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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第60部分

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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something that did not belong to him; he was not himself。 What a strange
peculiarity on the part of Mr Meagles; and where should we find another
such case!

At last the wet Sunday wore itself out in a wet night; and Young
Barnacle went home in a cab; feebly smoking; and the objectionable Gowan
went away on foot; acpanied by the objectionable dog。 Pet had taken
the most amiable pains all day to be friendly with Clennam; but Clennam
had been a little reserved since breakfast……that is to say; would have
been; if he had loved her。

When he had gone to his own room; and had again thrown himself into the
chair by the fire; Mr Doyce knocked at the door; candle in hand; to
ask him how and at what hour he proposed returning on the morrow? After
settling this question; he said a word to Mr Doyce about this Gowan……who
would have run in his head a good deal; if he had been his rival。

'Those are not good prospects for a painter;' said Clennam。

'No;' returned Doyce。

Mr Doyce stood; chamber…candlestick in hand; the other hand in his
pocket; looking hard at the flame of his candle; with a certain quiet
perception in his face that they were going to say something more。 'I
thought our good friend a little changed; and out of spirits; after he
came this morning?' said Clennam。

'Yes;' returned Doyce。

'But not his daughter?' said Clennam。

'No;' said Doyce。

There was a pause on both sides。 Mr Doyce; still looking at the flame of
his candle; slowly resumed:

'The truth is; he has twice taken his daughter abroad in the hope of
separating her from Mr Gowan。 He rather thinks she is disposed to like
him; and he has painful doubts (I quite agree with him; as I dare say
you do) of the hopefulness of such a marriage。'

'There……' Clennam choked; and coughed; and stopped。

'Yes; you have taken cold;' said Daniel Doyce。 But without looking at

'There is an engagement between them; of course?' said Clennam airily。

'No。 As I am told; certainly not。 It has been solicited on the
gentleman's part; but none has been made。 Since their recent return;
our friend has yielded to a weekly visit; but that is the utmost。 Minnie
would not deceive her father and mother。 You have travelled with them;
and I believe you know what a bond there is among them; extending even
beyond this present life。 All that there is between Miss Minnie and Mr
Gowan; I have no doubt we see。'

'Ah! We see enough!' cried Arthur。

Mr Doyce wished him Good Night in the tone of a man who had heard a
mournful; not to say despairing; exclamation; and who sought to infuse
some encouragement and hope into the mind of the person by whom it had
been uttered。 Such tone was probably a part of his oddity; as one of
a crotchety band; for how could he have heard anything of that kind;
without Clennam's hearing it too?

The rain fell heavily on the roof; and pattered on the ground; and
dripped among the evergreens and the leafless branches of the trees。 The
rain fell heavily; drearily。 It was a night of tears。

If Clennam had not decided against falling in love with Pet; if he
had had the weakness to do it; if he had; little by little; persuaded
himself to set all the earnestness of his nature; all the might of his
hope; and all the wealth of his matured character; on that cast; if
he had done this and found that all was lost; he would have been;
that night; unutterably miserable。 As it was……As it was; the rain fell
heavily; drearily。

CHAPTER 18。 Little Dorrit's Lover

Little Dorrit had not attained her twenty…second birthday without
finding a lover。 Even in the shallow Marshalsea; the ever young Archer
shot off a few featherless arrows now and then from a mouldy bow; and
winged a Collegian or two。

Little Dorrit's lover; however; was not a Collegian。 He was the
sentimental son of a turnkey。 His father hoped; in the fulness of time;
to leave him the inheritance of an unstained key; and had from his
early youth familiarised him with the duties of his office; and with an
ambition to retain the prison…lock in the family。 While the succession
was yet in abeyance; he assisted his mother in the conduct of a snug
tobacco business round the corner of Horsemonger Lane (his father being
a non…resident turnkey); which could usually mand a neat connection
within the College walls。

Years agone; when the object of his affections was wont to sit in her
little arm…chair by the high Lodge…fender; Young John (family name;
Chivery); a year older than herself; had eyed her with admiring wonder。
When he had played with her in the yard; his favourite game had been to
counterfeit locking her up in corners; and to counterfeit letting
her out for real kisses。 When he grew tall enough to peep through the
keyhole of the great lock of the main door; he had divers times set down
his father's dinner; or supper; to get on as it might on the outer side
thereof; while he stood taking cold in one eye by dint of peeping at her
through that airy perspective。

If Young John had ever slackened in his truth in the less perable
days of his boyhood; when youth is prone to wear its boots unlaced and
is happily unconscious of digestive organs; he had soon strung it up
again and screwed it tight。 At nieen; his hand had inscribed in chalk
on that part of the wall which fronted her lodgings; on the occasion of
her birthday; 'Wele sweet nursling of the Fairies!' At twenty…three;
the same hand falteringly presented cigars on Sundays to the Father of
the Marshalsea; and Father of the queen of his soul。

Young John was small of stature; with rather weak legs and very weak
light hair。 One of his eyes (perhaps the eye that used to peep through
the keyhole) was also weak; and looked larger than the other; as if
it couldn't collect itself。 Young John was gentle likewise。 But he was
great of soul。 Poetical; expansive; faithful。

Though too humble before the ruler of his heart to be sanguine; Young
John had considered the object of his attachment in all its lights and
shades。 Following it out to blissful results; he had descried; without
self…mendation; a fitness in it。 Say things prospered; and they were
united。 She; the child of the Marshalsea; he; the lock…keeper。 There
was a fitness in that。 Say he became a resident turnkey。 She would
officially succeed to the chamber she had rented so long。 There was a
beautiful propriety in that。 It looked over the wall; if you stood on
tip…toe; and; with a trellis…work of scarlet beans and a canary or so;
would bee a very Arbour。 There was a charming idea in that。 Then;
being all in all to one another; there was even an appropriate grace in
the lock。 With the world shut out (except that part of it which would
be shut in); with its troubles and disturbances only known to them by
hearsay; as they would be described by the pilgrims tarrying with them
on their way to the Insolvent Shrine; with the Arbour above; and the
Lodge below; they would glide down the stream of time; in pastoral
domestic happiness。 Young John drew tears from his eyes by finishing the
picture with a tombstone in the adjoining churchyard; close against the
prison wall; bearing the following touching inscription: 'Sacred to
the Memory Of JOHN CHIVERY; Sixty years Turnkey; and fifty years
Head Turnkey; Of the neighbouring Marshalsea; Who departed this life;
universally respected; on the thirty…first of December; One thousand
eight hundred and eighty…six; Aged eighty…three years。 Also of his truly
beloved and truly loving wife; AMY; whose maiden name was DORRIT; Who
survived his loss not quite forty…eight hours; And who breathed her last
in the Marshalsea aforesaid。 There she was born; There she lived; There
she died。'

The Chivery parents were not ignorant of their son's attachment……indeed
it had; on some exceptional occasions; thrown him into a state of mind
that had impelled him to conduct himself with irascibility towards the
customers; and damage the business……but they; in their turns; had worked
it out to desirable conclusions。 Mrs Chivery; a prudent woman; had
desired her husband to take notice that their john's prospects of the
Lock would certainly be strengthened by an alliance with Miss D

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