三色电子书 > 耽美同人电子书 > flipped(英文版) >



小说: flipped(英文版) 字数: 每页4000字

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He sighed; then took that bite of noodles and chewed it for the longest time。    
It felt like I was sinking fast; but I couldn't figure out why。 So I tried to bail out with; “And you    
guys can go ahead and eat those eggs; but there's no    
way I'm going to touch them; so don't even ask。”    
My mother's looking back and forth from my dad to me while she eats her salad; and I can    
tell she's waiting for him to address my adventure as a    
neighborhood operative。 But since he's not saying anything; she clears her throat and says;    
“Why's that?”    
“Because there's … well; there's …I don't know how to say this nicely。”    
“Just say it;” my father snaps。    
“Well; there's; you know; excrement everywhere。”    
“Oh; gross!” my sister says; throwing down her fork。    
“You mean chicken droppings?” my mother asks。    
“Yeah。 There's not even a lawn。 It's all dirt and; uh; you know; chicken turds。 The chickens    
walk in it and peck through it and…”    
“Oh; gross!” Lyta wails。    
“Well; it's true!”    
Lyta stands up and says; “You expect me to eat after this?” and stalks out of the room。    
“Lyta! You have to eat something;” my mother calls after her。    
“No; I don't!” she shouts back; then a second later she sticks her head back into the dining    
room and says; “And don't expect me to eat any of    
those eggs either; Mother。 Does the word salmonella mean anything to you?”    
Lyta takes off down the hall and my mother says; “Salmonella?” She turns to my father。    
“Do you suppose they could have salmonella?”    
“I don't know; Patsy。 I'm more concerned that our son is a coward。”    
“A coward! Rick; please。 Bryce is no such thing。 He's a wonderful child who's — ”    
“Who's afraid of a girl。”    
“Dad; I'm not afraid of her; she just bugs me!”    
“You know why! She bugs you; too。 She's over the top about everything!”      
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“Bryce; I asked you to conquer your fear; but all you did was give in to it。 If you were in love    
with her; that would be one thing。 Love is something to    
be afraid of; but this; this is embarrassing。 So she talks too much; so she's too enthused    
about every little thing; so what? Get in; get your question    
answered; and get out。 Stand up to her; for cryin' out loud!”    
“Rick …;” my mom was saying; “Rick; calm down。 He did find out what you asked him to — ”    
“No; he didn't!”    
“What do you mean?”    
“He tells me they're all chickens! Of course they're all chickens! The question is how many    
are hens; and how many are roosters。”    
I could almost hear the click in my brain; and man; I felt like a plete doofus。 No wonder    
he was disgusted with me。 I was an idiot! They were    
all chickens … du…uh! Garrett acted like he was some expert on chickens; and he didn't know    
diddly…squat! Why had I listened to him?    
But it was too late。 My dad was convinced I was a coward; and to get me over it; he decided    
that what I should do was take the carton of eggs    
back to the Bakers and tell them we didn't eat eggs; or that we were allergic to them; or    
Then my mom butts in with; “What are you teaching him here; Rick? None of that is true。 If    
he returns them; shouldn't he tell them the truth?”    
“What; that you're afraid of salmonella poisoning?”    
“Me? Aren't you a little concerned; too?”    
“Patsy; that's not the point。 The point is; I will not have a coward for a son!”    
“But teaching him to lie?”    
“Fine。 Then just throw them away。 But from now on I expect you to look that little tiger square    
in the eye; you hear me?”    
“Yes; sir。”    
“Okay; then。”    
I was off the hook for all of about eight days。 Then there she was again; at seven in the    
morning; bouncing up and down on our porch with eggs in    
her hands。 “Hi; Bryce! Here you go。”    
I tried to look her square in the eye and tell her; No thanks; but she was so darned happy;    
and I wasn't really awake enough to tackle the tiger。    
She wound up pushing another carton into my hands; and I wound up ditching them in the    
kitchen trash before my father sat down to breakfast。    
This went on for two years。 Two years! And it got to a point where it was just part of my    
morning routine。 I'd be on the lookout for Juli so I could    
whip the door open before she had the chance to knock or ring the bell; and then I'd bury the    
eggs in the trash before my dad showed up。    
Then came the day I blew it。 Juli'd actually been making herself pretty scarce because it was    
around the time they'd taken the sycamore tree    
down; but suddenly one morning she was back on our doorstep; delivering eggs。 I took them;    
as usual; and I went to chuck them; as usual。 But the    
kitchen trash was so full that there wasn't any room for the carton; so I put it on top; picked    
up the trash; and beat it out the front door to empty    
everything into the garbage can outside。    
Well; guess who's just standing there like a statue on my porch?    
The Egg Chick。    
I about spilled the trash all over the porch。 “What are you still doing here?” I asked her。    
“I…I don't know。 I was just … thinking。”    
“About what?” I was desperate。 I needed a distraction。 Some way around her with this    
garbage before she noticed what was sitting right there on    
top。She looked away like she was embarrassed。 Juli Baker embarrassed? I didn't think it was    
……… Page 28………   
Whatever。 The golden opportunity to whip a soggy magazine over the egg carton had    
presented itself; and buddy; I took it。 Then I tried to make a    
fast break for the garbage can in the side yard; only she body…blocked me。 Seriously。 She    
stepped right in my way and put her arms out like she's    
guarding the goal。    
She chased me and blocked me again。 “What happened?” she wants to know。 “Did they    
Perfect。 Why hadn't I thought of that? “Yeah; Juli;” I told her。 “And I'm real sorry about that。”    
But what I'm thinking is; Please; God; oh please; God;    
let me make it to the garbage can。    
God must've been sleeping in。 Juli tackled the trash and pulled out her precious little carton    
of eggs; and she could tell right off that they weren't    
broken。 They weren't even cracked。    
She stood frozen with the eggs in her hands while I dumped the rest of the trash。 “Why did    
you throw them out?” she asked; but her voice didn't    
sound like Juli Baker's voice。 It was quiet。 And shaky。    
So I told her we were afraid of salmonella poisoning because her yard was a mess and that    
we were just trying to spare her feelings。 I told it to    
her like we were right and she was wrong; but I felt like a jerk。 A plete cluck…faced jerk。    
Then she tells me that a couple of neighbors have been buying eggs off her。 Buying them。    
And while I'm ing to grips with this incredible bit of    
news; she whips out her mental calculator。 “Do you realize I've lost over a hundred dollars    
giving these eggs to you?” Then she races across the    
street in a flood of tears。    
As much as I tried to tell myself that I hadn't asked her for the eggs—I hadn't said we wanted    
them or needed them or liked them—the fact was; I'd    
never seen Juli cry before。 Not when she'd broken her arm in P。E。; not when she'd been    
teased at school or ditched by her brothers。 Not even when    
they'd cut down the sycamore tree。 I'm pretty sure she cried then; but I didn't actually see it。    
To me; Juli Baker had always been too tough to cry。    
I went down to my room to pack my stuff for school; feeling like the biggest jerk to ever hit the    
pla。 I'd been sneaking around throwing out eggs    
for over two years; avoiding her; avoiding my father — what did that make me? Why hadn't I    
just stood up and said; No thanks; don't want 'em; don't    
need 'em; don't like 'em…。 Give them to the snake; why don't you? Something!    
Was I really afraid of hurting her feelings?    
Or was I afraid of her?        
The Eggs    
After t

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