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the days of my life-及123何蛍

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But you may be political economists察some of you察and we all know that political economy is a hard doctrine。 And you may say此Well察these people went to the cities of their own accord察let them expiate their fault in the city察let them welter and let them perish there察dead beats察and the world is well rid of them。 Well察I am going to submit察if you will allow me察another side of the argument for your consideration。 If you do not want to do anything on the ground of humanitarianism to help the people察I submit to you察gentlemen察and I submit to everyone察that there is another ground on which the thing should be done察and that is the ground of the welfare of the nation。
I will start out with an axiom。 If the Western nations allow this sort of thing to go on察allow their population to crowd into the cities察then察I say察the career of the Western nations is going to be short。 The city folk察those who remain察will never hold their own in the world ! not only because of the weakened physique and changed character察but because of another and more final reason。 Gentlemen察children are not bred in the cities。 There will e a time when the children bred there are too few ! it is ing now。 And if the children are not bred察if there is not the supply of healthy children to carry on the nation察how can the nation stand拭With the people on the land it is different。 Self´interest es into play。
A large family is a valuable asset to the small´holder察in the city it is nothing but a drawback。 Let any one of you gentlemen think of himself with a home consisting of a single room in a tenement in New York or a back slum in London察and with six or eight children察and then think of the contrast with those six children upon the land and able to assist in your business of caring for the cattle or carrying on many of the other operations of the farm。 We must look at facts。 With dwellers on the land self´interest es in察on the land alone will the supply of children be available that is necessary to carrying on our white races。 And if they are not carried on in sufficient numbers what of it拭Of course察you have all heard of what they call the yellow peril察and many people have laughed at it as a bogey。 Is it a bogey拭Does Russia察for instance察consider that Japan is a mere nightmare拭I think not察I think Russia has very definite and distinct ideas as to the prowess of Japan today。 Japan is a small nation。 Forty years ago the Japanese dressed themselves up in scale armour察like lobsters察and fought with bows and arrows。 And look at them today察knocking Russia around the ring。
Imagine the state of affairs when察not little Japan察but察let us say察great China察with her 400000000 people察has also made some strides towards civilisation察has carried out察for instance察that programme which I saw announced in the papers yesterday察in the way of building warships察and imagine those 400000000 of stolid察strong察patient察untiring land´bred men having nowhere to live察having not earth upon which to stand察and seeking a home。 And imagine them casting their eyes around for worlds to conquer察and seeing an island continent half vacant and other places with a few families scattered over the land察and a few millions heaped together in the things these white people call cities。
Imagine them saying察God ! whatever gods there be察whatever gods we worship ! give us the right to live察we have the right to our share of the earth察here we have not enough of the earth察we will seek the earth察we will take the earth察we will keep the earth。 Then imagine the scanty peoples spread thinly over these territories saying此 But we will pass a law to keep you out。 ̄ They answer此 We will e in nevertheless察we will walk through your paper law。 ̄ And those who hold the ground say此 You shall not e in察we will shoot you察we will keep you out with force of arms。 ̄ And their answer is此 Keep us out if you can察we have arms as well as you察we are better men than you察we will e察we will occupy察we will take察we will keep。 ̄ Is that a bogey ! a mere dream of the night
I tell you it is nothing of the sort。 It is the thing which will happen within one hundred years unless there are very different arrangements made amongst the Western nations from those which exist today察unless the people are moved from the cities back to the land。 Population察gentlemen察is like water此where there is a hollow察thither it will flow to fill it。 Therefore察it is vital to the nations that they should look into this matter and try to deal with it。 I am as sure as that I stand before you that these words are true察that I get at the truth察the essence察the fibre察the marrow of the thing察and that truth察that essence察that fibre察that marrow察is that you must get your people on to the land out of the cities察and keep them on the land there to multiply as God manded them of old。
Now察gentlemen察how does this apply to the great country in which I am today拭I say that it applies very closely。 I say that very soon there is going to be an enormous petition for immigration察for population察and especially for Anglo´Saxon population察that the time is ing when these people will be bid for察when they will be sought for察when they will be paid for ! paid any price to get them。 And I venture to say to you此Get them while you can察get them from home察get them from England。
Now察gentlemen察if I live察within a month or two I hope to be able to show you a plan I have devised and which I hope察which I even dare to think察may show you how you can get a good many of these people。 I will say no more of that now察except that I trust you will agree with me when you read it察and that you will let no obstacle stand in your way察but will all put your shoulders to the wheel and for the sake of your country察and for the sake of all concerned察will try to help to bring into your splendid land Englishmen who will be made available to you察I hope察in many thousands。
I am beginning to be like one of your members of parliament察I fear I am catching the disease。 I will only add this此That all the world is mad on trade察all the civilised world察at least察has got the idea that wealth is everything。 I controvert that statement察I say that wealth is nothing。 What is wealth without men and women to use it and spend it拭I remember once writing a story in which I represented certain men shut up in a cave and surrounded by all the diamonds and all the gold of a continent。 And they were starving。 I would like to ask you of what use were those diamonds and that gold to them
In the same way察of what use is wealth unless you have men and women ! healthy men and women ! these are the real wealth of the nation。 You remember the old Greek fable of Antaeus察how察whenever he fell to earth he arose fresh and strong。 So it is with us。 Do not believe察gentlemen察that wealth is everything。 Wealth察I maintain察is nothing pared to flesh and blood察nothing as pared to healthy children察nor is pomp nor any other thing ! these are nothing。 The strength of a people察gentlemen察is not to be found in their Wall Streets察it is to be found in the farms and fields and villages。 I will only add just this one word ! that I do hope that what I have so humbly察so inadequately tried to say before you may perhaps go deep into the minds of some of you and set you thinking。 For myself察I can only say that I have tried to carry out this task ! not the task of speaking察but the bigger one ! with a single heart察because I believe in its necessity察because I believe that no man can serve his generation better than by trying to point out these things and try to make the people think。 If I have done that察gentlemen察I have not lived in vain。 All that I should ask to be said of me when I am gone is this此 He did his best。 ̄
The End

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