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the days of my life-第119部分

小说: the days of my life 字数: 每页4000字

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me guide and index to the causes and parative values of such phenomena as we can apprehend; teaches us that it and all abominations of the sort must have their spring in the workings of a rival Strength whose delight is in misery; the breath of whose nostrils is human and perhaps superhuman shame and ruin; whose shield is fraud; whose wine is tears; whose armour is the flesh and its fierce lusts; and whose sword is death。
For a while to this fiend are given a throne upon the world and dominion over the hearts of men; and strait; strait is the gate whereby we can escape from his defended kingdom。 He it is who — knowing the priceless worth of each human soul; that; if it can win redemption from his befouling; murderous hand; may; we are told; grow to be a judge of angels and as great or greater than are those Flames of Fire; the Ministers of God our Father — busies himself by night and day; from childhood to the grave; in setting snares in the narrow path to catch the feet of men and drag them down to doom。
Such at least is an article of my creed。 Nor; now that I have reached to it; can I find therein any point of difference between it and what the Saviour taught。 There was a time; indeed; when I did not credit the existence of an embodied evil。 To…day I have learned otherwise。 For in truth all these avenues of experience; search and thought; after many circuitous journeyings and expeditions into nothingness; have just led me back to the eternal verities that I was taught at my mother’s knee; at some of which; such as the efficacy of prayer (though through it all; from habit or from hope; I never ceased to pray) and the actual existence of this our Arch…Enemy; to my shame be it said; I was wont to shrug my shoulders; if not to scoff。 Yes; these wings of prayer which once I thought as fanciful as those of angels in the cottage pictures; have borne me to a frail pinnacle of the temple of my trembling soul; whence at times; very faint and far away; across the gulf of our mortality; I seem to catch some glimpse of the Holy Mount and of the veiled and throbbing Glory that broods thereon。 A vain fancy of the striving heart; the reader will perhaps declare; and it may be so; though I pray that it is not。
There would seem also to be some external evidence which goes to support the doctrine of the continuance of the personality beyond the changes of death。 Spiritualism I do not include; since although many people; some of them of great intellect and high character; believe in it; and I know well that whatever it may be it is not all fraud; however much it may be mixed with fraud; I am by no means satisfied as to the real origin of its phenomena。 Without expressing any definite opinion; at times I incline to the view that it also is but a device of the Devil; by specious apparitions and the exhibition of an uncanny knowledge which may be one of his attributes; to lead heart…sick mortals into regions they were not meant to travel and there infect them with the microbe of some alien; unknown sin。
On one point; however; I am clear。 Whether or no it is lawful for trained and scientific minds to enter on these dangerous investigations in the interests of a search for some truth which it may be intended; in the fulness of time shall be revealed for the guidance and benefit of the world; the majority of men and women; especially if they be young; will do well to leave them quite alone。 The risks are too many; and the fruits of such research; however golden they may seem; are apt to be unsatisfying; if not deadly。 The parable of Eve and the forbidden apple of the Tree of Knowledge; from the eating of which came death and sorrow; still has applications in these latter days。 Once I tried to point this moral in a tale I wrote which is named “Stella Fregelius。”
Nor can we rely too much upon the revelations of such seers as Swedenborg; for these may be and doubtless often are self…deceived or the victims of hallucinations。 In short; of all such matters and dogmas; if so they may be called; including that of theosophy which its interesting and gigantic dreams reported to emanate from the teaching of “Masters” whose address it seems impossible to discover; it may be said that; like that of reincarnation; they are superfluous。 The Christian can afford to wait to learn the truth of them — or perhaps their fallacy。
We tread on firmer ground when we consider that as far back as history shows her light; and beyond it as the graves of primitive peoples prove; the almost universal instinct of mankind was to believe that death is but a gate of other forms of continued and individual Life。 I know of no instinct which haunts breathing creatures that is uselessly given without purpose; and does not serve some necessary or protective object or reflect some existent truth。 Why; then; among them all should this rooted conviction that physical decease is not the end of man be but a vain thing fondly imagined? Such a conclusion seems inconsistent; even unnatural and absurd。 But if our faith is strong enough to enable us to accept Christ’s teaching; again what need is there for us to seek support in instincts which it is possible we do not understand aright?
To one fact; corroborative in its nature; I think; however; weight should be given; that of the fatherhood of God; displayed towards those of His children who seek; or who in His foresight He knows; in some other day or place; will seek the fort and protection of His love。 How any reflecting man who has led a full and adventurous life can doubt the present; living power of that fatherhood passes my understanding! Certainly I cannot。 When we rode the wild horses of our youthful sins; the red blood coursing through our veins like wine; who was it that seized the reins and again and yet again delivered us from the last disaster? Who was it that has so often protected us from the results of our own self…willed folly and even turned it to our advantage? Who that by His gift of a higher hope has stilled the raging agony of our griefs? Who that by the unexpected answers springing at us from the Bible’s written page or with some word spoken; apparently at hazard; by one of His servants upon earth; has removed our doubts; enlightened our darkness and strengthened our wavering soul? Who that has shown us a way of escape from sharp temptation? Or; amongst a thousand other examples; who that has borne with our presumptuous profanities and ingratitude and at last in His own good hour has set our erring feet upon the paths of peace? Or; to take one more example; who was it that by a dream and a vision of the night taught me that His humbler creatures are my kin and not called to life to be slaughtered for my pleasure; even though some of them must die to serve my necessities? Yet again; who twice has snatched me by the hair from the murderer’s spears and bullets; twice from death in the deep; and from a score of other perils; perchance that I might live on to bear this witness; unworthy though it be?
I have spoken of this fatherhood as a fact corroborative in its nature of the truth of the arguments which I have so feebly attempted to advance with reference to the immortality of our souls。 For this reason。 Even among the lowest of us fatherhood implies love。 The fathers are few who desire that even their erring and unthankful children should die and vanish from their sight for ever; and much less that these should live on in suffering for all uncounted time。 Can we then for one instance imagine that the Architect and Author of the universe; the Supreme; the Absolute; He who was and is and shall be; He whose Holy Name is Love; the Begetter of Spirits and of men; desires that His children should be tormented; or die and not endure; redeemed and purified; to adore and serve Him? Not so! Not for this does He count the sparrows that fall and number the very hairs upon our heads。 In His cup is the wine of life — if we will but drink — not the henbane of death eternal。 He is the God of the living; not of the dead。 Did not the Saviour say it that we might know and believe?
And if your reasonings are sound; if what you say is true; the reader may ask; if the righteous are redeemed and live to look upon the Presence to all in

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