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the days of my life-第43部分

小说: the days of my life 字数: 每页4000字

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between its legs。 Also the authorities were naturally anxious to prevent the war from spreading to the civil population。 So our proposed coup came to nothing。
Now followed a period of great alarm。 We were surrounded by the enemy; and from hour to hour never knew on whom or where the blow might fall。 Every night at Hilldrop we placed Kaffirs on the surrounding hills that they might warn us of the approach of the enemy。 Well and faithfully did these men fulfil their duty; indeed; we were kept advised of all that happened through the Zulu natives dwelling on our farm。 Also my old body…servant; Mazooku; had joined me on my return to Africa; and with his friends night and day guarded us as a mother might her child。 Night by night; sometimes in our clothes; we slept with about six horses saddled in the stable; loaded rifles leaning against the beds; and revolvers beneath our pillows。
Next came a rumour; apparently well substantiated; that the expected battle between the invading Boers and the reinforcements was actually to take place on the following day at a drift of the Ingagaan River upon our own farm; Rooipoint。 It was added; probably with truth; that the main body of the Boers intended to occupy my house and the hill behind。 This was too much; so; abandoning everything except our plate; we retreated into laager at Newcastle; and there spent several very unfortable days。 For some reason that never transpired; however; the Boers never delivered the expected attack。 It was the one military mistake that they made; for had they done so I believe they would have cut up the long line of reinforcements; and subsequently have taken the town of Newcastle without much difficulty。 On the contrary; they withdrew to the Nek as silently and swiftly as they had e。
On February 17th the reinforcements marched safely into Newcastle。 General Wood; however; who I think acpanied them; was sent down…country by Colley to bring up more reinforcements and to look after stores; a task which to the lay mind might have been equally well performed by some subordinate officer。 I should add it was said that by mutual agreement of these two generals no further offensive movement was to take place until Wood returned again。
If so; that agreement was not kept; since on Sunday; the 27th of February; I heard the sound of distant guns; which most of the others attributed to thunder。 So certain was I on the point that some of us rode to the camp to make inquiries。 On our way through the town we learned that messages were pouring down the wires from Mount Prospect; and found the place full of rumours。 At the camp; however; nothing was known; indeed; several officers to whom we spoke laughed at us。 It would almost seem as though Colley had undertaken his fatal movement without advising his base。
I cannot tell again the horrible story of Majuba。 Afterwards Colonel Mitchell told me the tale of what was happening at Government House in Maritzburg。 Into the office where I used to sit the messages poured down from Majuba; reporting its occupation and the events which followed as they occurred。 So to speak; Majuba was in that room。 As each wire arrived it was his duty to take it to Lady Colley in another part of the house。 At length came a pause and then a telegram of two words: “Colley dead;” and then — nothing more。
This message too Colonel Mitchel must take to the chamber where the wife sat waiting。 He said that she would not believe it; also that it was the most dreadful moment of his life。
In one of the letters published in Butler’s Life of Colley; he writes to his wife that his good luck was so great and so continuous that it caused him to be afraid。 Not in vain was he afraid; for can anything be more tragic than this man’s history! One of Wolseley’s darlings; every advancement; every honour was heaped upon him。 At last Fortune offered to him a soldier’s supreme opportunity; and he used it thus! Had he been content to wait; it was said at the time — and I for one believe — that the Boers would have melted away。 Or; if they did not; he would soon have found himself at the head of a force that might have manded victory。 He would have bee one of the greatest generals in the Empire; and the history of South Africa would have been changed; for it was only defeat that brought about the Retrocession。 But he had theories and he lacked patience。 Or perhaps Destiny drove him on。 In only one thing was it kind to him。 It did not leave him living to contemplate his own ruin and the dishonour of his country。 Peace be to him。
Now I will return; not without relief; to my own story; which is best set out in such letters as have survived。 These remain clear and fixed; about them can gather nothing of the uncertainties or mists of time and memory。
In one written by my wife to my mother from Hilldrop on March 7; 1881; she says:
As you will have seen from the papers; we are not altogether in an enviable position。 The state of affairs out here is really being very serious。 We are told that the troops now in camp at the “Nek” are perfectly panic…stricken by the continual defeats they have sustained; and that in the last engagement; when poor Sir George Colley lost his life; the officers had the greatest difficulty in getting their men to stand。 Of course; as everyone says; it is not to be wondered at。 Three times now have our men been sent out in small bodies to face double their numbers and have simply been shot down like sheep without being able to make any effectual resistance。 In spite of the Boers being rebels one cannot help admiring the way in which they are conducting this affair。 Their coolness and pluck are wonderful; and they have not made one false move yet。 Add to this the fact that they are all splendid shots; and you will agree that it is no mean foe with whom we have to deal; though this is what our officers and men would not at first believe。 Hence these sad disasters。 Poor Sir George Colley has paid dearly for his rashness; but; humanly speaking; it was far better for him to die as he did fighting bravely at the head of his men than to live with a lost reputation。 Lost it decidedly would have been; for popular feeling was strong against him even before this last affair。
And now for a few words about ourselves。 。 。 。 The farm is pretty flourishing。 We are now in the middle of haymaking; and the lazy Rider is routed out about 6 A。M。 every fine morning to go and cut。 He looks all the better for it; in fact I think we are both in better health than when we left England。 We have lost another ostrich; luckily not a very good one; but the other birds seem to be doing nicely and some of them have splendid feathers 。 。 。 。
On May 3; 1881; I wrote:
My dearest Mother; — 。 。 。 I do not know how to thank you all enough for the loving interest you have all shown towards us in our trouble。 We were extremely surprised and; speaking from a personal point of view; delighted to get a telegram from Jack 'my brother who afterwards became Consul at Madagascar; etc。 — H。 R。 H。' the other morning announcing his arrival at the Cape。 We thought he had given up all idea of ing。
Perhaps you will hardly have been surprised at my letter to my father telling him that we are seriously debating clearing out of this part of the world。 I am sorry to say that every day that has elapsed since I wrote has only strengthened my conviction that henceforth we can look for no peace or security in South Africa。
I fear our property will suffer from this business。 A little while since we could have easily got 3000 pounds for the farm。 I don’t know if we shall be able to do so now。 。 。 。 I cannot tell you how sorry I shall be if we have to leave this place; as I repeat I think is probable。 After a two years’ struggle we were just beginning to do well; and had there been no war I think this would have developed into a very thriving concern。 Latterly we have been clearing at the rate of over 2000 pounds a year 。 。 。 。
In a letter to my mother; dated May 4; 1881; my wife says:
The High missioner; to whom we have let the house; is also expected; so I fear Jack will arrive to find us in rather a muddle。 We shall have to live in a kind of picnic fashion; I expect for about a fortnight; as our house…ro

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