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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第17部分

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hat I've hi much time for that lately。)
  She glided forward and waited; smiling。 She was dressed a something…women's styles don't stay the same long enou~ for me to keep track; and this was a period when every worm in New Rome seemed to be trying to dress differently froevery other woman。 Whatever it was; it was an iridescent bh that set off her eyes and fitted her closely where it covered hi at all; the effect was pleasing。
  〃Ira; this is Ishtar…did I get your name right that tim dear?〃
  〃Yes; Senior。〃
  〃And that young man over there is; believe it or nc 'Galahad。' Know any legends of Earth; Ira? If he knew i idiomatic meaning; he would change it…the perfect knig~ who never got any。 But I've been trying to remember wi Ishtar's face is so familiar。 Dear; was I ever married to yot Ask her for me; Ira; she may not have understood。〃
  〃No; Senior。 Not never。 Is certain。〃
  〃She understood you;〃 I said。
  〃Well; it could have been her grandmother…a lively wend Ira。 Tried to kill me; so I left her。〃
  The Chief Master Technician spoke briefly in Galacta。 said; 〃Lazarus; she says that; while she has never had the houc of being married to you; contractually or informally; she quite willing if you are。〃
  〃Well! A saucy one…it must have been her grandmothe:
  Eight; nine hundred years back; more or less…I lose track C half centuries…and on this pla。 Ask her if; uh; Ant Barstow is her~grandmother?'
  The technician looked very pleased and broke into rapi Galacta。 I listened and said;?〃She says that And Barstow is he great…great…great…grandmother and she is joyed to hear yoi acknowledge the connection as that is the lineage by which sh is descended from you 。 and that she would be supremel~
  honored; both for herself and on behalf of her siblings and cousins; if you would converge the lineage again; with or without contract。 After your rejuvenation is pleted; she adds…she is nOt trying to rush you。 How about it; Lazarus? If she has used up her reproduction quoti; I would be happy to grant her an exception so that she would not have to
  migrate。〃' …
  〃The hell she ain't trying to rush me。 And so are you。 But she put it politely; so let's give it a polite answer。 Tell her that I'm honored and her name goes into the hat…but don't tell her I'm shipping out on Thursday。 'Don't call us; we'll call you' in other words…but make her happy about it; she's a nice kid。〃
  I revised the message diplomatically; Ishtar beamed; curtsied; and backed away。 Lazarus said; 〃Drag up a rock; Son; and sit a while。〃 He lowered his voice … and added; 〃Between ourselves; Ira; I'm pretty sure Ariel slipped otie in on me。 But with another of my descendants; so this kid is descended from me anyhow; though maybe not as directly。 Not that it matters。What are you doing up so early? I said you could;have two hours after breakfast to yourself。〃
  〃I'm an early riser; Lazarus。 Is it true that you have decided on the full course? She seems to think so。〃
  Lazarus looked pained。 〃It's probably the simplest answer
  …but how do I know Fil get my own balls back?〃
  〃Gonads from your clone are your own; Lazarus; that's basic to the theory。〃
  〃Well 。 。 we'll see。 Early rising is a vice; Ira; it'll stunt your growth and shorten your days。 Speaking of such…〃 Lazarus glanced up at the walL 〃Thanks; for having that switch reinstalled。 I don't feel tempted by it this fine morning; but a man does like to have a choice。 Galahad; coffee for the Chairman and fetch me that plastic envelope。〃 Grandfather Lazarus supplemented his order with gestures; but I think the tech understood his words。 Or was somewhat telepathic; rejuvenators are quite empathic…need to be。 The man moved at once to … ply。
  He handed Lazarus an impervolope and poured coffee for me…which I did not want but will drink anything protocol requires。 Lazarus …Went on; 〃Here's my new will; Ira。 Read it and file it somewhere and tell your puter。 I've already approved the way she worded it and read it back into her 'and told her to place it in her permanents with a 'bind' on it…it
  'ud take a Philadelphia lawyer to diddle you out of your in~ heritance now…though no doubt one could。〃
  He waved the male tech aside。 〃No more coffee; lad… thanks。 Go sit down。 You go sit; too; dear。 Ishtar。 Ira; whal are these young people? Nurses? Orderlies? Servants? Oi what? They hover over me like a hen with one chick。 I'vt never cared for more service than I need。 Just sociability Human pany。〃 …
  I could not answer without inquiring。 Not only is it Un necessary for me to know how the Rejuvenation Clinic a organized; but also it is private enterprise; not under thi Trustees…and my intervention in the case of the Senior wa much resented by its Director。 So I interfered as little as pos sible…as long as my orders were carried out。
  I spoke to the female tech; in Galacta: 〃What is your profes sional designation; ma'am? The Senior wants to know。 He say~ that you have been behaving like a servant。〃
  She answered quietly; 〃It is our pleasure to serve him in an~ way we can; sir〃…then hesitated and went on: 〃I am Admin istrator Master Chief' Rejuvenation Technician Ishtar Hardy Deputy Director for Rejuvenation Procedures; and my assistanl watch officer is AssociateTechnician Galahad Jones。〃
  Having been rejuvenated twice and used to the idea all m~ life; it does not surprise me when cosmetic age does not matci calendar age。 But I admit to surprise at learning that this youn~ woman was not just a technician but boss of her department… probably number three in tjie entire Clinic。 Or possibly num ber ?wo while the Director was away sulking in her tent… damn her duty…struck stiff neck。 Or even Director Pro Ten with her deputy; or some department head; bucked into 〃mind ing the store。〃 〃So?〃 I answered。 〃May I ask your calenda age; Madam Administrator?〃
  〃Mr。 Chairman Pro Tern may ask anything。 I am only ont hundred forty…seven years old…but I am qualified; this ha~ been my only career since first maturity。〃
  〃I did not imply doubt of your qualifications; madam; bul I am astonished to see you standing a watch rather than sittin~ at a desk。 Although I confess I don't know how the Clinic i5 organized。〃
  She smiled slightly。 〃Sir; I could express a similar feeling at your own personal interest in this case 。 。 were it not that I think I understand it。 I am here because I choose not to delega~e the responsibility; he is the Senior。 I have screened all watch officers assigned to him…the best we have to offer。〃
  I shoi~ld have known it。 〃We understand each other。〃 I added; 〃I am pleased。 But may I make a suggestion? Our Senior is independent by temperament and highly individualistic。 He wants a minimum of personal service…only that which he must have。〃
  〃Have we beeii annoying him; sir? Too solicitous? I can watch and listen from outside the door and still be here instantly if he wants something。〃 …
  … 〃Possibly too solicitous。 But stay in sight。 He does want human panionship。〃
  〃What's all this yack…yack?〃 demanded Lazarus。
  〃I had to ask questions; Grandfather; as I don't know the organization of the Clinic。 Jshtar is not a servant; she is a rejuvenator and a highly skilled one…and so is her assistant。 But they are happy to supply any service you want。〃
  〃I don't need flunkies; I'm feeling pretty good today。 If I want anything; I'll shout; they don't need to hang over me; hand and foot。〃 Then he grinned。 〃But she's a cute little trick; in the large; economy size; it's a pleasure to have her around。 Moves like a cat…no bones; Just flows。 She does indeed remind me of Arid…did I tell you why Arid tried to kill me?〃
  〃No。 I would like to hear if you want to tell me。〃
  〃Mmm… Ask me when Ishtar isn't around…I think she knows more English than she lets on。 But I…did promise to talk if you showed up to listen。 What would you like to hear?〃
  〃Anything; Lazarus。 Scheherazade picked her own subje

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