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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第56部分

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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your portrait。' 'D'ye hear that; Mother?' cried Mr Meagles to his wife;
who had followed her daughter。 'It's always the same; Clennam; nobody
can decide。 The child to your left is Pet。'

The picture happened to be near a looking…glass。 As Arthur looked at
it again; he saw; by the reflection of the mirror; Tattycoram stop in
passing outside the door; listen to what was going on; and pass away
with an angry and contemptuous frown upon her face; that changed its
beauty into ugliness。

'But e!' said Mr Meagles。 'You have had a long walk; and will be glad
to get your boots off。 As to Daniel here; I suppose he'd never think of
taking his boots off; unless we showed him a boot…jack。'

'Why not?' asked Daniel; with a significant smile at Clennam。

'Oh! You have so many things to think about;' returned Mr Meagles;
clapping him on the shoulder; as if his weakness must not be left to
itself on any account。 'Figures; and wheels; and cogs; and levers; and
screws; and cylinders; and a thousand things。'

'In my calling;' said Daniel; amused; 'the greater usually includes the
less。 But never mind; never mind! Whatever pleases you; pleases me。'

Clennam could not help speculating; as he seated himself in his room
by the fire; whether there might be in the breast of this honest;
affectionate; and cordial Mr Meagles; any microscopic portion of
the mustard…seed that had sprung up into the great tree of the
Circumlocution Office。 His curious sense of a general superiority to
Daniel Doyce; which seemed to be founded; not so much on anything
in Doyce's personal character as on the mere fact of his being an
originator and a man out of the beaten track of other men; suggested the
idea。 It might have occupied him until he went down to dinner an hour
afterwards; if he had not had another question to consider; which
had been in his mind so long ago as before he was in quarantine at
Marseilles; and which had now returned to it; and was very urgent with
it。 No less a question than this: Whether he should allow himself to
fall in love with Pet?

He was twice her age。 (He changed the leg he had crossed over the other;
and tried the calculation again; but could not bring out the total at
less。) He was twice her age。 Well! He was young in appearance; young
in health and strength; young in heart。 A man was certainly not old
at forty; and many men were not in circumstances to marry; or did not
marry; until they had attained that time of life。 On the other hand; the
question was; not what he thought of the point; but what she thought of

He believed that Mr Meagles was disposed to entertain a ripe regard for
him; and he knew that he had a sincere regard for Mr Meagles and his
good wife。 He could foresee that to relinquish this beautiful only
child; of whom they were so fond; to any husband; would be a trial
of their love which perhaps they never yet had had the fortitude to
contemplate。 But the more beautiful and winning and charming she; the
nearer they must always be to the necessity of approaching it。 And why
not in his favour; as well as in another's?

When he had got so far; it came again into his head that the question
was; not what they thought of it; but what she thought of it。

Arthur Clennam was a retiring man; with a sense of many deficiencies;
and he so exalted the merits of the beautiful Minnie in his mind; and
depressed his own; that when he pinned himself to this point; his hopes
began to fail him。 He came to the final resolution; as he made himself
ready for dinner; that he would not allow himself to fall in love with

There were only five; at a round table; and it was very pleasant indeed。
They had so many places and people to recall; and they were all so easy
and cheerful together (Daniel Doyce either sitting out like an amused
spectator at cards; or ing in with some shrewd little experiences of
his own; when it happened to be to the purpose); that they might have
been together twenty times; and not have known so much of one another。

'And Miss Wade;' said Mr Meagles; after they had recalled a number of
fellow…travellers。 'Has anybody seen Miss Wade?'

'I have;' said Tattycoram。

She had brought a little mantle which her young mistress had sent for;
and was bending over her; putting it on; when she lifted up her dark
eyes and made this unexpected answer。

'Tatty!' her young mistress exclaimed。 'You seen Miss Wade?……where?'

'Here; miss;' said Tattycoram。


An impatient glance from Tattycoram seemed; as Clennam saw it; to answer
'With my eyes!' But her only answer in words was: 'I met her near the

'What was she doing there I wonder!' said Mr Meagles。 'Not going to it;
I should think。'

'She had written to me first;' said Tattycoram。

'Oh; Tatty!' murmured her mistress; 'take your hands away。 I feel as if
some one else was touching me!'

She said it in a quick involuntary way; but half playfully; and not more
petulantly or disagreeably than a favourite child might have done; who
laughed next moment。 Tattycoram set her full red lips together; and
crossed her arms upon her bosom。 'Did you wish to know; sir;' she said;
looking at Mr Meagles; 'what Miss Wade wrote to me about?'

'Well; Tattycoram;' returned Mr Meagles; 'since you ask the question;
and we are all friends here; perhaps you may as well mention it; if you
are so inclined。'

'She knew; when we were travelling; where you lived;' said Tattycoram;
'and she had seen me not quite……not quite……'

'Not quite in a good temper; Tattycoram?' suggested Mr Meagles;
shaking his head at the dark eyes with a quiet caution。 'Take a little
time……count five…and…twenty; Tattycoram。'

She pressed her lips together again; and took a long deep breath。

'So she wrote to me to say that if I ever felt myself hurt;' she looked
down at her young mistress; 'or found myself worried;' she looked down
at her again; 'I might go to her; and be considerately treated。 I was
to think of it; and could speak to her by the church。 So I went there to
thank her。'

'Tatty;' said her young mistress; putting her hand up over her shoulder
that the other might take it; 'Miss Wade almost frightened me when we
parted; and I scarcely like to think of her just now as having been so
near me without my knowing it。 Tatty dear!'

Tatty stood for a moment; immovable。

'Hey?' cried Mr Meagles。 'Count another five…and…twenty; Tattycoram。'

She might have counted a dozen; when she bent and put her lips to the
caressing hand。 It patted her cheek; as it touched the owner's beautiful
curls; and Tattycoram went away。

'Now there;' said Mr Meagles softly; as he gave a turn to the
dumb…waiter on his right hand to twirl the sugar towards himself。
'There's a girl who might be lost and ruined; if she wasn't among
practical people。 Mother and I know; solely from being practical; that
there are times when that girl's whole nature seems to roughen itself
against seeing us so bound up in Pet。 No father and mother were bound
up in her; poor soul。 I don't like to think of the way in which that
unfortunate child; with all that passion and protest in her; feels when
she hears the Fifth mandment on a Sunday。 I am always inclined to
call out; Church; Count five…and…twenty; Tattycoram。'

Besides his dumb…waiter; Mr Meagles had two other not dumb waiters in
the persons of two parlour…maids with rosy faces and bright eyes; who
were a highly ornamental part of the table decoration。 'And why not; you
see?' said Mr Meagles on this head。 'As I always say to Mother; why
not have something pretty to look at; if you have anything at all?' A
certain Mrs Tickit; who was Cook and Housekeeper when the family were
at home; and Housekeeper only when the family were away; pleted the
establishment。 Mr Meagles regretted that the nature of the duties in
which she was engaged; rendered Mrs Tickit unpresentable at present;
but hoped to introduce her to the new visitor to…morrow。 She was an
important part of the Cottage; he said; and all his friends knew her。
That was her picture up in the corner。 When they went away; she always
put on the silk…gown and the jet…black row of curls represented in that
portrait (h

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