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the days of my life-第46部分

小说: the days of my life 字数: 每页4000字

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ng to be done — operate。 So we operated; with a razor and without an anaesthetic。 I only hope that such another job may never fall to my lot; for that ostrich was unmonly strong and resented our surgical aid。 However; we got the bone out and the creature recovered。 Imagine our horror when; a few weeks later; it appeared with another bone immovably planted in exactly the same place! This time we left it to fate; by which it was speedily overtaken。
Besides the ostriches we had a number of draught oxen and some waggons。 Out of these we did very well; as we hired them to Government for transport purposes; though from these trips they returned dreadfully footsore and poor。 But cattle also had their risks。 Thus I remember our investing several hardly earned hundreds of pounds in a bunch of trek oxen; which we sent down to the bush…veld to recover。 A month or two later came a message from the man who had taken them in; to the effect that they were all dead of eating a poisonous herb called “tulip。” We often wondered if “tulip” really accounted for their disappearance from our ken。
Also we made hay; rather a new departure in that district in our time; where the cattle were left to get through the winter as best they could。 This hay…making was a profitable business; as the product was in eager demand at a high price。 I remember selling the result of about a month of my own work for 250 pounds; and never in all my life have I been prouder of anything than I was of earning that money; literally with my hands and by the sweat of my brow。
This was the process — one that would make my English steward and labourers stare。 Indeed; when I tell the former of it; he listens politely but; I am quite sure; in his heart believes that for his benefit I have wandered into the familiar fields of fiction。 We had imported a hay…cutting machine; I believe one of the first seen in those parts。 Having selected a patch of level veld on which to operate; and harnessed; I think; three horses to the machine; I would start out in the dewy morning; at sunrise; with a Kaffir leader。 Then we menced operations。 I sat on that dreadful apparatus and managed the levers and knives; the Kaffir led the horses。 The grass was thick and plentiful; so thick indeed that it was difficult to see stones and ant…bear holes。 The former must be avoided by sudden and Herculean efforts; or the knives would be shattered。 As for the latter; occasionally we went into them to the depth of two feet or so; and then the trouble was to prevent myself from being thrown on to the knives。
Altogether grass…cutting had its dangers; though; as it happened; I never came to any serious harm。 After the hay was once mown the rest was paratively simple。 We invented a gigantic rake; to which we attached two mules or horses; and by this means; after it had lain for a day or so in the sun to dry — for we never attempted to turn it — dragged the hay into enormous cocks; since the building of a regular stack was beyond our resources。 These cocks we covered with cloths; or anything we could get; and when they had settled and sweetened by the generated heat; we sold them to the purchasers; usually missariat officers who carted them away。 I suppose they were satisfied with the stuff; as they always came back for more。 Or perhaps they could get nothing else。
Further; we grew mealies or Indian corn; but here the trouble was that stray cattle and horses would break in at night and eat them。
Such is a rough outline of our various agricultural and other operations on the Rooipoint farm。 Personally they form my pleasantest recollections of the place; though; were I to start again; I would not have so many irons in the fire。 On the whole we made a good deal of money; though our outgoings and losses were also heavy。 To farm successfully in Natal requires; or required; much capital and; owing to the poor quality of the Kaffir labour; incessant personal supervision。 These Kaffirs; however; who were most of them our tenants; were in many ways our best friends; moreover they afforded us constant amusement when they were not engaged in driving us mad by their carelessness。
I remember one of them breaking the best dinner dish and calmly bringing the pieces to my wife。 “I have collected and carried these fragments to the Inkosikaas (head lady);” he explained with a sweet smile; “that the Inkosikaas; being clever like all the white people; may cause them to join themselves together again。”
The Inkosikaas surveyed him and them with speechless indignation。 When; however; some of the family silver — I think it was spoons — was missed and ultimately found in the stable dust…heap; and when the best new table knives were discovered being used by Mazooku and his friends to dissect a decaying ox that had died of lung sickness; her indignation was no longer speechless。 Indeed the offenders fled before her。
Of course these Zulus gave everybody a native name。 My wife they called by a word which meant “a pretty white bead with a pink eye;” while Gibbs was designated by a descriptive title; anglice “a worn…out old cow who would have no more calves。” I cannot recollect whether anyone; even Stephen; dared to give to her an unBowdlerised rendering of this not too plimentary appellation。 Certainly I avoided doing so。 Poor Gibbs! Her trials in that strange land were many。 Still we brought her safe home to England; where she remained in our service for a year or two; then left and vanished away as modern domestics do。 I wonder whether she still lives; and if so; where she is spending her old age!
Before we left Hilldrop we had a great sale of our imported furniture; of which the catalogue survives to this day。 It was a highly successful sale; since such articles were then rare at Newcastle。 Thus I think a grand piano; which I had bought second…hand for 40 pounds in England; fetched 200 pounds; and the other things went at proportionately good prices。 Only the “pany” got hold of all the stock of wine which was exposed upon the verandah and therein drank our healths; whereon the watchful auctioneers knocked it down to the drinkers at a high price per dozen。
So at last we bade farewell to Hilldrop; which neither of us ever has; nor I suppose ever will; see again except in dreams。 I remember feeling quite sad as we drove down the dusty track to Newcastle; and the familiar house; surrounded by its orange trees; grew dim and vanished from our sight。
There my son had been born; there I had undergone many emotions of a kind that help to make a man; there I had suffered the highest sort of shame; shame for my country; there; as I felt; one chapter in my eventful life had opened and had closed。 It was sad to part with the place; and also to bid good…bye to my Zulu servant Mazooku。 The poor fellow was moved at this parting; and gave me what probably he valued more than anything he possessed; the kerry that he had carried ever since he was a man — that same heavy; redwood instrument with which more than once I have seen him battering the head of some foe。 It hangs in the hall of this house; but where; I wonder; is Mazooku; who saved my life when I was lost upon the veld? Living; perhaps; in some kraal; and thinking from time to time of his old master Indanda; of e vague rumours may have reached him。 If so; were I to revisit Africa today; I have not the faintest doubt but that he would reappear。 I should go out of my hotel and see a grey…headed man squatted on the roadside who would arise; lift up his arm; salute me; and say; “Inkoos Indanda; you are here; I am here; e back to serve you。”
I have seen the thing done。 As a young man Sir William Sergeaunt was in South Africa — I forget how or when — and then had a Zulu servant; a Mazook。 He departed and thirty years later returned。 His Mazook appeared from some kraal; of which he was then the head; and was with him during all his stay。 I saw him there。
Or if my Mazook should be dead; as well he may be; and if there is any future for us mortals; and if Zulus and white men go to the same place — as why should they not? — then I am quite certain that when I reach that shore I shall see a square…faced; dusky figure seated on it; and hear the words; “Inkoos Indanda; here am I; Mazo

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