三色电子书 > 浪漫言情电子书 > new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版) >


new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版)-第68部分

小说: new moon(暮光之城-新月英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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Maybe it would feel nice。 
Maybe it wouldn't feel like a betrayal。 Besides; who was I betraying; anyway? 
Just myself。 
Keeping his eyes on mine; Jacob began to bend his face toward me。 And I was 
still absolutely 
The shrill ring of the phone made us both jump; but it did not break his 
focus。 He took his hand from 
under my chin and reached over me to grab the receiver; but still held my face 
securely with the hand 
against my cheek。 His dark eyes did not free mine。 I was too muddled to react; 
even to take advantage 
of the distraction。 
〃Swan residence;〃 Jacob said; his husky voice low and intense。 
Someone answered; and Jacob altered in an instant。 He straightened up; and his 
hand dropped from my 
face。 His eyes went flat; his face blank; and I would have bet the measly 
remainder of my college f and 
that it was Alice。 
I recovered myself and held out my hand for the phone。 Jacob ignored me。 
〃He's not here;〃 Jacob said; and the words were menacing。 
There was some very short reply; a request for more information it seemed; 
because he added 
unwillingly; 〃He's at the funeral。〃 
Then Jacob hung up the phone。 〃Filthy bloodsucker;〃 he muttered under his 
breath。 The face he turned 
back to me was the bitter mask again。 
〃Who did you just hang up on?〃 I gasped; infuriated。 〃In my house; and on my 
〃Easy! He hung up on me!〃 
〃He? Who was it?!〃 
He sneered the title。 〃Dr。 Carlisle Cullen。〃 
〃Why didn't you let me talk to him?!〃 
〃He didn't ask for you;〃 Jacob said coldly。 His face was smooth; 
expressionless; but his hands shook。 
〃He asked where Charlie was and I told him。 I don't think I broke any rules of 
〃You listen to me; Jacob Black—〃 
But he obviously wasn't listening。 He looked quickly over his shoulder; as if 
someone had called his name 
from the other room。 His eyes went wide and his body stiff; then he started 
trembling。 I listened too; 
automatically; but heard nothing。 
〃Bye; Bells;〃 he spit out; and wheeled toward the front door。 
I ran after him。 〃What is it?〃 
And then I ran into him; as he rocked back on his heels; cussing under his 
breath。 He spun around again; 
knocking me sideways。 I bobbled and fell to the floor; my legs tangled with 
〃Shoot; ow!〃 I protested as he hurriedly jerked his legs free one at a time。 
I struggled to pull myself up as he darted for the back door; he suddenly 
froze again。 
Alice stood motionless at the foot of the stairs。 
〃Bella;〃 she choked。 
I scrambled to my feet and lurched to her side。 Her eyes were dazed and far 
away; her face drawn and 
whiter than bone。 Her slim body trembled to an inner turmoil。 
〃Alice; what's wrong?〃 I cried。 I put my hands on her face; trying to calm 
Her eyes focused on mine abruptly; wide with pain。 
〃Edward;〃 was all she whispered。 
My body reacted faster than my mind was able to catch up with the implications 
of her reply。 I didn't at 
first understand why the room was spinning or where the hollow roar in my ears 
was ing from。 My 
mind labored; unable to make sense of Alice's bleak face and how it could 
possibly relate to Edward; 
while my body was already swaying; seeking the relief of unconsciousness 
before the reality could hit me。 
The stairway tilted at the oddest angle。 
Jacob's furious voice was suddenly in my ear; hissing out a stream of 
profanities。 I felt a vague 
disapproval。 His new friends were clearly a bad influence。 
I was on the couch without understanding how I got there; and Jacob was still 
swearing。 It felt like there 
was an earthquake—the couch was shaking under me。 
〃What did you do to her?〃 he demanded。 
Alice ignored him。 〃Bella? Bella; snap out of it。 We have to hurry。〃 
〃Stay back;〃 Jacob warned。 
〃Calm down; Jacob Black;〃 Alice ordered。 〃You don't want to do that so close 
to her。〃 
〃I don't think I'll have any problem keeping my focus;〃 he retorted; but his 
voice sounded a little cooler。 
