三色电子书 > 文学其他电子书 > time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版) >


time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第14部分

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  〃Oh; he doesn't remember it。 If you think his memory is bad now; you should have seen him three months ago。 Actually; it speeds up our work every time he does it。 His switch…when
  he had?it…。…w醩 gimmicked; it simply made him unconscious; then we would go ahead with whatever stage was next while hypnoing more of his memory tapes into him。 But we had to stop that…and remove the switch…a few days ago; he remembered who he is。〃
  〃But… That's not by the Canons! 'Death is every man's privilege。'〃
  The Master Chief Technician touched the emergency control; the car continued on; found a parking pocket; and ~stopped。 〃I did not say that it was covered by the Canons。 But ~ch o1~cers do not set policy。〃 …
  '?〃When I was accepted; 'I took the oath 。 … and part of it was to 'give life freely to those who wish it … … and never refuse death to those who yearn for it。'〃
  〃Don't you think I took the same oath? The Director is so angry that she has gone on leave…she may resign~ I wouldn't venture to guess。 But the Chairman Pro Tem is nOt of our Vocation; he is not bound by our oath; and the motto up over the entrance means nothing to him。 His motto is…or seems to be…'Every rule has exceptions。' Look; 1 knew I would have to have this talk with you and I'm pleased that you've given me an opportunity before our next watch。 Now I must ask you…do you wish to opt out? It won't affect your record; I'll see to that。 Don't worry about a relief; the Senior will still be asleep …when I next … go on watch and any assistant will do for that watch…which leaves time for the Skills Board to select …your replacement。〃
  〃Uh……。 I want to attend him。 It's a great privilege; one I never dreamed would e my way。 But I'm torn。 I don't think he's being treated fairly; And who is more entitled to fair treatment in this than the Senior?〃
  〃I'm torn by it; too。 :1 was shocked silly the first time I realized that I was being ordered to keep alive a man who had … terminated voluntai~ily。 Or who had been' allowed to think that he w~s terminating; rather。 But; my dear colleague; the choice is not up to us。 This job will be done no matter what we think。 Once I … realized that…well; I am not lacking iir'pi~otnisi髇al confidence…call it'。 conceit。 I think I am the bult…qualified senior watch officer on' the list。 I decided that; if the F~'mili雜' Senior was going to have this done to him; I would ~not opt out and let it be done by colleagues less skilled th~ '~I *m。 Bonuses had nothing to…do with it; I've assigned my bonuses to
  …… the Sanctuary for D鄁ectives。〃… …
  〃I could do that; couldn't I?〃。;' …
  〃Yes; but you would be a fool to …do so; I draw far more than you do。 But I must add this: I hope your body tolerates stimulants easily because I supervise every major procedure and expect my assistant to help; whether it falls during our regular watch or not。〃
  〃I don't need stimulants; I use autohypnosis。 When needed。 Seldom。 He'll be asleep our next watch。 Mmm…〃
  〃Colleague; I want your answer now。 So that I can notify the Skills Board if necessary。〃
  〃Uh… I'll stick! I'll stick as long as you do。〃
  〃Good。 I thought you would。〃 The Master Chief Technician again reached for the controls。 〃Intermediate lounge now?〃
  〃Just a moment。 I would like to know you better。〃
  〃Colleague; if you stick; you'll know me far too well。 I have a sharp tongue。〃
  〃I meant socially; not professionally。〃
  〃You are offended? I've e to admire you without ever having seen you。 Now I would like to see you。 I'm not trying to curry favor。〃 …
  〃I believe you。 Grant me the respect pf believing that I studied your psych scorea before I accepted the Board's choice。 No; Pm not offended; I'm flattered。 Dinner together sometime;perhaps?〃
  〃Certainly。 But I had more in mind。 What would you say to 'Seven Hours of Ecstasy'?〃
