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time enough for love-时间足够你爱(英文版)-第113部分

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  〃Ishtar~ the only correct verbal answer to that is Yes and
  No…which merely says I lack language to define something that is crystal clear 。inside me and has been for centuries。 But here is paft of the truth: A long time ago a short…lifer proved to me that we all live the same length of time。〃 He glanced at Minerva; she looked solemnly back。 〃Because we all live now。 She…he…was not asserting that fallacy of Georg Cantor which distorted pre…Libby mathematics so long; uh; he
  …was asserting a verifiable objective truth。 Each individual lives her life in now independently of how others may measure that life in years。
  〃But here iS;another piece of truth。 Life is too long when one is not enjoying now。 You recall when I was not and wished to terminate it。 Your skjll…and trickery; my darling; and don't blush…changed that and again I savor now。 But perhaps I have never told you that I approached even my first rejuvenation with misgivings; afraid that it would make my body young without making my spirit young again…and don't bother to tell me that 'spirit' is a null word; I know that it is undefinable
  but it means something to me。
  〃But here is still more of the truth and all I'll try to say about it。 Although long…life can be a burden; mostly it is a blessing。 It gives time enough to learn; time enough to think; time enough not to hurry; time enough fQr love。'
  〃Enough of weighty matters。 Galahad; pick a light subject and; Justin; you plant the barbs; I've talked enough。 Ishtar; my darling; fetch your long lovely carcass over here; stretch Out; and let me ply you with brandy; I want you?relaxed enough for what I intend to do with you later。〃
  She came readily to; him; stopping only to kiss Ira a promise; then saying softly but clearly to our Ancestor; 〃Our beloved; it takes no brandy to make me utterly willing for whatever you have iniisind。〃
  〃Anesthesia; Mama Ishtar。 I plan to show you something Big Anna taught me which I haven't dared risk in all these years。 You may not live till morning。 Frightened?〃
  She smiled lazily; happily。 〃Oh; terribly frightened。〃
  Galahad covered Lapis Lazuli's mouth with a hand; she bit him。 〃Stop it; Laz。 Let's everybody watch this…it might be new;〃
  I woke slowly next morning; lazed in bed and lived again my Wele Bacchanalia。 I was in a big bed in a groundfloor room with its garden wall still open as it had been when the party had moved to beds。 I could hear no one; although (as I recalled) Tamara and Ira had been with me。 Or had Ira visited us earlier?
  No matter; all of them visited us at some time before Athene sang us to sleep; I seemed to recall as high as six or seven at once in that big bed; counting Tamara and me。 No; Tamara had been gone once; leaving me at the mercy of the talkative twins…who were almost quiet。 They said they wanted to assure me that I did not have to marry them in order to be a member of the family…they would be gone too much of the time any。 how…because they were going to be pirates when they were big enough…but stay groundside half the time…and open a hook shop over a pool hall…and would I e to see them there?
  They had to explain to me both terms; then they sang me a little song that seemed partly amphigory and partly ancient'。; English; but included both terms。 I kissed them and promised that; when they opened this studio; Iwould be their most faithful admirer…a promise that did not ost girls (all of my daughters) have ambitions to begrsne great hetaeras; few attempt that most demanding of arts…br only long enough to discover that they do not have ~ tsiie vocation。
  I thought they were more likely to bee pirates; Lazarus Long's identicals might figure out a way to make crime pay in spite of the enormous depths of space。
  My Wele Bacchanalia had bridged from feast to bed with the customary entertainment save that it was homemade instead of the expensive (and often dull) professional acts a fashionable New Rome hostess offers。 Lazarus and his sisterdaughters started it with what may have been an authentic
  Highland Fling (who knows; today?): Lazarus dancing fiercely and vigorously (after all that food and drink!); his two miniature copies'keeping the pattern exactly with him…to skirling bagpipes offered by Athene 。 。 which I would not have recotnized were it not that I am an amateur of ancient music as well as a professional of ancient history。 The girls followed with an encore; a swOrd dance; while Lazarus pretended to be passed out from exertion。
  Ira; to my amazement; turned out to be a skilled juggler。
  Question: Did he have that skill all those years he managed a pla?
  Galahad sang a ballad with professional virtuosity and great range and control; which astonished me almost as much as I seemed to recall that he used to sing always off key。 Bpt when he took an encore with a kerchief stuffed in his mouth; I realized that I had been swived; Athene had done it all。 He then played a corpse with three beautiful widows; Minerva; Hamadryad; Ishtar。 I won't describe the dialogue except to say that they seemed cheerful over losing him。
  Tamara concluded it by singing 〃My Arms Enclose You Still〃…attributed on slight evidence to the Blind Singer but ancient in any case。 I've long thought of it as Tamara's Song; and I wept with happiness; and I was not alone; all did。 The twins blubbered aloud 。 。 and when she reached that last line; 〃…wherever the wild geese lead you; love; my arms will hold you close;〃 I was startled to see that the Senior's craggy features were as wet as mine。
  I。 got up; poked around in the alcove and refreshed myself enough to face other people; went out into the garden and found Galahad。 I kissed him and accepted a happy…morning in a frosty tumbler。 It was fruit juice freshly pressed…a treat for taste buds used to morning cups 〃improved〃 in various chemical ways。
  〃I'm cook this morning;〃 he said; 〃so you had better take your eggs either fried or boiled。〃 He then answered the question a guest does not ask: 〃If you had awakened earlier; you would have had more choice; Lazarus claims I can't boil water。 But everyone else is gone。〃
  〃Si。 Ira has gone to his office…to work; perchance to'~eep。 Tamara has gone back to her patients with a message to you that she hopes to be home tonight…but with a word to Hamadryad to take you to bed and rub your shoulder muscles
  and put you to sleep early; so I'm not sure she expects to be back…won't if she thinks her patieists need her。 Lazarus 'has gone somewhere and one does not ask。 Minerva has the twins; and school may be in the 'Dora'; it often is。 Ishtar got a call to set a broketi arm on a farm north of here。 Hamadryad has taken our kids on a picnic so as not to disturb you; you lazy lecher。 Boiled or;;fried?〃
  He was already frying them; so I answered; 〃Boiled。〃
  〃Good; I'll eat these myself。 To hold me till lunch。〃
  〃I mean 'Fried。'〃
  〃So I'll put in three more; dear。 You're staying; aren't you? Answer Yes or I'll put the twins to work on you。〃
  〃Galahad; I want to…〃
  〃Then it's settled。〃
  〃…but there are problems。〃 I shifted the subject。 〃You said 'Hamadryad has taken our kids on a picnic…' Haven't I met all your family?〃
  〃Dear; we do not exhibit our youngest the moment someone sets foot in the foyer and thereby place on him the onus of being insincerely ecstatic。 But there was usually someone with 'them; Lazarus has firm ideas on raising children。 Athene keeps eye and ear on them…but can't pick them up。 Lazarus says that a frightened child needs to be picked up and cuddled now; not later。 He believes in spanking 。right now; too; it evens out; our kids are neither spoiled nor timid。 Lazarus is especially strong on not letting a young child wake up alone… so now you know why I kissed you good…night a bit early。 So that Ishtar could help keep you awake while I slept with our youngest three

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