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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第115部分

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high you wouldn't believe it…yet so modest she's almost humble。
  〃But still; it's Tamara。 Your fate was settled before you reached this house。 Slow ride home; wasn't it?〃
  〃Well 。 。 one doesn't expect speed from a nuilboat。 Though I was~ surprised to find one in a young colony。 I expected muledrawn wagons。〃
  〃Lots of those; too。 But Lazarus says that this time h'e traveled with 'seven elephants'…we fetched a mammoth amount of equipment。 That's an overpowered nullboat; rebuilt to Lazarus' specifications; and could have fetched you here in a fifth the time it did。 But Ira let Lazarus; know that he wanted time to make some calls。 So Lazarus probably told whichever twin was in charge…or signaled her somehow; he is almost telepathic with them…to give you a long; slow ride。 Which you got; and I bet that Laz and Lor never changed expression。〃
  〃They didn't。〃
  〃Was sure of it。 They are not children…you should see them handle a spaceship。 Anyhow; Ira talked to Ishtar; then to Tamara; then we held a family conference and settled your fate。 Lazarus confirmed it while you played with the twins… who were given a chance to veto it later。 But they ratified it at once。 They not only like you; but Aunt Tammy's wishes are law。〃
  I was still bemused。 〃Apparently much went on tha~ I didn't suspect。〃
  〃You weren't supposed to。 A better cook would have stayed to get your breakfast; had I not been deputized to tell you… old friends and all that…and to answer questions。〃
  〃I'm confused about that conference。 I thought Tamara got home just before dinner。〃
  〃She did。 Oh… Athene; are you listening; dear?〃
  〃Uncle Cuddly; you know I don't listen to private conversations。〃
  〃The hell you don't。 It'll be all right; Justin; Teena keeps secrets。 Tell him how to call someone; Teena。〃
  〃Tell me to whom you wish to speak; Justin; I have radio links to every farm。 Or anywhere。 And I can always reach Ira and Lazarus。〃
  〃Thank you; Teena。 Now if you must listen; pretend not to。 The conference was here; Justin; ;Teena fetched in Tamara's voice and Ira's。 Could have fetched voices from the nullboat… but you were the subject。 By the way; Teena is one reason this family isn't farming;?instead we supply services that colonies usually don't have so soon。 Oh; you can farm if you want to; we've claimed quite a bit of land。 Or there are other ways to
  make a living。 All right; I've done my besL e?〃
  〃Galahad; I think I understand everything but why Tamara Wants me In your family。〃
  〃You'll have to ask her。 I told you I was checking for your halo。 Can't see it。〃
  〃I don't wear it in hot weather。 Obadiah; don't farce around; this is terribly important to me。 Why do you keep saying that Tam ara's wishes settled it?〃
  〃You know her; man。〃
  〃I know how important her wishes are to me。 But I've been in love with her for many years。〃 I told him things I had long kept to nlyself。 〃So that's the way it went。 A great hetaera never proposes a contract and usually won't listen if a man is bold enough to propose one himself。 But I… well; I made a nuisance of myself。 Tamara finally convinced me that the married only to have children and did not intend to have more。 I feel sure that money was not a factor…〃
  〃It wouldn't be。 Oh; I don't mean that Tamara is silly that way; I've heard her say that since money is the universal symbol for value received; one should accept it proudly。 But Tamara wouldn't marry for money; she wouldn't feel that… Or perhaps'she would; I think I'll ask her。 Mm 。 。 interesting。 Our Tamara is a plex person。 Sorry; dear; I interrupted。〃
  〃I say money was not the controlling factor; as she had suitors with ten to a hundred times my modest wealth; yet she married none of them。 So I shut up and was content to have part of Tamara…spend nights with her when I was permitted to; share her pany in happiness circles at other times; pay her as much as I could…as much as she would accept; I mean; she often set her fee by refusing part of a gift…she did with me; I don't know what she did with wealthy clients。
  〃Years and years of that; then she announced that she was retiring…and I was stunned。 I had taken rejuvenation during this time but hadn't noticed that she was any older。 But she wa~ firm about it and left New Rome。
  〃Galahad; it left me impotent。 Oh; not incapable; but what had been ecstasy turned out to be mere exercise not worth the troubl? Has this ever happened to you?〃 ;
  〃No。 Perhaps I should say; 'Not yet;' since I'm still working on my secon'd century。〃
  〃Then you don't know what I mean。〃
  〃Only vicariously。 But may I quote something Lazarus
  A A~
  once said? He was speaking to Ira; but privacy was not placed on it; you'll e across it in his raw memoirs。
  〃'Ira;' he said; 'there were many years when I hardly bOthered with women…not only unmarried hut celibate。 After all; how much variety can there be in the slippery friction of mucous membranes?
  〃'Then I realized that there was infinite variety in women as people 。 。 and that sex was the most direct route tc~ knowing a woman 。 。 a route they like; one that we like; and often the only route that can break down barriers and permit close acquaintance。
  〃'And in discovering this; I gained renewed interest in the friendly frolic itself; happy as a lad with his first bare tit warm in his hand。 Happier…as never again was I merely a piston to her cylinder; each woman was a unique individual worth knowing; and; if we took time enough; we might find we loved each other。 But at least we offered each other pleasure and a haven from cares; we wereni simply masturbating; with the other just a sex doll。'
  〃That's close to what Lazarus said; Justin。 You went through something like that?〃
  〃Yes。 Somewhat。 A long period when sex wasn't worth the trouble。 But I got over it 。 。 with a woman as fine in her own way as Tamara is; although I didn't fall in love with her nor she with me。 She taught me something I had forgotten; that sex can be friendly and worthwhile without the intense love I felt for Tamara。 You see; a 'friend ;of mine; wife of another 'friend and they were both close to me…as a special gift she'introduced me to another hetaera; a great beauty; and arranged for me a holiday with her…paid for by my friends; th?y could afford it; she is wealthy。 This beautiful hetaera; Magdalene…〃
  Galahad looked delighted。 〃Maggie!〃
  〃Why; yes; she d~d use that pillow name。 'Magdalene' was her vocational name。 But when she learned that I keep the Archives; she told me her registered name。〃
  〃Rebecca Sperling…Jones。〃' 〃Then you do know her。〃 ;; 〃All my life; Justin darling; I nursed at those beautiful
  breasts。 She's my mother; dear…what a delightful coincidence!〃
  I was delighted; too; but more interested in something else。; 〃So that's where you get your beauty。〃
  〃Yes; but also from my geic father。 Becky…Maggie… tells me I look more like him。〃
  〃Really? If' you permit; I'll look up your liheage when I get back to Secundus。〃 An archivist should not consult the Archives from personal curiosity; I was presuming on friendship to suggest it。
  〃Dear; you're not going back to Secundus。 But you can get; it from Athene clear back to the first push in the bush after Ira Howard's death。 But let's talk about Mama。 She's a jolly one? isn't she? As well as a beauty。〃
  〃Both。 I told you how much she did for me。 Your mother assurhed that this holiday was going to be fun…fun for both of us…and it was indeed!…and I forgot about being uninterested in sex。 I'm not speaking of technique; I suspect that any high…priced hetaera in New Rome is as skilled as any famous courtesan in history。 I mean her attitude。 Maggie is fun to be around; in bed or out。 Laugh wrinkles but no frown wrinkles。〃
  Galahad nodded agreement as he wiped egg from his platter。 〃Yes; that's Mama。 She gave me a most happy childhood; Justin; so much so that

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