  There was a short pause which felt long。 The Master Chief Technician said; 〃Colleague; what sex are you?〃
  〃Does it matter?〃
  〃I suppose not。 I accept。 Now?〃… …
  〃If it suits you。〃 …
  〃It does。 I was simply going to my partment; read a while; and sleep。 Shall we go there?〃
  〃I was thinking of taking you to Elysium。〃 …
  〃No need to: Ecstasy is in the heart。 But thank you。〃
  〃I can afford it。 Uh; I'm not dependent on my salary。 I can easily afford the best Elysium has to offer。〃
  〃Perhaps' another time; dear colleague。 … But a resident't partment here in the Clinic is quite fortable and at least an hour closer not counting the time we would waste getting out of isolation armor and dressed to face the public。 We'll go straight to my placc; I find I'm … eager。 GOodneSs; I haven't …chanced this sort of lark in…far too long。〃
  Four minutes later the Master Chief Technician let them into the partment…large; as promised; and handsome and airy
  …a 〃happy〃 suite。 A simulacrum fire blazed merrily in a corner fireplace and cast dancing lights around the lounging room。 〃You'll find a guests' dressing room through that door; 'fresher beyond it。 The chute for disposables is on the left; racks for helmets and isolation gear on the right。 Need help?〃
  … 〃No; thank you; I'm quite limber。〃
  〃Well; shout if you need anything。 Meet me here in front of the fire in ten minutes; say?〃
  The Associate Tech came out in only a little over ten minutes; free at last of isolation armor and looking even shorter in bare feet and without helmet。 The Master Chief Tech looked up from the hearth rug。 〃Oh; there you are! You're male! I'm surprised。 But pleased。〃
  〃And you're female。 And I am very pleased。 But I don't believe for an instant that you are surprised。 You've seen my records。〃
  〃No; dear;〃 she denied。 〃Not your personal dossier; just the brief the Board supplies to a prospective supervisor…and they are meticulously careful to keep name and sex and other irrelevancies out of it; their puter program sees to that。 I did not know; and my guess was wrong。〃
  〃I didn't try to guess。 But I certainly am pleased。 I don't know why I have this special liking for tall women。 But I do。 Stand up and let me look at you。〃
  She squirmed lazily。 〃What an irrational criterion。 All women are the same height…lying down。 So e lie down here; it's very fortable。〃
  〃Woman; when I say 'Stand up!' I expect action。〃
  She giggled。 〃You're an atavism。 But pretty。〃 She made a long arm; got him by an ankle; snatched him off balance。 He went down。 〃That's better。 Now we're the same height。〃
  She said。 〃Would you like a middle…of…the…night lunch? Sleepyhead。〃
  He said; 〃I did doze off; didn't I? I had reason。 Yes; I would。 What am I being offered?〃
  〃Name it; just name it; If I don't have it; I'll send for it。 I'm feeling very mellow toward you; dear。〃
  〃All right; how about ten tall sixteen…year…old redheaded virgins? Girls; I mean。〃
  〃Yes; darling。 Nothing is too good for my Galahad。 Although if you insist on certified virgins; it may take longer。 Why this fetish; dear man? Your psych profiles didn't hint at any exotic abnormality。〃
  〃Cancel that order and make it one dish of mango ice cream。〃
  〃Yes; sir; I'll send for it at once。 Or you can have fresh peach ice cream instantly。 Tease。 I haven't been bothered by that sort of teasing since 1 was sixteen myself。 A long time ago。〃
  〃I'll settle for peach。 A very long time ago。〃
  〃Right away; dearest man。 Will you eat it with a spoon; or shall I plaster it on your face? Nor by that sort of teasing。 I've had one rejuvenation just as you have had; and I keep my cosmetic age younger than yours。〃
  〃A man needs to look mature。〃 … 〃And a woman prefers to look young; we always have。 But I know not only your rejuvenated age but your calendar age; Galahad…and my calendar age is less than yours。 Want to know how I know; dear? I recognized yo

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