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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第116部分

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  Galahad nodded agreement as he wiped egg from his platter。 〃Yes; that's Mama。 She gave me a most happy childhood; Justin; so much so that I was grumpy at being shoved' out when my eighteenth rolled around。 'But she was sweet about it。 After my adulthood party she reminded me that she was moving out; too; and going back to her profession。 Her contract with Papa; my foster father; was a term contract; over when I b鏲ame a legal adult 。 。 so if I wanted to see Maggie again…and I wanted to!…it would be cash at the counterpane; no family discount。 Since I was a poor…but…honest research assistant; paid only two or three times what I was worth; I couldn't have afforded thirty seconds with her; much less a night; Mama's fees were always sky…high。〃
  Galahad looked thoughtfully' happy。 〃Goodness; that seems long ago…more than a century and a half; Justin。 I didn't realize that Becky…Maggie…Mama…that Magdalene was being both wise and kind。 I was grown up only legally and physically; and if she hadn't cut the cord; I would have hung around; an overgrown infant; cluttering her life and interfering with her vocation。 So I did grow up; and when I married; my first wife named our first daughter 'Magdalene' and asked Maggie to be godmother 。 。 then I could hardly believe that this beautiful creature had borne me and I had no special urge to play Oedipus to her regal beauty; I was too much in love with my wife。 Yes; Maggie is a fine girl…
  although she spoiled me as a kid。 Was that holiday the only time you had her?〃
  〃No。 But not often。 As you say; she was expensive。 She offered me a fifty…percent discount…〃
  〃Well! You did impress her。〃
  〃…as she knew I wasn't wealthy。 But even at that; I couldn't afford her pany often。 But she got me over my emotional hump; and I'm grateful to her。 A fine woman; Galahad; you have reason to be proud of her。〃
  〃I think so。 But; Justin dear; your mention of that discount makes me certain~ that she remembers you just as fondly…〃
  〃Oh; I hardly think so; Years back; Galahad。〃
  〃Don't trip; in your modesty; dear; Maggie grabbed every crown the traffic would bear。 But the 'delightful coincidence' is more than just the fact that you've had my mother…after all; high as her fees were; New' Rome has many wealthy men attractive enough that Maggie would accept them。 The 'delightful' aspect is that this very minute she is about forty kilometers south of here。〃
  〃Si; si; si! Ask Athene to call her。 You can be talking with her in thirty seconds。〃
  〃Uh 。 。 I still don't think she would remember me。〃
  〃I do。 But there's no rush。 If you are surprised; think how surprised I was。 I had nothing to do with the migrants' roster; I was arse…deep in getting together what Ishtar had ordered for the clinics。 Justin; I didn't know Maggie had married again。 So we're here a couple of weeks; the headquarters party; with a temporary setup and still eating and sleeping in the 'Dora;' when the first transport grounds…then we're busy getting people and supplies out in a sequence worked out by Lazarus and bossed by Ira。
  〃My assignment; once I had my shack up…by hand; Athene had no outside extensionals then…〃 …
  〃Poor Uncle Cuddly!〃
  〃Who doesn't listen to private conversations?〃
  〃I have to keep you straight; dear。 It was Minerva who had no outside hands then; I wasn't even hatched。〃
  〃Well… You have her memories; Teena; it's a mere technicality。〃
  〃Not to me; deane。 The chinchy little bitch took some memories with her that she didn't want to share with her ever…lovin' twin。 And ;she locked one whole bank that she did
  leave behind so that I can't touch it without an abracadabra either from her or from Grandpappy。 Except that you can unlock it; Justin。 。 if both my twin and Lazarus are dead。〃
  I managed to answer quickly; 〃In that case; Athene; I hope that it is a very long time before I am able to trigger it。〃
  〃Well 。 。 when you put it that way; so do I。 But I can't help wondering what grim secrets and unspeakable crimes are locked in my theta…niy…seven…B…dexter…aleph…prime? Will the stars tremble in their courses? But Uncle Cuddly did work hard a couple of days; Justin…probably the only honest work he has ever;done。〃
  〃I disdain to ment; Teena。 Justin; my assignment was examining physician; for ost new diploma。 So Ishtar and Harnadryad are unpacking migrants and giving them their antidotes and I'm checking them to make sure they've made the trip safely…rushing it as I haven't yet snatched another medical doctor from that~ parade of flesh。
  〃I glance up from my machine just long enough to note that the next victim is female and call out over my shoulder; 'Strip down; please;' and change the setting。 Then I look twice…and say; 'Hello; Mama; how did you get here?'。
  〃This caused her to give me a second look。 Then she smiled her big; happy smile and said; 'I flew in on a broom; Obadiah。 Give me a kiss and tell me where to put my clothes。 Is the doctor around?'
  〃Justin; I let the queue pile up while I gave Maggie a thorough examination…proper; as she was pregnant and I made certain that her unborn baby had e through all right…but also to gossip and get caught up。 Married again; four children by today; a farm wife with a sunburned nose; and happy as can be。
  〃Got married quite romantically。 Mama heard the advertising about opening a virgin pla; went to the recruiting office Ira had in the Harriman Trust building to find out about it…that astonished me the most; Mama is the last person I would have suspected of yearnings to pioneer。〃
  〃Well 。 。 I agree; Galahad。 But I don't suppose anyone would pick me as a likely pioneer; either。〃
  〃Perhaps not。 Nor me。 But Maggie puts in her application at once; and runs into one of her wealthy regulars doing the same。 They go somewhere for a bite and discuss it 。 。 and leave the restaurant and register an open…end contract; and go back to
  the recruiting office and withdraw their solo applications and submit a joint one as a married couple。 I won't say that got them accepted; but armost; no singles werc accepted for first wave。'! '
  〃Did they know that?〃'
  〃Oh; certainly! The recruiting clerk warned them before accepting their solo fees。 That's what they left to discuss They already knew they suited each other in bed; but Maggie wanted to find out if he intended to farm…believe it or not; that's what she wanted…and he wanted to know if she could cook and was she willing to have kids。 And it was: 'Fine; we agree; let's get on with it!' Maggie had her fertility restored; and they planted their first baby without waiting to see if they were accepted。〃
  I said; 〃That;p?obably clinched it。〃
  〃You think so? Why?〃
  〃If they changed their application to show that Magdalene had caught。 If Lazarus passed on the applications。 Galahad; our Ancestor favors people who take big bites。〃
  〃Mmm; yes。 Justin; why are you hanging back?〃
  〃I'm not。 I had to be certain that the invitation was serious。 I still don't know why。 But I'm no fool; I'm staying。〃
  〃Wonderful!〃 Galahad jumped up; came around the table; kissed me again; roughed my hair; and hugged me。 〃I'm happy for all of us; darling; and we'll try to make you happy。〃 He grinned…and I suddenly saw his mother in him。 Hard to imagine the glamorous Magdalene with kids and calluses; a frontier farm wife…but I recalled the old proverb about best wives。 Galahad went on: 〃The twins weren't sure I could be trusted with' so delicate a mission; they were afraid I would muff it。〃
  〃Galahad; there was never a chance I would refuse; 'I just had to be sure I was wele。 I still don't know why。〃
  〃Oh。 We were speaking of Tamara and got sidetracked。 Justin; it's not public knowledge how difficult it was to rejuvenate our Ancestor this time; although。 the recordings you have been editing may hint at it…〃
  〃More than a hint。〃
  〃But not all of it。 He was almost dead; and simply keepi

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