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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第98部分

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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of what we get。'

'Have you undergone many privations? You and your father and who else
there may be of you?' asked Mrs Clennam; speaking deliberately; and
meditatively turning the watch over and over。

'Sometimes it has been rather hard to live;' said Little Dorrit; in her
soft voice; and timid unplaining way; 'but I think not harder……as to
that……than many people find it。'

'That's well said!' Mrs Clennam quickly returned。 'That's the truth!
You are a good; thoughtful girl。 You are a grateful girl too; or I much
mistake you。'

'It is only natural to be that。 There is no merit in being that;' said
Little Dorrit。 'I am indeed。' Mrs Clennam; with a gentleness of which
the dreaming Affery had never dreamed her to be capable; drew down the
face of her little seamstress; and kissed her on the forehead。 'Now go;
Little Dorrit;' said she;'or you will be late; poor child!'

In all the dreams Mistress Affery had been piling up since she first
became devoted to the pursuit; she had dreamed nothing more astonishing
than this。 Her head ached with the idea that she would find the other
clever one kissing Little Dorrit next; and then the two clever ones
embracing each other and dissolving into tears of tenderness for all
mankind。 The idea quite stunned her; as she attended the light footsteps
down the stairs; that the house door might be safely shut。

On opening it to let Little Dorrit out; she found Mr Pancks; instead
of having gone his way; as in any less wonderful place and among less
wonderful phenomena he might have been reasonably expected to do;
fluttering up and down the court outside the house。

The moment he saw Little Dorrit; he passed her briskly; said with his
finger to his nose (as Mrs Affery distinctly heard); 'Pancks the gipsy;
fortune…telling;' and went away。 'Lord save us; here's a gipsy and a
fortune…teller in it now!' cried Mistress Affery。 'What next! She stood
at the open door; staggering herself with this enigma; on a rainy;
thundery evening。 The clouds were flying fast; and the wind was ing
up in gusts; banging some neighbouring shutters that had broken loose;
twirling the rusty chimney…cowls and weather…cocks; and rushing round
and round a confined adjacent churchyard as if it had a mind to blow
the dead citizens out of their graves。 The low thunder; muttering in
all quarters of the sky at once; seemed to threaten vengeance for this
attempted desecration; and to mutter; 'Let them rest! Let them rest!'

Mistress Affery; whose fear of thunder and lightning was only to
be equalled by her dread of the haunted house with a premature and
preternatural darkness in it; stood undecided whether to go in or not;
until the question was settled for her by the door blowing upon her in
a violent gust of wind and shutting her out。 'What's to be done now;
what's to be done now!' cried Mistress Affery; wringing her hands in
this last uneasy dream of all; 'when she's all alone by herself
inside; and can no more e down to open it than the churchyard dead

In this dilemma; Mistress Affery; with her apron as a hood to keep the
rain off; ran crying up and down the solitary paved enclosure several
times。 Why she should then stoop down and look in at the keyhole of the
door as if an eye would open it; it would be difficult to say; but it
is none the less what most people would have done in the same situation;
and it is what she did。

From this posture she started up suddenly; with a half scream; feeling
something on her shoulder。 It was the touch of a hand; of a man's hand。

The man was dressed like a traveller; in a foraging cap with fur about
it; and a heap of cloak。 He looked like a foreigner。 He had a quantity
of hair and moustache……jet black; except at the shaggy ends; where
it had a tinge of red……and a high hook nose。 He laughed at Mistress
Affery's start and cry; and as he laughed; his moustache went up under
his nose; and his nose came down over his moustache。

'What's the matter?' he asked in plain English。 'What are you frightened

'At you;' panted Affery。

'Me; madam?'

'And the dismal evening; and……and everything;' said Affery。 'And here!
The wind has been and blown the door to; and I can't get in。'

'Hah!' said the gentleman; who took that very coolly。 'Indeed! Do you
know such a name as Clennam about here?'

'Lord bless us; I should think I did; I should think I did!' cried
Affery; exasperated into a new wringing of hands by the inquiry。

'Where about here?'

'Where!' cried Affery; goaded into another inspection of the keyhole。
'Where but here in this house? And she's all alone in her room; and lost
the use of her limbs and can't stir to help herself or me; and t'other
clever one's out; and Lord forgive me!' cried Affery; driven into a
frantic dance by these accumulated considerations; 'if I ain't a…going
headlong out of my mind!'

Taking a warmer view of the matter now that it concerned himself; the
gentleman stepped back to glance at the house; and his eye soon rested
on the long narrow window of the little room near the hall…door。

'Where may the lady be who has lost the use of her limbs; madam?' he
inquired; with that peculiar smile which Mistress Affery could not
choose but keep her eyes upon。

'Up there!' said Affery。 'Them two windows。'

'Hah! I am of a fair size; but could not have the honour of presenting
myself in that room without a ladder。 Now; madam; frankly……frankness is
a part of my character……shall I open the door for you?'

'Yes; bless you; sir; for a dear creetur; and do it at once;' cried
Affery; 'for she may be a…calling to me at this very present minute; or
may be setting herself a fire and burning herself to death; or there's
no knowing what may be happening to her; and me a…going out of my mind
at thinking of it!'

'Stay; my good madam!' He restrained her impatience with a smooth white
hand。 'Business…hours; I apprehend; are over for the day?' 'Yes; yes;
yes;' cried Affery。 'Long ago。'

'Let me make; then; a fair proposal。 Fairness is a part of my character。
I am just landed from the packet…boat; as you may see。'

He showed her that his cloak was very wet; and that his boots
were saturated with water; she had previously observed that he was
dishevelled and sallow; as if from a rough voyage; and so chilled that
he could not keep his teeth from chattering。 'I am just landed from the
packet…boat; madam; and have been delayed by the weather: the infernal
; some necessary business that
I should otherwise have transacted here within the regular hours
(necessary business because money…business); still remains to be done。
Now; if you will fetch any authorised neighbouring somebody to do it in
return for my opening the door; I'll open the door。 If this arrangement
should be objectionable; I'll……' and with the same smile he made a
significant feint of backing away。

Mistress Affery; heartily glad to effect the proposed promise; gave
in her willing adhesion to it。 The gentleman at once requested her to
do him the favour of holding his cloak; took a short run at the narrow
window; made a leap at the sill; clung his way up the bricks; and in
a moment had his hand at the sash; raising it。 His eyes looked so very
sinister; as he put his leg into the room and glanced round at Mistress
Affery; that she thought with a sudden coldness; if he were to go
straight up…stairs to murder the invalid; what could she do to prevent

Happily he had no such purpose; for he reappeared; in a moment; at the
house door。 'Now; my dear madam;' he said; as he took back his cloak and
threw it on; 'if you have the goodness to……what the Devil's that!'

The strangest of sounds。 Evidently close at hand from the peculiar
shock it municated to the air; yet subdued as if it were far off。 A
tremble; a rumble; and a fall of some light dry matter。

'What the Devil is it?'

'I don't know what it is; but I've heard the like of it over and over
again;' said Affery; who had caught his arm。 He could hardly be a very
brave man; even she thought in her dreamy start and fright; for his
trembling lips had turned colourless。 After listening a few moments; he
made light of it。

'Bah! Not

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