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the days of my life-第104部分

小说: the days of my life 字数: 每页4000字

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ever return to power again; I am convinced that he will push on along these lines。
In proof of what I say — since; before proceeding with the account of my American mission; I think that for convenience’s sake it will be well here to finish the story of my relations with President Roosevelt — I will quote the substance of a note I made of an interview which I had with him in London more than five years later。 Also I will quote several letters which have subsequently passed between us。
June 2; 1910。
I saw Mr。 Roosevelt and his family this afternoon at 10 Chesterfield Street。 He was extremely pressed; and informed me that he had not even found time to put on a black coat since ing up from staying with Selous。 I told him the result of my American mission。 He said that it was most disheartening; but always the case where officials could have their way。 I congratulated him upon his Natural Resources Conservation Policy。 He answered that he was making a big fight upon that point。
The Bishop of Massachusetts; who was present; said to Mr。 Roosevelt that I approved of his famous Guildhall speech。
“Ah!” he said; “I knew I should have Haggard’s support。”
(On this point Kermit Roosevelt; his son; told me that both Balfour and Grey were pleased with the speech。)
I informed Mr。 Roosevelt of the investigations that I had just arranged to carry out for the Salvation Army。 He said that this was “a grand work” which I proposed to do; and he only wished that he could have found time to e round with me; adding with much earnestness:
“Why not make use of all this charitable energy; now often misdirected; for national ends?”
“What I have called ‘the waste forces of Benevolence;’” I said。 “It is odd; Mr。 Roosevelt; that we should both have e to that conclusion。”
“Yes; that’s the term;” he answered。 “You see; the reason is that we are both sensible men who understand。”
In saying good…bye to me; Mr。 Roosevelt said; “It’s a barren thing to say; but I want to tell you how deeply I admire all your social work; and; if you care to know it; I should like to add that I have found it a strength and a support to myself in my own struggles。 。 。 。 It’s almost an insult to ask you here rushed as I am; but I did want to have a word with you; and had no other chance。”
I also spoke to him about Horace Plunkett’s work。 He answered that he thought most highly of him and that he; Plunkett; was ing over to America to see him。
Subsequently I read in the American Outlook a most interesting signed article by Mr。 Roosevelt a propos of my social work; and especially of the book called “Regeneration” that I had written on the Salvation Army。
As to this review Mr。 Roosevelt wrote to me regretting that he could not have made the article ten times as long。
To this I answered on August 8; 1911:
I thank you most heartily。 I cannot tell you how greatly I appreciate the good opinion of a man like yourself; and what is so very rare; the public expression of that opinion。 As a private individual I find my task very hard: to drive into the intelligence of a blind and careless generation certain elementary facts which it cannot or will not understand is always difficult; especially if the wielder of the hammer is not rich。 If I could afford it I would devote the rest of my life to this kind of educational work in my own land and others。 But I fear I can’t; and in this country no kind of help is forthing to make such efforts possible。
Of Mr。 Roosevelt’s long answer I quote the beginning and the end; omitting all the central part of the letter; which deals with various social problems。 I will call special attention to the last lines of this letter; which I think show a high and fine spirit。
The Outlook; 287 Fourth Avenue;
New York: August 22; 1911。
Dear Mr。 Haggard; — I have been reading “Rural Denmark” with genuine interest; and I congratulate you upon the work。 I was especially interested in the rather melancholy chapter at the end
— “What might be and what is。” I agree with every word you say about the land 。 。 。 。
I do not wonder that you feel discouraged and blue at times。 As you say; it seems a hard and thankless task to have to try to hammer into your generation what is vital for them to learn and what they refuse to learn。 I half smiled when I read what you wrote; because I so often have the same feeling myself。 As President I tried; and I now continue to try; to teach lessons that I feel ought to be learned by my fellow…countrymen; and I often wonder how much I am acplishing by it。 There are so many important lessons that ought to be learned; and the art of preaching so that it will at least do no harm is such a very difficult art to acquire and to practise! I often bee quite horrified at the multitude of profoundly dull and uninteresting little books and pamphlets and articles and tracts; all with a worthy purpose; which are sent to me by other men interested in trying to teach something which they believe ought to be taught; I wonder whether I seem the kind of dull pointless bore to the people I am trying to help as so many of these worthy people seem to me! I think your business and mine is to go ahead; never to stop trying to help along the lines we have marked out; and yet to keep our sense of humor and sense of proportion and equability of nature。 We must not preach all the time; or we will stop doing any good; for we must always remember not to fall into the snare of preaching for the sake of relieving our own souls instead of for the purpose of acplishing something as regards somebody else’s soul。 We must not permit ourselves to bee soured by our experiences; for being gloomy does not in the least help a man to reach others; and merely makes him less attractive to himself and to all around him。 Life is a campaign; and at best we are merely under…officers or subalterns in it。 We are bound to do our duty as efficiently and as fearlessly as we know how; but it is a good thing to remember that we must not be too much cast down even if things look wrong; because melancholy only tends to make us less and not more efficient; and buoyancy and good…humor and the ability to enjoy life all help instead of hindering a reformer。
Well! I have written you an unconscionably long letter。 Good…bye and good luck!
Faithfully yours;
Theodore Roosevelt。
H。 Rider Haggard; Esq。;
Ditchingham House;
I answered as follows:
Ditchingham House; Norfolk:
September 5; 1911。
My dear Mr。 Roosevelt; — Many thanks for your interesting letter of August 22nd。 I think that the cause of the “trouble among the peoples who speak English” is twofold; the love of pleasure and the love of wealth; both of which affections can; for the majority; be most easily gratified in cities。 Doubtless the Golden Calf is the most popular of all gods ancient or modern; and he does not build his shrines amongst woods and fields。 Moreover his worship bees ever more facile; since during the last century a new code of morality has matured in these matters。
Rogues; of course; there always were; but in the days of our grandfathers not so many; I think; of the “indifferent honest。”
I have a few shares in certain mercial undertakings。 A week or so ago I observed that the price of these shares was falling rapidly。 When they had; so to speak; bumped against the bottom; in each case the shareholders were notified of certain troubles and miscalculations that had occurred。 The next day the papers pointed out that the “insiders” had been unloading their shares at the high price before warning the shareholders of what had happened; and remarked that this furnished another proof of the helplessness of the investor in the hands of the said insiders; who are; I suppose; the directors and their friends。
Now I frequently have to send people to prison who through poverty or actual want have stolen something; but no one will send these “insiders” to prison; although they are worse than ordinary thieves because they betray the confidence of those who trusted them and whose interests they are paid to promote。 On the contrary; their rapidly acquired wealth will be admired; they will be spoken of with respect as successful men; and probably in the end receive or purchase t

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