三色电子书 > 耽美同人电子书 > flipped(英文版) >



小说: flipped(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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I was already feeling better。 A lot better。 Then Juli says; “Well; maybe it's all for the better;”    
and starts bouncing up and down on the balls of her    
feet; acting more like her old self。 “Doesn't it look great? I learned so much from Chet it's    
amazing。 You are so lucky。 I don't even have grandparents    
“Oh;” I said; not knowing what to say。    
“I do feel sorry for him; though。 He sure misses your grandmother。” Then she laughs and    
shakes her head; saying; “Can you believe it? He says I    
remind him of her。”    
“What?” “Yeah;” she laughs again。 “That's what I said。 But he meant it in a nice way。”    
I looked at Juli and tried to picture my grandmother as an eighth grader。 It was hopeless。 I    
mean; Juli's got long; fluffy brown hair and a nose full of    
freckles; where my grandmother had always been some variety of blond。 And my    
grandmother had used powder。 Puffy white powder。 She'd put it    
on her face and in her hair; in her slippers and on her chest…。 That woman powdered    
I could not see Juli coated in powder。 Okay; maybe gun powder; but the white perfumy stuff?    
Forget it。      
……… Page 40………   
I guess I was staring; because Juli says; “Look; I didn't say it; he did。 I just thought it was nice;    
that's all。”    
“Yeah; whatever。 Well; good luck with the grass。 I'm sure it'll e up great。” Then I totally    
surprised myself by saying; “Knowing you; you'll get 'em    
all to hatch。” I didn't say it mean or anything; I really meant it。 I laughed; and then she    
laughed; and that's how I left her—sprinkling her soon…to…be    
sod; smiling。    
I hadn't been in such a good mood in weeks。 The eggs were finally behind me。 I was    
absolved。 Relieved。 Happy。    
It took me a few minutes at the dinner table to realize that I was the only one who was。    
Lyta had on her usual pout; so that wasn't it。 But my    
father's idea of saying hello was to lay into me about the lawn。    
“No sweat;” I told him。 “I'll do it tomorrow。”    
All that got me was a scowl。    
Then Mom says to my granddad; “You tired tonight; Dad?”    
I hadn't even noticed him sitting there like a stone。    
“Yeah;” my father tosses down the table at him。 “That girl working you too hard?”    
My grandfather straightens his fork on his napkin and says; “‘That girl’ is named Juli; and no;    
she isn't ‘working me too hard;’ as you so callously    
put it。”    
“Callous? Me?” My dad laughs and says; “Developed quite a soft spot for that girl; haven't    
Even Lyta let her pout go for a minute。 These were fighting words and everyone knew it。    
Mom nudged Dad with her foot; but that only made    
things worse。 “No; Patsy! I want to know why your father has the energy and inclination to    
befriend a plete stranger when he's never done so    
much as toss a baseball around with his own grandson!”    
Well; yeah! I thought。 But then I remembered — I owed my grandfather。 Owed him big…time。    
Without thinking; I said; “Take it easy; Dad。 Juli just    
reminds him of Grandma。”    
Everyone clammed up and stared at me。 So I looked at my grandfather and said; “Uh … isn't    
that right; Granddad?”    
He nodded and rearranged his fork some more。    
“Of Renée?” My father looked at my mother and then at Granddad。 “She can't possibly!”    
My granddad closed his eyes and said; “It's her spirit that reminds me of Renée。”    
“Her spirit;” my father says。 Like he's talking to a lying kindergartner。    
“Yes; her spirit。” My grandfather's quiet for a minute; then asks; “Do you know why the    
Bakers haven't fixed up the yard until now?”    
“Why? Sure。 They're trash; that's why。 They've got a beat…up house; two beat…up cars; and a    
beat…up yard。”    
“They are not trash; Rick。 They are good; honest; hardworking people — ”    
“Who have absolutely no pride in how they present themselves to the rest of the world。    
We've lived across the street from those people for over    
six years; and there is no excuse for the state they're in。”    
“No?” My grandfather takes a deep breath and seems to weigh things in his mind for a few    
seconds。 Then he says; “Tell me this; Rick。 If you had    
a brother or sister or child who had a severe mental or physical handicap; what would you    
It was like my granddad had passed gas in church。 My father's face pinched; his head shook;    
and finally he said; “Chet; what does that have to do    
with anything?”    
My grandfather looks at him for a minute; then quietly says; “Juli's father has a retarded    
brother; and—”    
My father interrupts him with a laugh。 “Well; that explains a lot; doesn't it!”    
“Explains…a lot?” my grandfather asks。 Quietly。 Calmly。      
……… Page 41………   
“Sure! It explains why those people are the way they are … !” He grins around the table at us。    
“Must run in the family。”    
Everyone looks at him。 Lyta's jaw drops; and for once she's speechless。 My mother says;    
“Rick!” but all my father can do is laugh a nervous    
kind of laugh and say; “It was just a joke! I mean; obviously something's wrong with those    
people。 Oh; excuse me; Chet。 I forgot。 The girl reminds    
you of Renée。”    
“Rick!” my mother says again; only this time she's mad。    
“Oh; Patsy; please。 Your father's being overly dramatic; trying to make me feel bad for    
criticizing our neighbors because there's a retarded    
relative someplace。 Other people have family troubles and still manage to mow their lawn。    
They should have a little pride in ownership; for cryin' out    
My grandfather's cheeks are seriously flushed; but his voice is rock…steady as he says; “They    
don't own that house; Rick。 The landlord is    
supposed to maintain the premises; but he doesn't。 And since Juli's father is responsible for    
his brother; all their reserves go to his care; and    
obviously it doesn't e cheap。”    
Very quietly my mom asks; “Don't they have government facilities for that kind of thing?”    
“I don't know the details; Patsy。 Maybe there are no government facilities nearby。 Maybe they    
thought a private facility was a better place for him    
to be。”    
“Still;” my dad says; “there are government facilities available; and if they don't want to go    
that route; that's their choice。 It's not our fault their    
family had some sort of chromosomal abnormality; and I refuse to feel guilty for wanting — ”    
My grandfather slams his hand on the table and half…stands as he says; “It had nothing to do    
with chromosomes; Rick! It was caused by a lack of    
oxygen at birth。” He brings his voice down; but it makes his words seem even more forceful。    
“Juli's uncle had the umbilical cord wrapped around his    
neck。 Twice。 One minute he was a perfect little baby; just like your son; Bryce; and the next    
he was irreversibly damaged。”    
My mother was suddenly hysterical。 In seconds she was bawling her eyes out; wailing; and    
my father was all over her; trying to calm her down。 It    
was no use。 She basically dissolved right there on the spot。    
Lyta threw her napkin down and muttered; “This family is a joke;” and took off。 Then my    
mother bolted out of the room; sobbing into her hands;    
and my father raced after her; throwing my grandfather the wickedest look I'd ever seen。    
That left Granddad and me and a table full of cold food。 “Wow;” I finally said。 “I had no idea。”    
“You still don't;” he told me。    
“What do you mean?”    
He sat there like granite for a minute; then leaned across the table toward me and said; “Why    
do you suppose that upset your mother so much?”    
“I…I don't know。” I gave a halfhearted grin and said; “Because she's female?”    
He smiled; but just barely。 “No。 She's upset because she knows that she could very well be    
standing in Mr。 Baker's shoes right now。”    
I thought about it a minute and finally asked; “Did her brother have the cord around his neck    
when he was born?”    
He shook his head。    

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