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little dorrit-信丽(英文版)-第130部分

小说: little dorrit-信丽(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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but; owing to an unhappy destiny and the curse of Heaven; they were not
yet gone。

Nothing could exceed Mr Dorrit's indignation; as he turned at the foot
of the staircase on hearing these apologies。 He felt that the family
dignity was struck at by an assassin's hand。 He had a sense of his
dignity; which was of the most exquisite nature。 He could detect a
design upon it when nobody else had any perception of the fact。 His
life was made an agony by the number of fine scalpels that he felt to be
incessantly engaged in dissecting his dignity。

'Is it possible; sir;' said Mr Dorrit; reddening excessively; 'that you
have……ha……had the audacity to place one of my rooms at the disposition
of any other person?'

Thousands of pardons! It was the host's profound misfortune to have been
overe by that too genteel lady。 He besought Monseigneur not to enrage
himself。 He threw himself on Monseigneur for clemency。 If Monseigneur
would have the distinguished goodness to occupy the other salon
especially reserved for him; for but five minutes; all would go well。

'No; sir;' said Mr Dorrit。 'I will not occupy any salon。 I will leave
your house without eating or drinking; or setting foot in it。

How do you dare to act like this? Who am I that you……ha……separate me
from other gentlemen?'

Alas! The host called all the universe to witness that Monseigneur was
the most amiable of the whole body of nobility; the most important;
the most estimable; the most honoured。 If he separated Monseigneur from
others; it was only because he was more distinguished; more cherished;
more generous; more renowned。

'Don't tell me so; sir;' returned Mr Dorrit; in a mighty heat。 'You have
affronted me。 You have heaped insults upon me。 How dare you? Explain

Ah; just Heaven; then; how could the host explain himself when he had
nothing more to explain; when he had only to apologise; and confide
himself to the so well…known magnanimity of Monseigneur!

'I tell you; sir;' said Mr Dorrit; panting with anger; 'that you
separate me……ha……from other gentlemen; that you make distinctions
between me and other gentlemen of fortune and station。 I demand of you;
why? I wish to know on……ha……what authority; on whose authority。 Reply
sir。 Explain。 Answer why。'

Permit the landlord humbly to submit to Monsieur the Courier then; that
Monseigneur; ordinarily so gracious; enraged himself without cause。
There was no why。 Monsieur the Courier would represent to Monseigneur;
that he deceived himself in suspecting that there was any why; but the
why his devoted servant had already had the honour to present to him。
The very genteel lady……

'Silence!' cried Mr Dorrit。 'Hold your tongue! I will hear no more
of the very genteel lady; I will hear no more of you。 Look at this
family……my family……a family more genteel than any lady。 You have treated
this family with disrespect; you have been insolent to this family。 I'll
ruin you。 Ha……send for the horses; pack the carriages; I'll not set foot
in this man's house again!'

No one had interfered in the dispute; which was beyond the French
colloquial powers of Edward Dorrit; Esquire; and scarcely within the
province of the ladies。 Miss Fanny; however; now supported her father
with great bitterness; declaring; in her native tongue; that it was
quite clear there was something special in this man's impertinence;
and that she considered it important that he should be; by some means;
forced to give up his authority for making distinctions between that
family and other wealthy families。 What the reasons of his presumption
could be; she was at a loss to imagine; but reasons he must have; and
they ought to be torn from him。

All the guides; mule…drivers; and idlers in the yard; had made
themselves parties to the angry conference; and were much impressed by
the courier's now bestirring himself to get the carriages out。 With the
aid of some dozen people to each wheel; this was done at a great cost of
noise; and then the loading was proceeded with; pending the arrival of
the horses from the post…house。

But the very genteel lady's English chariot being already horsed and at
the inn…door; the landlord had slipped up…stairs to represent his hard
case。 This was notified to the yard by his now ing down the staircase
in attendance on the gentleman and the lady; and by his pointing out the
offended majesty of Mr Dorrit to them with a significant motion of his

'Beg your pardon;' said the gentleman; detaching himself from the
lady; and ing forward。 'I am a man of few words and a bad hand at an
explanation……but lady here is extremely anxious that there should be no
Row。 Lady……a mother of mine; in point of fact……wishes me to say that she
hopes no Row。'

Mr Dorrit; still panting under his injury; saluted the gentleman; and
saluted the lady; in a distant; final; and invincible manner。

'No; but really……here; old feller; you!' This was the gentleman's way of
appealing to Ed he pounced as a great and
providential relief。 'Let you and I try to make this all right。 Lady so
very much wishes no Row。'

Edward Dorrit; Esquire; led a little apart by the button; assumed a
diplomatic expression of countenance in replying; 'Why you must confess;
that when you bespeak a lot of rooms beforehand; and they belong to you;
it's not pleasant to find other people in 'em。'

'No;' said the other; 'I know it isn't。 I admit it。 Still; let you and I
try to make it all right; and avoid Row。 The fault is not this chap's
at all; but my mother's。 Being a remarkably fine woman with no bigodd
nonsense about her……well educated; too……she was too many for this chap。
Regularly pocketed him。'

'If that's the case……' Edward Dorrit; Esquire; began。

'Assure you 'pon my soul 'tis the case。 Consequently;' said the other
gentleman; retiring on his main position; 'why Row?'

'Edmund;' said the lady from the doorway; 'I hope you have explained;
or are explaining; to the satisfaction of this gentleman and his family
that the civil landlord is not to blame?'

'Assure you; ma'am;' returned Edmund; 'perfectly paralysing myself with
trying it on。' He then looked steadfastly at Edward Dorrit; Esquire; for
some seconds; and suddenly added; in a burst of confidence; 'Old feller!
Is it all right?'

'I don't know; after all;' said the lady; gracefully advancing a step or
two towards Mr Dorrit; 'but that I had better say myself; at once;
that I assured this good man I took all the consequences on myself of
occupying one of a stranger's suite of rooms during his absence; for
just as much (or as little) time as I could dine in。 I had no idea the
rightful owner would e back so soon; nor had I any idea that he
had e back; or I should have hastened to make restoration of my
ill…gotten chamber; and to have offered my explanation and apology。 I
trust in saying this……'

For a moment the lady; with a glass at her eye; stood transfixed and
speechless before the two Miss Dorrits。 At the same moment; Miss Fanny;
in the foreground of a grand pictorial position; formed by the
family; the family equipages; and the family servants; held her sister
tight under one arm to detain her on the spot; and with the other arm
fanned herself with a distinguished air; and negligently surveyed the
lady from head to foot。

The lady; recovering herself quickly……for it was Mrs Merdle and she was
not easily dashed……went on to add that she trusted in saying this; she
apologised for her boldness; and restored this well…behaved landlord to
the favour that was so very valuable to him。 Mr Dorrit; on the altar of
whose dignity all this was incense; made a gracious reply; and said
that his people should……ha……countermand his horses; and he
would……hum……overlook what he had at first supposed to be an affront;
but now regarded as an honour。 Upon this the bosom bent to him; and its
owner; with a wonderful mand of feature; addressed a winning smile of
adieu to the two sisters; as young ladies of fortune in whose favour she
was much prepossessed; and whom she had never had the gratification of
seeing before。

Not so; however; Mr Sparkler。 This gentleman; being transfixed at
the same moment as his lady…mother; could 

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