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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第131部分

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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Not so; however; Mr Sparkler。 This gentleman; being transfixed at
the same moment as his lady…mother; could not by any means unfix himself
again; but stood stiffly staring at the whole position with Miss
Fanny in the Foreground。 On his mother saying; 'Edmund; we are quite
ready; will you give me your arm?' he seemed; by the motion of his lips;
to reply with some remark prehending the form of words in which his
shining talents found the most frequent utterance; but he relaxed no
muscle。 So fixed was his figure; that it would have been matter of some
difficulty to bend him sufficiently to get him in the carriage…door;
if he had not received the timely assistance of a maternal pull from
within。 He was no sooner within than the pad of the little window in the
back of the chariot disappeared; and his eye usurped its place。 There
it remained as long as so small an object was discernible; and probably
much longer; staring (as though something inexpressibly surprising
should happen to a codfish) like an ill…executed eye in a large locket。

This encounter was so highly agreeable to Miss Fanny; and gave her
so much to think of with triumph afterwards; that it softened her
asperities exceedingly。 When the procession was again in motion next
day; she occupied her place in it with a new gaiety; and showed such a
flow of spirits indeed; that Mrs General looked rather surprised。

Little Dorrit was glad to be found no fault with; and to see that Fanny
was pleased; but her part in the procession was a musing part; and a
quiet one。 Sitting opposite her father in the travelling…carriage; and
recalling the old Marshalsea room; her present existence was a dream。
All that she saw was new and wonderful; but it was not real; it seemed
to her as if those visions of mountains and picturesque countries might
melt away at any moment; and the carriage; turning some abrupt corner;
bring up with a jolt at the old Marshalsea gate。

To have no work to do was strange; but not half so strange as having
glided into a corner where she had no one to think for; nothing to plan
and contrive; no cares of others to load herself with。 Strange as that
was; it was far stranger yet to find a space between herself and her
father; where others occupied themselves in taking care of him; and
where she was never expected to be。 At first; this was so much more
unlike her old experience than even the mountains themselves; that she
had been unable to resign herself to it; and had tried to retain her
old place about him。 But he had spoken to her alone; and had said that
people……ha……people in an exalted position; my dear; must scrupulously
exact respect from their dependents; and that for her; his daughter;
Miss Amy Dorrit; of the sole remaining branch of the Dorrits of
Dorsetshire; to be known to……hum……to occupy herself in fulfilling the
functions of……ha hum……a valet; would be inpatible with that respect。
Therefore; my dear; he……ha……he laid his parental injunctions upon
her; to remember that she was a lady; who had now to conduct herself
with……hum……a proper pride; and to preserve the rank of a lady;
and consequently he requested her to abstain from doing what would
occasion……ha……unpleasant and derogatory remarks。 She had obeyed without
a murmur。 Thus it had been brought about that she now sat in her corner
of the luxurious carriage with her little patient hands folded before
her; quite displaced even from the last point of the old standing ground
in life on which her feet had lingered。

It was from this position that all she saw appeared unreal; the more
surprising the scenes; the more they resembled the unreality of her
own inner life as she went through its vacant places all day long。 The
gorges of the Simplon; its enormous depths and thundering waterfalls;
the wonderful road; the points of danger where a loose wheel or a
faltering horse would have been destruction; the descent into Italy; the
opening of that beautiful land as the rugged mountain…chasm widened and
let them out from a gloomy and dark imprisonment……all a dream……only the
old mean Marshalsea a reality。 Nay; even the old mean Marshalsea was
shaken to its foundations when she pictured it without her father。 She
could scarcely believe that the prisoners were still lingering in the
close yard; that the mean rooms were still every one tenanted; and that
the turnkey still stood in the Lodge letting people in and out; all just
as she well knew it to be。

With a remembrance of her father's old life in prison hanging about her
like the burden of a sorrowful tune; Little Dorrit would wake from a
dream of her birth…place into a whole day's dream。 The painted room in
which she awoke; often a humbled state…chamber in a dilapidated palace;
would begin it; with its wild red autumnal vine…leaves overhanging the
glass; its orange…trees on the cracked white terrace outside the window;
a group of monks and peasants in the little street below; misery and
magnificence wrestling with each other upon every rood of ground in
the prospect; no matter how widely diversified; and misery throwing
magnificence with the strength of fate。 To this would succeed a
labyrinth of bare passages and pillared galleries; with the family
procession already preparing in the quadrangle below; through the
carriages and luggage being brought together by the servants for the
day's journey。 Then breakfast in another painted chamber; damp…stained
and of desolate proportions; and then the departure; which; to her
timidity and sense of not being grand enough for her place in the
ceremonies; was always an uneasy thing。 For then the courier (who
himself would have been a foreign gentleman of high mark in the
Marshalsea) would present himself to report that all was ready; and then
her father's valet would pompously induct him into his travelling…cloak;
and then Fanny's maid; and her own maid (who was a weight on Little
Dorrit's mind……absolutely made her cry at first; she knew so little
what to do with her); would be in attendance; and then her brother's man
would plete his master's equipment; and then her father would give
his arm to Mrs General; and her uncle would give his to her; and;
escorted by the landlord and Inn servants; they would swoop down…stairs。
There; a crowd would be collected to see them enter their carriages;
which; amidst much bowing; and begging; and prancing; and lashing; and
clattering; they would do; and so they would be driven madly through
narrow unsavoury streets; and jerked out at the town gate。

Among the day's unrealities would be roads where the bright red vines
were looped and garlanded together on trees for many miles; woods of
olives; white villages and towns on hill…sides; lovely without; but
frightful in their dirt and poverty within; crosses by the way; deep
blue lakes with fairy islands; and clustering boats with awnings of
bright colours and sails of beautiful forms; vast piles of building
mouldering to dust; hanging…gardens where the weeds had grown so strong
that their stems; like wedges driven home; had split the arch and rent
the wall; stone…terraced lanes; with the lizards running into and out
of every chink; beggars of all sorts everywhere: pitiful; picturesque;
hungry; merry; children beggars and aged beggars。 Often at
posting…houses and other halting places; these miserable creatures would
appear to her the only realities of the day; and many a time; when the
money she had brought to give them was all given away; she would sit
with her folded hands; thoughtfully looking after some diminutive girl
leading her grey father; as if the sight reminded her of something in
the days that were gone。

Again; there would be places where they stayed the week together in
splendid rooms; had banquets every day; rode out among heaps of wonders;
walked through miles of palaces; and rested in dark corners of great
churches; where there were winking lamps of gold and silver among
pillars and arches; kneeling figures dotted about at confessionals and
on the pavements; where there was the mist and scent of incense; where
there were pictures; fantastic images; gaudy altars; great heights and
distances; all softly lighted throug

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