三色电子书 > 文学其他电子书 > time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版) >


time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第152部分

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  〃I think he was asleep until I opened the door。 But nothing of importance if he was not and would understand less。 Don't worry; Theodore…audacity; always audacity。〃
  〃Maureen; you should be a soldier。 A general。〃
  〃I would rather be loved by soldiers 。 。 and I am; and it makes me wonderfully happy。 Now you can drive with one hand again。〃
  〃That's just glass; he can see us。〃
  538〃Theodore; you can touch me without putting an arm around me。 I shall sit up straight and pretend to ignore whatever you find to do。 But I am a very frustrated woman…and I want to be touched。 By you。〃 She chuckled。 〃Aren't we a pair of
  〃I suppose so。 But I'm not laughing。〃 Lazarus squeezed her thigh。 〃I'm too frustrated。〃 … … …
  〃Oh; but you must laugh; Theodore。〃 She pulled up her skirt; moved his hand onto bare thigh above round garters。
  … … 〃When you have as many children as I have; you must laugh。 Or go crazy。'; She pushed her skirt down over his hand。
  He caressed her warm; …smooth skin; she eased her thighs and invited more。 〃I guess it is funny;〃 he admitted。 〃Two
  … … full…grown ndults outflanked by a six…year…old。〃
  〃Only five; Theodore。 Not six until November。〃 She
  squeezed his hand between plump thighs; then relaxed。 〃How …
  … well I remember。 Biggest baby I've had; eight pounds 。 。 and mbre trouble than all the rest put together; and always a scamp
  and always my favorite and I try never to let it show…and you must not tell on me…that Woodrow is my favorite; I mean; I'm not afraid of your telling anything else。 I know
  my reputation is safe with you。〃
  〃It is。〃…
  〃I knew it or …would never have plotted to take you out there。 But 'reputation' is all it is; you now know what a hussy I am under my …mask。 But I cultivate a good reputation most
  carefully 。 for my children。 For my husband。〃
  〃You said 'plotted。'〃
  〃Weren't you sure of it? I knew at once; when I learned how
  … short your time is; that I had exactly one chance to get you
  alone and make you realize that I want you to e back with
  your shield; not on it。 There is only one way for a woman
  … … to tell a warrior that。 So I enlisted Father's help to get you
  away from my swarm of children。〃 …She chuckled again。 〃But
  … the worst scamp I have ruined my carefully plotted plans。 For
  he has; dear one…I don't dare risk it at home; I'll …always
  regret that we didn't succeed 。 。 and I hope you will; too。〃 〃Oh; I will; I do! You put Mr。 Johnson up to suggesting this ride? Won't he suspect?〃
  〃I'm sure he does。 And disapproves。 Of me; Theodore…not of you。 But my reputation is as。 safe in his hands as in yours。 Want to hear a sidesplitting joke? One that will make us laugh
  so hard that we'll forget how frustrated we are。〃
  〃I'll laugh if you do。〃
  539…〃Did you wonder how I knew the perfect place? Because I have been there before; Theodore; for the same purpose。 But that's not the joke; this is: That rascal in the back seat was conceived there…on the very~ spot I was going to have you place me。〃 …
  Lazarus thought ~ split second; then guffawed。 〃You're sure?〃
  〃Utterly certain; sir。 Ten feet from where you stopped。 By that biggest black…walnut tree。 I planned to have you place me on the same spot。 I'm sentimental; Theodore; I wanted you to have me right where I conceived my favorite child。 And the little imp stopped me! After I had bee quite excited thinking about doing it with you on the very spot。〃
  Lazarus thought a long moment…decided that he did want to know。 〃Who was he; Maureen?〃
  〃What? Oh! I tuppose I invited that so I …shan't resent it。 Theodore; I'm scarlet but not that scarlet。 My husband; dear
  …all my children are his; no possibility of error。 You have seen Brian only as an officer…but in private my husband is quite playful。 So much so that I never wear bloomers when I gojoyriding with him。
  〃It。 was February eighteenth; a Sunday; one I'll never forget。 I kept a hired girl then; Nancy was too young to leave with the younger ones; and Brian was on the road; traveling; and wanted me to be ready for anything when he was in town; arid he had just bought his first automobile。
  〃That Sunday was one of those false…spring days; and Brian decided to take me joyriding。 Just me。… He had established a firm rule that some occa'~ions were for all our family; some were just for Mama and Papa…a good policy in a large family; we think。 So we got …to that lovely picnic spot; pretty even in winter; and the ground was dry。 We sat and lallygagged; and he had his hand where yours is…and he told me to take my…clothes off。〃 … …
  〃In February?〃
  〃I didn't protest。 It was at least sixty and no wind…but I would in much colder weather if my husband asked me to。 So I did…all but shoes and stockings; and I looked like one of those French postcards you men buy in cigar stores。 I didn't feel cold; I felt grand…! like to feel naughty; and Brian encourages me to; in private。 He put down the back seat cushion
  …on that spot…and put a blanket on it。 And had me。 And that's when I got Woodrow。 It had to be then because Brian was home just one day and that was the only; time。 Qqite
  540unusual; ore loving; we enjoy it so。〃 She chuckled。 〃When we were sure; Brian teased me about the iceman and' the milkman and Ihe posirnan…or was it the grocery boy? I teased right back that it could have been any of them…but the woodman got there first 。 。 in the woods。 Right here; dear one; I won't be but a moment。〃
  They all went in; as Woodie woke up (if he had slept; Lazarus had dark doubts…then reviewed it in his mind and decided that Maureen had been careful both in voice and phrasing)。 Lazarus bought the little boy an ice…cream cone to keep him quiet and sat him at the fountain; then moved to the other end and listened to her telephone call; he wanted to know what lies he must back up。 … …
  〃Carol? Mama; dear。 Have you counted our zoo lately?
  Stop worrying; the scamp hid in the back seat; and we didn't know it until we were almost to Electric Park        Yes; dear; Electric Park and I'm feeling very gay。 I'm go?ng to keep Woodrow with us and not let the imp spoil our fun
  Earlier than I want to; Woodrow will be sleepy too soon to suit Mama; I want to ride every ride and win at least a Kewpie doll at the booths 。 。 。 Yes; as long as Marie is in bed on time。 Make fudge for the boys…no; not fudge; we must watch the sugar ration。 Make popcorn; and tell them I'm sorry they… were worried。 Then you older ones may stay up and
  …say good…night to Uncle Ted。 Good…bye; dear。〃
  She thanked the druggist with smiling dignity; took Woodie's hand and left unhurriedly。 But the moment Lazarus had the car rolling; she took his right hand and restored it to warm intimacy of bare thighs。 〃Any trouble?〃 he asked; caressing her silken skin。
  〃None。 They had been engaged in a bloodthirsty game of Fl~n h and didn't miss him until it was time to put him to bed; only minutes before I called。 Then they were worried; but not yet frantic; my lfttle demon has hidden on us before。 Theodore; Electric Park is an expense you did not expect。 Will you put aside your pride and let me help?〃
  〃I would if I needed help: I don't have thet sort of useless pride。 But I have plenty of money; truly。 If I run short; 11l tell you。〃 (Beloved darling; I've been teaching optimists not to draw to inside straights; and I wish I could spend every cent of it on emeralds to set off your beautiful skin。 But your pride makes that impossible。)
  〃Theodore; not only do I love you; you are a most fortable person to be with。〃
  541Taking Woodie and his mother to Electric Park turuect out to be more fun than Lazarus expected。 He had nothing against amusement parks and was willing to be anywhere with Maureen…except that thi

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