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小说: KOF的遥想 字数: 每页4000字

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天晚上,良到酒吧拜访KING,发现眼前所见一片荒凉,KING也想知道这些恶魔们到底在暗地里进行着什么阴谋。良不忍看到KING如此痛苦,便邀请她加入他们的龙虎之拳队参加者即将举行的KOF2000大赛。“那百合怎么办?”良的回答是百合这次是自愿离开龙虎之拳队的,并且她已经和舞组队了。推荐香澄去和舞、百合他们组队之后,KING决定在这个大男孩身上碰碰运气。最终她能和这个她隐约爱着的人,良并肩作战,他要向NESTS复仇。不过KING还是遭到了龙虎队中一个成员的反对,那就是罗伯特,这家伙完全无法接受自己可爱的小百合离开的事实。'罗:良!!一定是你为了和King和好故意将百合赶走的吧!!~~~~~~'罗伯特拒绝承认King作为自己的队友,尽管她是自己的老朋友了'当然咯,百合不在了,朋友算那根葱啊……'罗伯特提出和她决斗,以证明她是否具有留在龙虎队的实力。“很认真的眼神啊……好,我接受。”决斗一直持续到两人都体力耗尽再也无法发动有效攻击。罗布特终于承认King作为格斗家的实力 '难道他先前承认的只是她和良的情侣关系……???!!!'。第一次,King能和一群靠得住的伙伴并肩迎接战斗。'就是,除了kof97的神乐千鹤和kof99的玛丽以外,作为历代女性格斗家队的领队,其余那几个都是些很会惹麻烦的人啊…百合和舞整个一对活宝…King简直像保姆。

The destruction of Southtown left King‘s bar badly wrecked, but it still stood afoot。 King was terribly shocked at the result of the Zero Cannon blast, and decided it was time to help the city that received her from so faraway like a lost child。 She stayed in order to rebuild her bar and Southtown。 But she forgot all about the uping King of Fighters tournament! Without warning, Xiangfei and Mai came to her bar, wanting to team up with her again! King didn‘t know what to do when Hinako, former teammate of Mai‘s in the past King of Fighters tournament, dropped by, and overheard their talk。 Hinako was on a school trip to Southtown, and decided to help them out, willing to help the people of Southtown。 King was not only forced to accept to enter the King of Fighters tournament, but she also had to invite dinner to Hinako and her bunch of hungry friends, as well as the bottomless pit called Xiangfei!

南镇的破坏给King的酒吧造成了严重的损坏,不过仍摇摇欲坠的没有倒塌。King被Zero Cannon爆发的强大力量完全震开了,但是她决定现在正是保护这个一直以来就像接纳一个迷途的孩子一般接纳了她的城市的时候了。为了重建南镇和她的酒吧,King留了下来。但是她完全忘记了这即将来临的新一届KOF大赛!在没有通知的情况下,香妃和舞来到了酒吧,要和她一同组队参赛。就在King不知如何答复的情况下,舞以前的队友四条雏子正好因毕业旅行而来到南镇,刚巧路过酒吧的时候听到了她们的谈话。雏子也想帮助这里的人们重建南镇。结果,King不仅被迫参加了这次KOF大赛,同时还要招待雏子和她那群饥饿的朋友们吃饭,更惨的是还要再加上无底洞的香妃!

King is always very reserved, and does not like to act femine around strange men。 She also tries to even talk like a man, but her woman side is always so evident due to her warm feelings。 King likes to take some drinks, but never gets drunk。 King only feels safe when she is around Ryo, the only man important for her。 King also cares for her brother Jan very much, taKing care of his sickness。 King is aided in her bar works by the twin maitress sisters, Sally and Elizabeth。


*Fun fact = When King was defeated by a special move/DM, her shirt tore and her bra was revealed。 This happened in the first two AOF games, as well as the first two KOF games。 However, sometimes, there was some bugs where the bra sprite seems to DISAPPEAR! Oh God! An involuntary nudity ? Booooooooy! o_O


*Cloth changes = King wore an elegant suit in KOF ‘94/‘95 and 2000/2001, and removed her jacket for KOF ‘96/‘97。 In KOF ‘98, she wears some sort of white vest with purple trims, and long sleeves。 In KOF 2000/2001, her gloves are white。

