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the days of my life-第112部分

小说: the days of my life 字数: 每页4000字

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Whilst I was still engaged upon this mission I undertook another piece of work。 One day General Booth sent an officer to me to ask if I would write a report upon the social efforts and institutions of the Salvation Army; for which it would be prepared to pay a fee; to be arranged。 I answered that I had no time; and that in any case I would not touch their money。 Ultimately; however; I made the time and undertook the task as a labour of love; on the condition that they should pay the out…of…pocket expenses。 It took me about three months in all; including the travelling to various cities in England and Scotland; and as a result I published my book; “Regeneration;” of the copyright of which I made the Army a present。 I do not suppose that this has proved a valuable gift; as; to find a large sale; such books must be of the ultra…“sensational” order; which mine was not。
I saw much of human misery in the course of that business; in which I was assisted by my friend; Mr。 D。 R。 Daniel; one of the secretaries of the Royal mission。 But all of this is recorded in the pages of the book; so I need not dwell upon it here。 I emerged from this work with a most whole…hearted admiration for the Salvation Army and its splendid; self…sacrificing labours among the lowest of the low。 Its success with these; where so many have failed; remains something of a mystery to my mind; which I can only explain by a belief that it is aided through the agency of the Power above us。 Nothing else will account for the transformations it effects in the natures of utterly degraded men and women。 Long may it endure and prosper!
I have known General Booth for many years; my first interview with him; one of great interest; is printed verbatim in “Rural England。” We were always the best of friends; perhaps because I was never afraid of him; as seemed to be the case with so many of those by whom he was surrounded; and was always ready to give him a Roland for his Oliver in the way of what is known as chaff。 I have seen him under sundry conditions; of which; perhaps; the funniest was the following。 One day; after he had been holding a great meeting for City men in London; at which I was present; I took a gentleman to visit him who I thought might be able to help his cause。 We found him at his office in Queen Victoria Street; stripped to his red Salvation jersey; streaming with perspiration; and very cross because his tea; or whatever the meal was called; was not ready。 He was calling out; officers were flying here and there; some one was trying to soothe him; and so on。 At length the meal arrived; consisting of a huge dish of mushrooms and a pot of strong tea。 Contemplating this bination of fungi and tannin; I remarked that never before had I understood the height and depth and breadth of his faith in the heavenly protection。
This reminds me of a story which Captain Wright; a member of the Salvation Army who acted as one of my secretaries in America; told me of the General’s peculiar diet。 Wright was travelling with him when he was tearing round the States preaching in the great cities。 At that time his fancy was to eat two boiled Spanish onions before he went to rest; and it was Wright’s business to see that those onions were there。 One unlucky night; however; after a particularly exhausting meeting they arrived at the hotel; where all the attendants had gone to bed; to find two very massive onions reposing on the plate as usual; but just as they had left; not the saucepan; but their mother earth!
Of the row that ensued the captain spoke to me in the hushed voice of awe。31
30 General Booth said to me — more than once: “Ah! but you would look grand in my uniform。” Whereto I would reply quite truly that I was not fit to wear that wedding garment; or words to that effect。 — H。 R。 H。
The old General wrote as follows about my book; “Regeneration。” The letter is a very good specimen of his fine; bold handwriting; although at that time his sight was already feeble。
International Headquarters;
London; E。C。: December 10; 1910。
My dear Rider Haggard; — I have just read “Regeneration。” It is admirable。 You have not only seen into the character and purpose of the work we are trying to do; with the insight of a true genius; but with the sympathy of a big and generous soul。 From my heart I thank you。
May the blessing of the living God rest upon you; and on Mrs。 Haggard and on your daughters; both for this life and the life to e。
Believe me;
Yours very sincerely;
William Booth。
Rider Haggard; Esq。; J。P。
On May 20; 1912; the General wrote to me; saying that he was to undergo at once an operation for cataract on his remaining eye; one being already blind。
The signature to this touching letter; written just before his last illness; for death followed on the heels of that operation; is somewhat irregular; for then he was practically blind; but still in the old firm handwriting。 Three months later to the day he died; and I received the following telegram; dated 21st August:
With deepest sorrow I have to announce the General laid down his sword at 10。15 last night。 Pray for us。
Bramwell Booth。
So William Booth passed away。 If there is any regard elsewhere for the deeds of good men; his should be great。 Here on earth he has built himself a monument of thousands of regenerated hearts。 Why; I wonder; was burial in Westminster Abbey not offered for his remains? I suppose the answer is — because he did not belong to the Church of England。 Yet if the Abbey can open its ancient doors to those who amused many of the people — eminent actors; for instance — it seems hard that these should be closed to one who saved so many of the people; and in all lands。
The book “Regeneration” was extremely well reviewed by scores of papers; both here and in other countries; especially in America; thus I remember The Times gave it a leading article。 I only saw two indifferent notices of it — in Church of England journals — and these were aimed more at the Salvation Army than at the work itself。
In my time I have done one or two little pieces of writing for somewhat similar objects。 Thus many years ago I was responsible for a pamphlet called “Church and State;” which I posed in defence of the Established Church of Wales that was then; as now; threatened with disendowment。 This was undertaken at the request of the late Edward Benson; Archbishop of Canterbury; who wrote to me at some length in August 1894; giving me the various points on which he thought stress should be laid。
The pamphlet was written in due course and approved of by the Archbishop; who wrote to me in November of the same year:
I must give you my cordial thanks — in the name of all interested — and they are Legion — for your admirable and telling paper。 It is presumptuous in me to use epithets。 。 。 。 We are all very grateful to you。
I never spoke to Archbishop Benson; although I often saw him at the Athenaeum。 Indeed one night we dined next to each other at separate tables and alone。 I remember that I was tempted to address him; for he did not know me by face; but; remembering that busy men seldom like to be troubled at their rest by strangers; I refrained。 So the opportunity went by; for which I am sorry; as I should have liked to make the personal acquaintance of this good and very earnest prelate。
I have always thought that he was most happy in the manner of his death; which took place suddenly while he was at prayer。 Such would be the end that I should choose; if choice lay within our power。
Another task that I undertook in the intervals of my Royal mission was an agricultural investigation which resulted in my book “Rural Denmark;” whereof a new edition is just about to appear。 What I saw in that country was to me little less than a revelation; but I need not dwell on it in these pages。 Here I found the answer to the problem which had puzzled me for so many years — namely; how agriculture could be made to pay in a Free Trade country with an indifferent climate。 That answer undoubtedly is: By means of medium or small holdings; for the most part owned and not rented; aided by universal co…operation; which will only flourish in the absence of too many large farmers; and by a system akin to that which

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