〃Alice?〃 My voice was weak。 〃What happened?〃 I asked; even though I didn't 
want to hear。 
〃I don't know;〃 she suddenly wailed。 〃What is he thinking?!〃 
I labored to pull myself up despite the dizziness。 I realized it was Jacob's 
arm I was gripping for balance。 
He was the one shaking; not the couch。 
Alice was pulling a small silver phone from her bag when my eyes relocated 
her。 Her fingers dialed the 
numbers so fast they were a blur。 
〃Rose; I need to talk to Carlisle now。〃 Her voice whipped through the words。 
〃Fine; as soon as he's 
back。 No; I'll be on a plane。 Look; have you heard anything from Edward?〃 
Alice paused now; listening with an expression that grew more appalled every 
second。 Her mouth 
opened into a little O of horror; and the phone shook in her hand。 
〃Why?〃 she gasped。 〃Why would you do that; Rosalie?〃 
Whatever the answer was; it made her jaw tighten in anger。 Her eyes flashed 
and narrowed。 
〃Well; you're wrong on both counts; though; Rosalie; so that would be a 
problem; don't you think?〃 she 
asked acidly。 〃Yes; that's right。 She's absolutely fine—I was wrong It's a 
long story But you're 
wrong about that part; too; that's why I'm calling Yes; that's exactly what 
I saw。〃 
Alice's voice was very hard and her lips were pulled back from her teeth。 
〃It's a bit late for that; Rose。 
Save your remorse for someone who believes it。〃 Alice snapped the phone shut 
with a sharp twist of her 
Her eyes were tortured as she turned to face me。 
〃Alice;〃 I blurted out quickly。 I couldn't let her speak yet。 I needed a few 
more seconds before she spoke 
and her words destroyed what was left of my life。 〃Alice; Carlisle is back; 
though。 He called just 
She stared at me blankly。 〃How long ago?〃 she asked in a hollow voice。 
〃Half a minute before you showed up。〃 
〃What did he say?〃 She really focused now; waiting for my answer。 
〃I didn't talk to him。〃 My eyes flickered to Jacob。 
Alice turned her penetrating gaze on him。 He flinched; but held his place next 
to me。 He sit awkwardly; 
almost as if he were trying to shield me with his body。 
〃He asked for Charlie; and I told him Charlie wasn't here;〃 Jacob muttered 
〃Is that everything?〃 Alice demanded; her voice like ice。 
〃Then he hung up on me;〃 Jacob spit back。 A tremor rolled down his spine; 
shaking me with it。 
〃You told him Charlie was at the funeral;〃 I reminded him。 
Alice jerked her head back toward me 〃What were his exact words?〃 
〃He said; 'He's not here;' and when Carlisle asked where Charlie was; Jacob 
said; 'At the funeral。'〃 
Alice moaned and sank to her knees。 
〃Tell me Alice;〃 I whispered。 
〃That wasn't Carlisle on the phone;〃 she said hopelessly。 
〃Are you calling me a liar?〃 Jacob snarled from beside me。 
Alice ignored him; focusing on my bewildered face。 
〃It was Edward。〃 The words were just a choked whisper。 〃He thinks you're 
My mind started to work again。 These words weren't the ones I'd been afraid 
of; and the relief cleared 
my head。 
〃Rosalie told him I killed myself; didn't she?〃 I said; sighing as I relaxed。 
〃Yes;〃 Alice admitted; her eyes flashing hard again。 
〃In her defense; she did believe it。 They rely on my sight far too much for 
something that works so 
imperfectly。 But for her to track him down to tell him this! Didn't she 
realize or care ?〃 Her voice 
faded away in horror。 
〃And when Edward called here; he thought Jacob meant my funeral;〃 I realized。 
It stung to know how 
close I'd been; just inches away from his voice。 My nails dug into Jacob's 
arm; but he didn't flinch。 
Alice looked at me strangely。 〃You're not upset;〃 she whispered。 
〃Well; it's really rotten timing; but it will all get straightened out。 The 
next time he calls; someone will tell 
him what really〃 I trailed off。 Her gaze strangled the words in my 
Why was she so panicked? Why was her face twisting now with pity and horror? 
What was it she had 
said to Rosalie on the phone just now? Something about what she'd seen and 
Rosalie's remorse; 
Rosalie would never feel remorse for anything that happened to me。 But if 
she'd hurt her family; hurt her 
〃Bella;〃 Alice whispered。 〃Edward wo

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