三色电子书 > 古代宫廷电子书 > AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS(环游世界80天) >


AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS(环游世界80天)-第6部分

小说: AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS(环游世界80天) 字数: 每页4000字

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。 The detective was evidently inspired by the hope of obtaining the splendid reward which would be the prize of sucomess; and awaited with a feverish impatience; easy to understand; the arrival of the steamer ‘Mongolia'。 
‘So you say; consul;' asked he for the twentieth time; ‘that this steamer is never behind time?' 
‘No; Mr Fix;' replied the consul。 ‘She was bespoken yesterday at Port Said; and the rest of the way is of no acomount to such a craft。 I repeat that the ‘Mongolia' has been in advance of the time required by the company's regulations; and gained the prize awarded for excess of speed。' 
‘Does she come directly from Brindisi?' 
‘Directly from Brindisi; she takes on the Indian mails there; and she left there Saturday at five p。m。 Have patience; Mr Fix; she will not be late。 But really I don't see how; frthe description you have; you will be able to recognize your man; even if he is on board the 〃Mongolia〃。' 
‘A man rather feels the presence of these fellows; consul; than recognizes them。 You must have a scent for them; and a scent is like a sixth sense which combines hearing; seeing and smelling。 I've arrested more than one of these gentlemen in my time; and if my thief is on board; I'll answer for it; he'll not slip through my fingers。' 
‘I hope so; Mr Fix; for it was a heavy robbery。' 
‘A magnificent robbery; consul; fifty…five thousand pounds! We don't often have such windfalls。 Burglars are getting to be so contemptible nowadays! A fellow gets hung for a handful of shillings!' 
‘Mr Fix;' said the consul; ‘I like your way of talking; and hope you'll sucomeed; but I fear you will find it far from easy。 Don't you see; the description which you have there has a singular resemblance to an honest man?' 
‘Consul;' remarked the detective; dogmatically; great robbers always resemble honest folks。 Fellows who have rascally faces have only one course to take; and that is to remain honest; otherwise they would be arrested off…hand。 The artistic thing is; to unmask honest countenances; it's no light task; I admit; but a real art。' 
Mr Fix evidently was not wanting in a tinge of self…conceit。 
Little by little the scene on the quay became more animated; sailors of various nations; merchants; shipbrokers; porters; fellahs; bustled to and fro as if the steamer were immediately expected。 The weather was clear; and slightly chilly。 The minarets of the town loomed above the houses in the pale rays of the sun。 A jetty pier; some two thousand yards along; extended into the roadstead。 A number of fishing…smacks and coasting boats; some retaining the fantastic fashion of ancient galleys; were discernible on the Red Sea。 
As he passed among the busy crowd; Fix; acomording to habit; scrutinized the passers…by with a keen; rapid glance。 
It was now half…past ten。 
‘The steamer doesn't come!' he exclaimed; as the port clock struck。 
‘She can't be far off now;' returned his companion。 
‘How long will she stop at Suez?' 
‘Four hours; long enough to get in her coal。 It is thirteen hundred and ten miles from Suez to Aden; at the other end of the Red Sea; and she has to take in a fresh coal supply。' 
‘And does she go from Suez directly to Bombay?' 
‘Without putting in anywhere。' 
‘Good;' said Fix。 ‘If the robber is on board he will no doubt get off at Suez; so as to reach the Dutch or French colonies in Asia by some other route。 He ought to know that he would not be safe an hour in India; which is English soil。' 
‘Unless;' objected the consul; ‘he is exceptionally shrewd。 An English criminal; you know; is always better concealed in London than anywhere else。' 
This observation furnished the detective food for thought; and meanwhile the consul went away to his office。 Fix; left alone; was more impatient than ever; having a presentiment that the robber was on board the ‘Mongolia'。 If he had indeed left London intending to reach the New World he would naturally take the route via India; which was less watched and more difficult to watch than that of the Atlantic。 But Fix's reflections were soon interrupted by a sucomession of sharp whistles; which announced the arrival of the ‘Mongolia'。 The porters and fellahs rushed down the quay; and a dozen boats pushed off from the shore to go and meet the steamer。 Soon her gigantic hull appeared passing along between the banks; and eleven o'clock struck as she anchored in the road。 She brought an unusual number of passengers; some of whom remained on deck to scan the picturesque panorama of the town; while the greater part disembarked in the boats; and landed on the quay。 
Fix took up a position; and carefully examined each face and figure which made its appearance。 Presently one of the passengers; after vigorously pushing his way through the importunate crowd of porters; came up to him and politely asked if he could point out the English consulate; at the same time showing a passport which he wished to have visaed。 Fix instinctively took the passport; and with a rapid glance read the description of its bearer。 An involuntary motion of surprise nearly escaped him; for the description in the passport was identical with that of the bank robber which he had received from Scotland Yard。 
‘Is this your passport?' asked he。 
‘No; it's my master's。' 
‘And your master is……' 
‘He stayed on board。' 
‘But he must go to the consul's in person; so as to establish his identity。' 
‘Oh; is that necessary?' 
‘Quite indispensable。' 
‘And where is the consulate?' 
‘There; on the corner of the square;' said Fix; pointing to a house two hundred steps off。 
‘I'll go and fetch my master; who won't be much pleased; however; to be disturbed。' 
The passenger bowed to Fix; and returned to the Steamer。 

The detective passed down the quay; and rapidly made his way to the consul's office; where he was at once admitted to the presence of that official。 
‘Consul;' said he; without preamble; ‘I have strong reasons for believing that my man is a passenger on the 〃Mongolia〃。' And he narrated what had just passed concerning the passport。 
‘Well; Mr Fix;' replied the consul; ‘I shall not be sorry to see the rascal's face; but perhaps he won't come here; … that is; if he is the person you suppose him to be。 A robber doesn't quite like to leave traces of his flight behind him; and; besides; he is not obliged to have his passport countersigned。' 
‘If he is as shrewd as I think he is; consul; he will come。' 
‘To have his passport visaed?' 
‘Yes。 Passports are only good for annoying honest folks; and aiding in the flight of rogues。 I assure you it will be quite the thing for him to do; but I hope you will not visa the passport。' 
‘Why not? If the passport is genuine I have no right to refuse。' 
‘Still; I must keep this man here until I can get a warrant to arrest him from London。' 
‘Ah; that's your look…out。 But I cannot……' 
The consul did not finish his sentence; for as he spoke a knock was heard at the door; and two strangers entered; one of whom was the servant whom Fix had met on the quay。 The other; who was his master; held out his passport with the request that the consul would do him the favour to visa it。 The consul took the document and carefully read it; whilst Fix observed; or rather devoured; the stranger with his eyes from a corner of the room。 
‘You are Mr Phileas Fogg?' said the consul; after reading the passport。 
‘I am。' 
‘And this man is your servant?' 
‘He is; a Frenchman; named Passepartout。' 
‘You are from London?' 
‘And you are going……' 
‘To Bombay。' 
‘Very good; sir。 You know that a visa is useless; and that no passport is required?' 
‘I know it; sir;' replied Phileas Fogg; ‘But I wish to prove; by your visa; that I came by Suez。' 
‘Very well; Sir。' 
The consul proceeded to sign and date the passport; alter which he added his official seal。 Mr Fogg paid the customary fee; coldly bowed; and went out; followed by his servant。 
‘Well?' queried the detective。 
‘Well; he looks and acts like a perfectly honest man;' re

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