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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第200部分

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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and pocket…book on the table。 A folded note half buckled up in the
pocket…book; and half protruding from it; caught his observant glance。
He looked at it; touched it; pulled it a little further out from among
the leaves; said quietly; 'This is addressed to me;' and opened and read

There were no directions for him to give。 The people of the house knew
what to do; the proper authorities were soon brought; and they took an
equable business…like possession of the deceased; and of what had been
his property; with no greater disturbance of manner or countenance than
usually attends the winding…up of a clock。 Physician was glad to walk
out into the night air……was even glad; in spite of his great experience;
to sit down upon a door…step for a little while: feeling sick and faint。

Bar was a near neighbour of his; and; when he came to the house; he saw
a light in the room where he knew his friend often sat late getting up
his work。 As the light was never there when Bar was not; it gave him
assurance that Bar was not yet in bed。 In fact; this busy bee had
a verdict to get to…morrow; against evidence; and was improving the
shining hours in setting snares for the gentlemen of the jury。

Physician's knock astonished Bar; but; as he immediately suspected that
somebody had e to tell him that somebody else was robbing him; or
otherwise trying to get the better of him; he came down promptly and
softly。 He had been clearing his head with a lotion of cold water; as a
good preparative to providing hot water for the heads of the jury; and
had been reading with the neck of his shirt thrown wide open that he
might the more freely choke the opposite witnesses。 In consequence; he
came down; looking rather wild。 Seeing Physician; the least expected of
men; he looked wilder and said; 'What's the matter?'

'You asked me once what Merdle's plaint was。'

'Extraordinary answer! I know I did。'

'I told you I had not found out。'

'Yes。 I know you did。'

'I have found it out。'

'My God!' said Bar; starting back; and clapping his hand upon the
other's breast。 'And so have I! I see it in your face。'

They went into the nearest room; where Physician gave him the letter to
read。 He read it through half…a…dozen times。 There was not much in it
as to quantity; but it made a great demand on his close and continuous
attention。 He could not sufficiently give utterance to his regret that
he had not himself found a clue to this。 The smallest clue; he said;
would have made him master of the case; and what a case it would have
been to have got to the bottom of!

Physician had engaged to break the intelligence in Harley Street。 Bar
could not at once return to his inveiglements of the most enlightened
and remarkable jury he had ever seen in that box; with whom; he could
tell his learned friend; no shallow sophistry would go down; and no
unhappily abused professional tact and skill prevail (this was the way
he meant to begin with them); so he said he would go too; and would
loiter to and fro near the house while his friend was inside。 They
walked there; the better to recover self…possession in the air; and the
wings of day were fluttering the night when Physician knocked at the

A footman of rainbow hues; in the public eye; was sitting up for his
master……that is to say; was fast asleep in the kitchen over a couple
of candles and a newspaper; demonstrating the great accumulation of
mathematical odds against the probabilities of a house being set on fire
by accident When this serving man was roused; Physician had still to
await the rousing of the Chief Butler。 At last that noble creature came
into the dining…room in a flannel gown and list shoes; but with his
cravat on; and a Chief Butler all over。 It was morning now。 Physician
had opened the shutters of one window while waiting; that he might see
the light。 'Mrs Merdle's maid must be called; and told to get Mrs Merdle
up; and prepare her as gently as she can to see me。 I have dreadful news
to break to her。'

Thus Physician to the Chief Butler。 The latter; who had a candle in his
hand; called his man to take it away。 Then he approached the window with
dignity; looking on at Physician's news exactly as he had looked on at
the dinners in that very room。

'Mr Merdle is dead。'

'I should wish;' said the Chief Butler; 'to give a month's notice。'

'Mr Merdle has destroyed himself。'

'Sir;' said the Chief Butler; 'that is very unpleasant to the feelings
of one in my position; as calculated to awaken prejudice; and I should
wish to leave immediately。'

'If you are not shocked; are you not surprised; man?' demanded the
Physician; warmly。

The Chief Butler; erect and calm; replied in these memorable words。

'Sir; Mr Merdle never was the gentleman; and no ungentlemanly act on
Mr Merdle's part would surprise me。 Is there anybody else I can send to
you; or any other directions I can give before I leave; respecting what
you would wish to be done?'

When Physician; after discharging himself of his trust up…stairs;
rejoined Bar in the street; he said no more of his interview with Mrs
Merdle than that he had not yet told her all; but that what he had told
her she had borne pretty well。 Bar had devoted his leisure in the street
to the construction of a most ingenious man…trap for catching the whole
of his jury at a blow; having got that matter settled in his mind;
it was lucid on the late catastrophe; and they walked home slowly;
discussing it in every bearing。 Before parting at the Physician's door;
they both looked up at the sunny morning sky; into which the smoke of a
few early fires and the breath and voices of a few early stirrers were
peacefully rising; and then looked round upon the immense city; and
said; if all those hundreds and thousands of beggared people who were
yet asleep could only know; as they two spoke; the ruin that impended
over them; what a fearful cry against one miserable soul would go up to

The report that the great man was dead; got about with astonishing
rapidity。 At first; he was dead of all the diseases that ever were
known; and of several bran…new maladies invented with the speed of
Light to meet the demand of the occasion。 He had concealed a dropsy from
infancy; he had inherited a large estate of water on the chest from his
grandfather; he had had an operation performed upon him every morning
of his life for eighteen years; he had been subject to the explosion of
important veins in his body after the manner of fireworks; he had had
something the matter with his lungs; he had had something the matter
with his heart; he had had something the matter with his brain。 Five
hundred people who sat down to breakfast entirely uninformed on the
whole subject; believed before they had done breakfast; that they
privately and personally knew Physician to have said to Mr Merdle; 'You
must expect to go out; some day; like the snuff of a candle;' and that
they knew Mr Merdle to have said to Physician; 'A man can die but once。'
By about eleven o'clock in the forenoon; something the matter with the
brain; became the favourite theory against the field; and by twelve the
something had been distinctly ascertained to be 'Pressure。'

Pressure was so entirely satisfactory to the public mind; and seemed to
make everybody so fortable; that it might have lasted all day but for
Bar's having taken the real state of the case into Court at half…past
nine。 This led to its beginning to be currently whispered all over
London by about one; that Mr Merdle had killed himself。 Pressure;
however; so far from being overthrown by the discovery; became a greater
favourite than ever。 There was a general moralising upon Pressure; in
every street。 All the people who had tried to make money and had not
been able to do it; said; There you were! You no sooner began to devote
yourself to the pursuit of wealth than you got Pressure。 The idle people
improved the occasion in a similar manner。 See; said they; what you
brought yourself to by work; work; work! You persisted in working; you
overdid it。 Pressure came on; and you were done for! This consideration
was very potent in many quarters; but nowhere more so

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