服饰的改变:在KOF94/95/2k/2k1中,King穿的是一套上等的套装,到了KOF96 / 97则脱了外衣,只穿着夹克。在KOF98 / 99的时候,则穿着有紫色装饰的白色长袖套装。另外,在KOF 2k / 2k1的时候,她的手套是白色的。(其余为黑色的半指手套)

Appearances: The King of Fighters ‘94, The King of Fighters ‘95, The King of Fighters ‘96, The King of Fighters ‘97, The King of Fighters ‘98, The King of Fighters ‘99, The King of Fighters 2000, The King of Fighters 2001, The King of Fighters: Kyo, The King of Fighters EX: Neo Blood

Other games: Art of Fighting, Art of Fighting 2, Cap vs。 SNK: Millenium Fight 2000, Cap vs。 SNK: Millenium Fight 2000 … Pro, Cap vs。 SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001

登场作品:KOF 94~2001,KOF 2003,KOF京,KOF EX:Neo Blood

其他作品:《龙虎之拳》、《龙虎之拳2》、《CAP vs SNK:Millenium Fight 2000》、《CAP vs SNK:Millenium Fight 2000 ~Pro》、《Cap vs。 SNK 2: Millionaire Fighting 2001》

King arrived at Southtown, a city with a lot of problems and crime due to the reign of Geese Howard。 King opened a bar in downtown, since she always liked to drink。 However, King hated her womanhood now more than ever, ever since that incident back in the tournament。 She now dressed elegantly as a man, and received all her guests。 One day, a man named Ryo Sakazaki broke into the bar。 He demanded information about his kidnapped sister, Yuri。 King tells Ryo that that isn‘t a way for man to barge in a bar, and if he wants information, he would have to fight her。 It had been awhile before she had fought, and wanted to feel what it was to fight again。 The fight was pretty even, but Ryo was determined to find her sister, his only family left。 He also wasn‘t aware that King was a woman, so that‘s why he fought with more spirit than ever。 However, that incident once again became present。 Ryo gathered inner spirit in his hands, and threw a Ko‘ou Ken towards King。 This caused King to be blown away, her shirt tearing apart。 Ryo was then surprised when he noticed King trying to hide her now exposed chest。 But now, Ryo said he was sorry, and helped King up。 No man had ever treat King that way。 Ever since, even though she refuses to accept it, King always likes to see Ryo。

KING到达的南镇,是一个被吉斯&;#8226;霍华德控制的充满犯罪的城市。KING有时也经常喝酒,于是就在市中心的繁华地段开了一家酒吧。然而现在的她更加厌恶身为女性的自身,自从在那场比赛中发生了那起事故。于是KING打扮成一个优雅的男士,也很好的瞒过了客人们的眼睛。有一天,一个叫坂崎良的男人闯进了酒吧,要人们告诉他有关她被人绑架的妹妹,百合的消息。KING告诉良,这样闯进别人的酒吧不是一个男人的所作所为,如果他想打听到什么的话,就要与她对战。在她决斗前的瞬间,她想到的是即将再次与人对战了。这次格斗两人的实力在伯仲之间,但良急切地想要得知她唯一的家人——她的亲妹妹的下落——同时他也没有意识到KING是个女子,他的气比平时更强。然而,同样的事件再次,在这场格斗中,发生了。良集气于掌中,朝着KING的方向放出了虎煌拳。KING被这强烈的斗气弹开了,她的衬衫被撕开了。当良注意到KING拼命想掩饰自己现在敞开的胸膛,他感到十分惊奇。良对KING感到十分抱歉,并将KING拉了起来。从来就没有一个男人这样对待自己!'是不是可以说,良根本就是一个没神经的人……还是他被KING的美貌迷住了……?(^ ++++ ^) ' 从那时起,即使他本人不愿意承认,她总是很希望能见到良。

King then received one day a invitation to participate in the new King of Fighters tournament, introducing the new team battle mode。 Before she even knew what to do with the invitation, the ninja girl, Mai Shiranui, and Ryo‘s sister, Yuri, appeared to team up with her。 Accepting anyway, the troublesome, but beautiful trio entered the next two tournaments。 By 1996, Yuri had to return to her father‘s team, and King then received the visit of Kasumi Todoh to her bar。 King was friend of her father, Ryuhaku, so she accepted her in the team。 Although, she also had to worry about her sick brother Jan, but he managed to recover thanks to King‘s effort。 He decided to fight too, as much as her sister。 King was very excited by that。 After that tournament, King liked to pass more time with Jan, but King was then i

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