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the days of my life-第107部分

小说: the days of my life 字数: 每页4000字

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f Lords; which was; as it were; in his pocket; might have been reformed; thereby averting all the national dangers and terrible trouble which have ensued; and the final surrender to the threats of the Radical party; made more feeble; some may think; by the bold and whirling words with which it was preceded。
Again; a Redistribution of Seats Bill might have been passed — it was not impossible with such a majority — and thereby half the Irish difficulty obviated。 Local taxation might have been equalised; something; as I for one urged continually; might have been done to better the conditions of the land and its inhabitants; and so forth。 Even such a little matter as an urgently needed Copyright Bill was left for the Radicals to deal with as best they could in face of the opposition of the Labour party。
It does strike me that this Conservative Government never quite realised that the time had gone by when it was possible for a happy family party to philosophise at a round table; calling each other by their Christian names and sucking the sweets of office from year to year; quite satisfied to meet any emergencies that might arise in a happy…go…lucky; hand…to…mouth fashion; and to proclaim in well…educated voices that; while they ruled; all was well with the world; also that the questions which others thought urgent might be postponed — to a more convenient season。 Session was added to session; and still they scoffed at the need of any constructive policy。 Meanwhile the thunder…clouds banked up; and that strong and turbulent spirit; Mr。 Chamberlain; growing impatient of this political lotus…eating; broke away and ran up a score off his own bat; which to this hour the Unionist party does not know whether to count in its total or to sponge from the board。
But; as arked about the very recent collapse of the resistance of the House of Lords before the threat of an influx of Radical peers (how long would they have remained Radical; one wonders?); all this is “ancient history;” and therefore scarce worthy of discussion。 I think it was Mr。 Balfour himself who made the remark; apparently with a viee people think an obscure and poor…spirited transaction。 Surely it is better to die facing the foe and with one’s armour on than to pull it off and run away; only to be beaten to death with sticks afterwards by the enemy’s camp…followers; or taken prisoner; reclothed in your ermine and coro; and mocked before the people。 Lord Halsbury and his stalwarts for my money。
On the occasion of this small Imperial matter with which I was concerned I confess I did wish that Mr。 Lyttelton could have spared me an hour or two in which to talk over its leading points with him; as; for instance; President Roosevelt found himself able to do in the midst of all the tumultuous ceremonies of his inauguration。 But there; perhaps; came the difference。 Roosevelt was being inaugurated: his time was before him。 The Conservative party was already a mere corpse galvanised into a semblance of its lost life; and; standing on the edge of an open grave; it pretended not to see; its pale eyes fixed upon those thunder…clouds which; after ten happy years; had bee so very large and definite。 Little wonder that “Arthur wouldn’t read” reports on matters dealing with the transference of our superabundant city poor to colonial settlements。 Matters at home; affecting him much more nearly; left no time for reading。 The affair undertaken in a moment of pressure or enthusiasm was already forgotten; it became inconvenient to consider the arguments of individuals who suggested that something should be done which would involve the expenditure of thought; time; and money。 Had I been told this at once a great deal of trouble might have been spared to everyone concerned。 The Report might even have been suppressed altogether。
I am not for one moment arguing that the scheme I suggested was open to no objections。 What was the problem? Briefly; in what way more or less broken…down persons and their families could be moved from our cities on to colonial land; to their own benefit and without the nation incurring loss。 It is a problem that as yet no one has been able to solve。 I did offer a scheme that had a fair prospect of success。 The money advanced by the Government was to be secured upon the settlers’ lands; which lands have since that time doubled or trebled in value; as I foresaw that they would do。 What I called the “Waste Forces of Benevolence” were to look after the said settlers for nothing; subject to proper control — a task which the Salvation Army was quite ready to undertake。 Moreover; with all its enormous experiences of emigration; as the Canadian authorities recognised; it was absolutely petent so to do。 Yet bitter prejudice against the Salvation Army; often enough fostered by persons in religion who should know better; was one of the causes that brought the business to the ground。
Without going further into its details I repeat that the Canadian Government and statesmen approved this scheme; as did the Governor…General; Lord Grey。 Also when it was published it met with an enormous amount of support from the Press of this country; as may be seen by anyone who cares to glance through the extracts from Press opinions of my Report which are printed at the end of “The Poor and the Land;” wherein it is republished。 Here; then; at any rate was a foundation upon which others might build。
At first the Government seemed to take this view; but then followed a pause indicative of the evaporation of enthusiasm。 Questions were asked in the House as to whether the Government intended to do anything。 The thing became a nuisance to them; and at length it was announced that the matter would be referred to a Departmental mittee。 My first intimation of this was at a public dinner in London; when a gentleman much mixed up in politics as a Conservative agent informed me that he had just been speaking to a Minister; who had told him that my Report was to be sent to a mittee which would “knock the bottom out of it。” Then I knew that all was finished。
And yet; unless I most strangely misunderstood him; all the while Mr。 Lyttelton was a believer in the plan。 He was personally most kind to me; and I liked him very much。 At that time also; as his private secretary informed me; he wished me to make another report upon the possibility of applying similar principles to a scheme of land settlement at home; indeed I was told that it was settled I should be asked to do so。 I understand; however — though of course in this I may be mistaken — that the officials of the Board of Agriculture put a stop to this idea; as such an appointment would have interfered with the prerogative of their department。 At any rate; opposition arose somewhere and it was dropped。 The upshot was that the work was thrown away; if any good and earnest work ever really is thrown away。
The end of the matter may be briefly summarised。 As was to be anticipated; “the bottom was knocked out” of my scheme in the most satisfactory official way。
The Report of the mittee stated that —
Though we fully recognise the zeal and ability Mr。 Rider Haggard has shown in making his investigations and preparing his Report; and trust that much good may be done indirectly by the ventilation of the suggestions that he has made; we regret to be obliged to say that we consider his scheme to be open to so many objections that; even if we were prepared to advocate colonisation in principle; we could not remend that this particular scheme should be adopted 。 。 。 。
Moreover; we feel that there are serious objections to placing any such body as the Salvation Army in the position of managers of a colony dependent on money advanced by the Imperial Government 。 。 。 。
Perhaps on the details the mittee was right。 Who am I that I should question its collective wisdom — even if it had been “prepared to advocate colonisation in principle”? Yet I agree with Mr。 Lyttelton in the remarks that he subsequently made to me; that the good that would have been done by the adoption of such a scheme would have infinitely outweighed its disadvantages and the possible; though improbable; moary loss。 However this may be; there the thing ended。 The somewhat nebulous

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