三色电子书 > 文学其他电子书 > little dorrit-信丽(英文版) >


little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第199部分

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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half a grain of reality; like the smallest portion of some other scarce
natural productions; will flavour an enormous quantity of diluent。

It came to pass; therefore; that Physician's little dinners always
presented people in their least conventional lights。 The guests said to
themselves; whether they were conscious of it or no; 'Here is a man who
really has an acquaintance with us as we are; who is admitted to some
of us every day with our wigs and paint off; who hears the wanderings of
our minds; and sees the undisguised expression of our faces; when both
are past our control; we may as well make an approach to reality with
him; for the man has got the better of us and is too strong for us。'
Therefore; Physician's guests came out so surprisingly at his round
table that they were almost natural。

Bar's knowledge of that agglomeration of jurymen which is called
humanity was as sharp as a razor; yet a razor is not a generally
convenient instrument; and Physician's plain bright scalpel; though far
less keen; was adaptable to far wider purposes。 Bar knew all about the
gullibility and knavery of people; but Physician could have given him
a better insight into their tendernesses and affections; in one week of
his rounds; than Westminster Hall and all the circuits put together;
in threescore years and ten。 Bar always had a suspicion of this; and
perhaps was glad to encourage it (for; if the world were really a great
Law Court; one would think that the last day of Term could not too soon
arrive); and so he liked and respected Physician quite as much as any
other kind of man did。

Mr Merdle's default left a Banquo's chair at the table; but; if he had
been there; he would have merely made the difference of Banquo in it;
and consequently he was no loss。 Bar; who picked up all sorts of odds
and ends about Westminster Hall; much as a raven would have done if he
had passed as much of his time there; had been picking up a great many
straws lately and tossing them about; to try which way the Merdle wind
blew。 He now had a little talk on the subject with Mrs Merdle herself;
sidling up to that lady; of course; with his double eye…glass and his
jury droop。

'A certain bird;' said Bar; and he looked as if it could have been no
other bird than a magpie; 'has been whispering among us lawyers lately;
that there is to be an addition to the titled personages of this realm。'

'Really?' said Mrs Merdle。

'Yes;' said Bar。 'Has not the bird been whispering in very different
ears from ours……in lovely ears?' He looked expressively at Mrs Merdle's
nearest ear…ring。

'Do you mean mine?' asked Mrs Merdle。

'When I say lovely;' said Bar; 'I always mean you。'

'You never mean anything; I think;' returned Mrs Merdle (not

'Oh; cruelly unjust!' said Bar。 'But; the bird。'

'I am the last person in the world to hear news;' observed Mrs Merdle;
carelessly arranging her stronghold。 'Who is it?'

'What an admirable witness you would make!' said Bar。 'No jury (unless
we could empanel one of blind men) could resist you; if you were ever so
bad a one; but you would be such a good one!'

'Why; you ridiculous man?' asked Mrs Merdle; laughing。

Bar waved his double eye…glass three or four times between himself and
the Bosom; as a rallying ansost insinuating

'What am I to call the most elegant; acplished and charming of women;
a few weeks; or it may be a few days; hence?'

'Didn't your bird tell you what to call her?' answered Mrs Merdle。 'Do
ask it to…morrow; and tell me the next time you see me what it says。'

This led to further passages of similar pleasantry between the two; but
Bar; with all his sharpness; got nothing out of them。 Physician; on the
other hand; taking Mrs Merdle down to her carriage and attending on her
as she put on her cloak; inquired into the symptoms with his usual calm

'May I ask;' he said; 'is this true about Merdle?'

'My dear doctor;' she returned; 'you ask me the very question that I was
half disposed to ask you。' 'To ask me! Why me?'

'Upon my honour; I think Mr Merdle reposes greater confidence in you
than in any one。'

'On the contrary; he tells me absolutely nothing; even professionally。
You have heard the talk; of course?'

'Of course I have。 But you know what Mr Merdle is; you know how
taciturn and reserved he is。 I assure you I have no idea what foundation
for it there may be。 I should like it to be true; why should I deny that
to you? You would know better; if I did!'

'Just so;' said Physician。

'But whether it is all true; or partly true; or entirely false; I am
wholly unable to say。 It is a most provoking situation; a most absurd
situation; but you know Mr Merdle; and are not surprised。'

Physician was not surprised; handed her into her carriage; and bade her
Good Night。 He stood for a moment at his own hall door; looking sedately
at the elegant equipage as it rattled away。 On his return up…stairs; the
rest of the guests soon dispersed; and he was left alone。 Being a great
reader of all kinds of literature (and never at all apologetic for that
weakness); he sat down fortably to read。

The clock upon his study table pointed to a few minutes short of twelve;
when his attention was called to it by a ringing at the door bell。 A man
of plain habits; he had sent his servants to bed and must needs go down
to open the door。 He went down; and there found a man without hat or
coat; whose shirt sleeves were rolled up tight to his shoulders。 For a
moment; he thought the man had been fighting: the rather; as he was much
agitated and out of breath。 A second look; however; showed him that
the man was particularly clean; and not otherwise disposed as to his
dress than as it answered this description。

'I e from the warm…baths; sir; round in the neighbouring street。'

'And what is the matter at the warm…baths?'

'Would you please to e directly; sir。 We found that; lying on the

He put into the physician's hand a scrap of paper。 Physician looked at
it; and read his own name and address written in pencil; nothing more。
He looked closer at the writing; looked at the man; took his hat from
its peg; put the key of his door in his pocket; and they hurried away

When they came to the warm…baths; all the other people belonging to that
establishment were looking out for them at the door; and running up and
down the passages。 'Request everybody else to keep back; if you please;'
said the physician aloud to the master; 'and do you take me straight to
the place; my friend;' to the messenger。

The messenger hurried before him; along a grove of little rooms;
and turning into one at the end of the grove; looked round the door。
Physician was close upon him; and looked round the door too。

There was a bath in that corner; from which the water had been hastily
drained off。 Lying in it; as in a grave or sarcophagus; with a hurried
drapery of sheet and blanket thrown across it; was the body of a
heavily…made man; with an obtuse head; and coarse; mean; mon
features。 A sky…light had been opened to release the steam with which
the room had been filled; but it hung; condensed into water…drops;
heavily upon the walls; and heavily upon the face and figure in the
bath。 The room was still hot; and the marble of the bath still warm; but
the face and figure were clammy to the touch。 The white marble at the
bottom of the bath was veined with a dreadful red。 On the ledge at
the side; were an empty laudanum…bottle and a tortoise…shell handled
penknife……soiled; but not with ink。

'Separation of jugular vein……death rapid……been dead at least half an
hour。' This echo of the physician's words ran through the passages
and little rooms; and through the house while he was yet straightening
himself from having bent down to reach to the bottom of the bath; and
while he was yet dabbling his hands in water; redly veining it as the
marble was veined; before it mingled into one tint。

He turned his eyes to the dress upon the sofa; and to the watch; money;
and pocket…book on the table。 A folded note half buckled up in the
pocket…book; and half protruding from it; caught his observant glan

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