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Was it so much to ask just to be left alone拭   
Then this afternoon I was reading a book in the front room with the curtains drawn察hiding    
from him as I had all week察when I heard a noise in the    
yard。 I peeked outside and there was Bryce察walking across my grass。 Stomping all over my    
grass And he was carrying a spade What was he    
planning to do with that拭   
I flew off the couch and yanked open the door and ran right into my father。 ^Stop him 院I cried。    
^Calm down察Julianna察院he said察and eased me back inside。 ^I gave him permission。 ̄    
^Permission Permission to do what拭院I flew back to the window。 ^He's digging a hole。 ̄    
^That's right。 I told him he could。 ̄    
^But why拭院   
^I think the boy has a very good idea察that's why。 ̄    
^But! ̄    
^It's not going to kill your grass察Julianna。 Just let him do what he's e to do。 ̄    
^But what is it拭What's he doing拭院   
^Watch。 You'll figure it out。 ̄    
It was torture seeing him dig up my grass。 The hole he was making was enormous How    
could my father let him do this to my yard拭   
Bryce knew I was there察too察because he looked at me once and nodded。 No smile察no wave察   
just a nod。    
He dragged over some potting soil察pierced the bag with the spade察and shoveled dirt into the    
hole。 Then he disappeared。 And when he came    
back察he wrestled a big burlapped root ball across the lawn察the branches of a plant rustling    
back and forth as he moved。    
My dad joined me on the couch and peeked out the window察too。    
^A tree拭院I whispered。 ^He's planting a tree拭院   
^I'd help him察but he says he has to do this himself。 ̄    
^Is it a ´ ̄ The words stuck in my throat。    
I didn't really need to ask察though察and he knew he didn't need to answer。 I could tell from the    
shape of the leaves察from the texture of the trunk。    
This was a sycamore tree。    
I flipped around on the couch and just sat。    
A sycamore tree。    
Bryce finished planting the tree察watered it察cleaned everything up察and then went home。 And    
I just sat there察not knowing what to do。    
I've been sitting here for hours now察just staring out the window at the tree。 It may be little    
now察but it'll grow察day by day。 And a hundred years from    
now it'll reach clear over the rooftops。 It'll be miles in the air Already I can tell!it's going to    
be an amazing察magnificent tree。    
And I can't help wondering察a hundred years from now will a kid climb it the way I climbed the    
one up on Collier Street拭Will she see the things I    
did拭Will she feel the way I did拭   
Will it change her life the way it changed mine拭   
I also can't stop wondering about Bryce。 What has he been trying to tell me拭What's he    
thinking about拭     
´´´ Page 92´´´   
I know he's home because he looks out his window from time to time。 A little while ago he put    
his hand up and waved。 And I couldn't help it!I gave a little wave back。    
So maybe I should go over there and thank him for the tree。 Maybe we could sit on the porch    
and talk。 It just occurred to me that in all the years we've known each other察we've never    
done that。    
Never really talked。    
Maybe my mother's right。 Maybe there is more to Bryce Loski than I know。    
Maybe it's time to meet him in the proper light。      
´´´ Page 93´´´   
Don't miss Wendelin Van Draanen's    
newest novel察Swear to Howdy察   
ing in October 2003        
KNOPF察BORZOI BOOKS察and the colophon are registered trademarks of Random House察Inc。    
^My Girl ̄    
Words and Music by William ^Smokey ̄ Robinson and Ronald White    
C 1964察1972 renewed 1992察2000察1973察1977 JOBETE MUSIC CO。察INC。 All Rights    
Controlled and Administered by EMI APRIL MUSIC INC。 All Rights Reserved    
International Copyright Secured Used by Permission    
Library of Congress Cataloging´in´Publication Data    
Van Draanen察Wendelin。    
Flipped / by Wendelin Van Draanen。    
p。 cm。    
Summary此In alternating chapters察two teenagers describe how their feelings about    
themselves察each other察and their families have changed over the years。    
1。 Interpersonal relations!Fiction。 2。 Conduct of life!Fiction。 3。 Family life!Fiction。    
4。 Self´perception!Fiction。АI。 Title。    
PZ7。V2857 Fl 2001    
FicАdc21 2001029238    

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