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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第131部分

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  pickpocket。 The town was pleasant; the people friendly;
  I stayed a day to get reoriented; then moved on to a
  larger town; did the same there and got clothes to change
  me from a farm worker into someone who would not be
  463conspicuous in a city。 (You dears; who never wear clothes when you don't need them…except festive occasions…would have trouble believing how status here…&now is shown by clothes。 Far more so than in New Rome
  …here one can look at a person and tell age; sex; social status; economic status; probable occupation; approximate education; and many other things; just by clothing。 These people even swim with clothes on…I am not farcing; ask Athene。 My dears; they sleep in clothes。)
  I took a railroad train to Kanras City。 Ask Athene to display a picture of one from this era。 This culture is prototechnical; just beginning to shift from human muscle power and animal power to generated power。 Such as there is originates from burning natural fuels or from wind or waterfall。 Some of this is converted into primitive electrical power; but this railroad train was propelled by burning coal to produce expanding steam。
  Atomic power is not even a theory; it is a fancy of dreamers; taken less seriously than 〃Santa Claus。〃 As for the method for moving the Dora; no one has the slightest notion that there is any way of grasping the fabric of space…time。
  (I could be wrong。 The many tales of UFO's and of strange visitors; throughout all ages; suggest that I am not the first time…tripper by thousands; or millions。 But perhaps most of them are as reluctant to disturb the 〃native savages〃 as I am。)
  On arrival in Kansas City I took lodging at a religi鄒s hilton。 If you received my arrival note; it was on stationery bearing its emblem。 (I hope that note is the last I will have to entrust to ~paper and ink…but it took time to arrange for pl~otoreduction and etching。 The technology and materials available here…&…now are very primitive; even when I have privacy to use other techniques。)
  As a temporary base this religious hilton offers advantages。 It is cheap; and I have not yet had time to acquire all the local money I will need。 it is clean and safe pared with mercial hiltons costing the same。 It is near the business district。 It offers all that I now need and no more。 And it is monastic。
  〃Monastic〃? Don't look surprised; my loves。 I expect to remain celibate throughout these ten years; while dreaming happy fantasies of all my darlings; so many years & light…years away。
  464Why? The local mores… Here… …the coupling of male and female is Jorbidden by law unless specifically licensed
  …by the state in a binding monogamy with endless lcgal; social; and economic consequences。
  Such laws are made to be broken…and are。 About three squares or a few hundred meters from this monastic
  …hilton; the 〃Y。M。C。A。;〃 starts the 〃red…light〃 district; an
  …area devoted to illicit but tolerated female prostitution… and the fees are low。 No; I am not too lazy to walk that
  … …far; I've talked to some of these women…they 〃walk a
  … …beat〃 offering their services to men on the street。 But; my dears; these women are not recognized artists; proud of their great vocation。 Oh; dear; no! They are pathetic drabs; furtive and ashamed。 They are at the bottom of the social pyramid; and many (most?) are in thrall to males
  who take their meager earnings。
  …I do not think there is a Tamara; or even a pseudoTamara; in all of Kansas City。 Outside the 'red…light'
  district there are younger and prettier women available for higher fees and by more plex aI~rangements…but their status is still zero。 No proud and happy artists。 So they are no temptation; I would not be able to put out of my mind the gruesome fashion in which they are mistreated under local laws and customs。 …
  …(I tipped those I talked to; time is money to them。)
  Then there are women who are not of the profession。
  From myearlier life here I know that a high percent…
  …age of both 〃single〃 women and 〃married〃 women (a sharp dichotomy; much sharper than On Tertius or even Secundus ) …many of these will chance unlicensed coupling for fun; … adventure; love; or other reasons。 Most women here are thus available sometimes and with some men…although not with all men nor all the time; here&…now the sport is necessarily clandestine。
  Nor do I lack confidence; nor have I contracted the local 〃moral〃… attitude。
  But the answer is again No。 Why?
  First reason: It is all too likely to get one's arse shot off! …
  No joke; dears。 Here…&…now almost every female is quasi…property of some male。 Husband; father; sweetheart;
  betrothed…someone。 If he catches you; he may kill you
  …and public tipinion is such that he is unlikely to he
  punished。 But if you kill him 。 。 you hang by the neck until dead; dead; dead! …
  It seems an excessive price。 I don't plan to risk it。
  There are a small but appreciable number of females who are not 〃property〃 of some male…so what's holding you back; Lazarus? …
  The overhead; for one thing。 (Better not tell Galahad this; it would break his heart。) Negotiations are usually long; plex; and very expensive…and she is likely to regard 〃success〃 as equivalent to a proposal of lifetime contract。
  On top of that she is quite likely to bee pregnant。 I should have asked Ishtar to offset my fertility … for this trip。 (I …am terribly glad I did not。) (And I am honing for you darlings; my other selves…and thank you endlessly for kicking my feet out from under me。 I couldn't
  …… initiate it; dearly as I wanted to!)
  Laz and Lor; believe this: Mature females here do not know when they are fertile。 They rely either on luck or on contraceptive methods that range from chancy to worthless。 Furthermore; they can't find out even from their therapists…who don't know much about it themselves。 (There are no geicists。) Therapy is very primitive in 1916。 Most physicians are trying hard; I think; but the art is barely out of the witch…doctor stage。 Just rough surgery and a few drugs…most of which I know to be useless or harmful。 As for contraception…hold on tight!…it is forbidden by law。
  Another law made to be broken…and is。 But law and customs retard … progress in such matters。 At present (1916) the monest method involves an elastomer sheath worn by the male…in other words they 〃couple〃 without touching。 Stop screaming; you'll never have to put up with it。 But it is as bad as it sounds。
  I've saved my strongest reason for the last。 Dears; I've been spoiled。 In 1916 a bath once a week is considered er。ough by most people; too much by some。 Other habits match。 Such thing when unavoidable can be ignored。 I'm well aware that I whiff like an old billy goat in very short order myself。 Nevertheless; when I have enjoyed the pany of six of the daintiest darlings in the Galaxy…well; I'd rather wait。 Shucks; ten years isn't long。
  If yqtr have receiv4d any of …the letters I will send over the next ten years; then you may have rushed to check up on Gr~gorian 1916…1919。 I selected 1919…1929 both to savor it…a vintage decade; the very last happy period in
  … old Earth's history…but also to avoid the first of the Terran Plaary Wars; the one known now (it has already started) as 〃The European War;〃 then will be called
  …〃The World War;〃 then still later 〃The First World War;〃 and designated in most ancient histories as 〃Phase One of
  the First Terran Plaary War。〃
  Don't;fret; I'm going to give it a wide berth。 This in
  volves change~ in my travel plans but none in the 1926
  pickup。 I ha~e little memory of this war; I was too
  young。 But I recall (probably from school lessons rather
  than …from direct memory) that this country got into it in
  … …1917; and that the war ended the following year…and

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