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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第83部分

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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he came there on any pretence; as if to keep her in his sight。 A week
had not gone by; when she found him to her astonishment in the Lodge one
night; conversing with the turnkey on duty; and to all appearance one
of his familiar panions。 Her next surprise was to find him equally at
his ease within the prison; to hear of his presenting himself among
the visitors at her father's Sunday levee; to see him arm in arm with
a Collegiate friend about the yard; to learn; from Fame; that he had
greatly distinguished himself one evening at the social club that held
its meetings in the Snuggery; by addressing a speech to the members
of the institution; singing a song; and treating the pany to five
gallons of ale……report madly added a bushel of shrimps。 The effect on
Mr Plornish of such of these phenomena as he became an eye…witness of in
his faithful visits; made an impression on Little Dorrit only second to
that produced by the phenomena themselves。 They seemed to gag and bind
him。 He could only stare; and sometimes weakly mutter that it wouldn't
be believed down Bleeding Heart Yard that this was Pancks; but he never
said a word more; or made a sign more; even to Little Dorrit。

Mr Pancks crowned his mysteries by making himself acquainted with Tip
in some unknown manner; and taking a Sunday saunter into the College
on that gentleman's arm。 Throughout he never took any notice of Little
Dorrit; save once or twice when he happened to e close to her and
there was no one very near; on which occasions; he said in passing;
with a friendly look and a puff of encouragement; 'Pancks the

Little Dorrit worked and strove as usual; wondering at all this; but
keeping her wonder; as she had from her earliest years kept many heavier
loads; in her own breast。 A change had stolen; and was stealing yet;
over the patient heart。 Every day found her something more retiring
than the day before。 To pass in and out of the prison unnoticed; and
elsewhere to be overlooked and forgotten; were; for herself; her chief

To her own room too; strangely assorted room for her delicate youth
and character; she was glad to retreat as often as she could without
desertion of any duty。 There were afternoon times when she was
unemployed; when visitors dropped in to play a hand at cards with her
father; when she could be spared and was better away。 Then she would
flit along the yard; climb the scores of stairs that led to her room;
and take her seat at the window。 Many binations did those spikes
upon the wall assume; many light shapes did the strong iron weave itself
into; many golden touches fell upon the rust; while Little Dorrit sat
there musing。 New zig…zags sprung into the cruel pattern sometimes; when
she saw it through a burst of tears; but beautified or hardened still;
always over it and under it and through it; she was fain to look in her
solitude; seeing everything with that ineffaceable brand。

A garret; and a Marshalsea garret without promise; was Little
Dorrit's room。 Beautifully kept; it was ugly in itself; and had little
but cleanliness and air to set it off; for what embellishment she had
ever been able to buy; had gone to her father's room。 Howbeit; for this
poor place she showed an increasing love; and to sit in it alone became
her favourite rest。

Insomuch; that on a certain afternoon during the Pancks mysteries; when
she was seated at her window; and heard Maggy's well…known step ing
up the stairs; she was very much disturbed by the apprehension of being
summoned away。 As Maggy's step came higher up and nearer; she trembled
and faltered; and it was as much as she could do to speak; when Maggy at
length appeared。

'Please; Little Mother;' said Maggy; panting for breath; 'you must e
down and see him。 He's here。'

'Who; Maggy?'

'Who; o' course Mr Clennam。 He's in your father's room; and he says to
me; Maggy; will you be so kind and go and say it's only me。'

'I am not very well; Maggy。 I had better not go。 I am going to lie down。
See! I lie down now; to ease my head。 Say; with my grateful regard; that
you left me so; or I would have e。'

'Well; it an't very polite though; Little Mother;' said the staring
Maggy; 'to turn your face away; neither!'

Maggy was very susceptible to personal slights; and very ingenious in
inventing them。 'Putting both your hands afore your face too!' she went
on。 'If you can't bear the looks of a poor thing; it would be better to
tell her so at once; and not go and shut her out like that; hurting her
feelings and breaking her heart at ten year old; poor thing!'

'It's to ease my head; Maggy。'

'Well; and if you cry to ease your head; Little Mother; let me cry too。
Don't go and have all the crying to yourself;' expostulated Maggy; 'that
an't not being greedy。' And immediately began to blubber。

It was with some difficulty that she could be induced to go back with
the excuse; but the promise of being told a story……of old her great
delight……on condition that she concentrated her faculties upon the
errand and left her little mistress to herself for an hour longer;
bined with a misgiving on Maggy's part that she had left her good
temper at the bottom of the staircase; prevailed。 So away she went;
muttering her message all the way to keep it in her mind; and; at the
appointed time; came back。

'He was very sorry; I can tell you;' she announced; 'and wanted to send
a doctor。 And he's ing again to…morrow he is and I don't think he'll
have a good sleep to…night along o' hearing about your head; Little
Mother。 Oh my! Ain't you been a…crying!'

'I think I have; a little; Maggy。'

'A little! Oh!'

'But it's all over now……all over for good; Maggy。 And my head is much
better and cooler; and I am quite fortable。 I am very glad I did not
go down。'

Her great staring child tenderly embraced her; and having smoothed her
hair; and bathed her forehead and eyes with cold water (offices in which
her awkward hands became skilful); hugged her again; exulted in her
brighter looks; and stationed her in her chair by the window。 Over
against this chair; Maggy; with apoplectic exertions that were not
at all required; dragged the box which was her seat on story…telling
occasions; sat down upon it; hugged her own knees; and said; with a
voracious appetite for stories; and with widely…opened eyes:

'Now; Little Mother; let's have a good 'un!'

'What shall it be about; Maggy?'

'Oh; let's have a princess;' said Maggy; 'and let her be a reg'lar one。
Beyond all belief; you know!'

Little Dorrit considered for a moment; and with a rather sad smile upon
her face; which was flushed by the sunset; began:

'Maggy; there was once upon a time a fine King; and he had everything he
could wish for; and a great deal more。 He had gold and silver; diamonds
and rubies; riches of every kind。 He had palaces; and he had……'

'Hospitals;' interposed Maggy; still nursing her knees。 'Let him have
hospitals; because they're so fortable。 Hospitals with lots of

'Yes; he had plenty of them; and he had plenty of everything。'

'Plenty of baked potatoes; for instance?' said Maggy。

'Plenty of everything。'

'Lor!' chuckled Maggy; giving her knees a hug。 'Wasn't it prime!'

'This King had a daughter; who was the wisest and most beautiful
Princess that ever was seen。 When she was a child she understood all her
lessons before her masters taught them to her; and when she was grown
up; she was the wonder of the world。 Now; near the Palace where this
Princess lived; there was a cottage in which there was a poor little
tiny woman; who lived all alone by herself。'

'An old woman;' said Maggy; with an unctuous smack of her lips。

'No; not an old woman。 Quite a young one。'

'I wonder she warn't afraid;' said Maggy。 'Go on; please。'

'The Princess passed the cottage nearly every day; and whenever she went
by in her beautiful carriage; she saw the poor tiny woman spinning at
her wheel; and she looked at the tiny woman; and the tiny woman looked
at her。 So; one day she stopped the coachman a little way from the
cottage; and got out and walked on and peeped in at the door; and there;
as usual; was the tiny woman 

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