius;〃 Galahad said helpfully; 〃as well as a pulsive need to work; she's a slave driver; Hammy baby。〃
  〃'Also Christmas
  And Chanukah
  A card or even candy。'〃
  〃You're off key; dear。 You're 'Genius…plus;' Ham; slightly higher than Galahad's index。 I looked it up just in case… and you did ask。 I'm very pleased。〃
  〃'Off key'? Now you've gone too far。〃
  〃You have other virtues; my true knight; you need not be a troubadour。 Hamadear; if you search your heart and really want i

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