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电话磁卡/磁卡电话 a phone card/ a card phone
复印机 a phontocopier; a photocopy machine; a Xerox; a Xerox machine; a duplicator
煤气罐 a gas tank
热水淋浴器 an instant shower heater
面包车 a minibus
无人售票公共汽车 a self…service bus
流动售票车 a ticket…office…on…wheels
捷安特山地车 “Giant” mountain bicycles
普及九年制义务教育 make the nine…year compulsory (obligatory; free) education universal
扫盲 eliminate illiteracy
计算机扫盲 eliminate computer illiteracy
民办学校 school run by non…governmental sectors
高等院校 institutions of higher education (higher learning); universities and colleges
中等专业学校 polytechnic schools
中等技术学校 secondary technical schools
中等职业学校 secondary vocational schools
自学考试 examination for self…taught students
该校实行学分制 The university adopts a credit system。
须修满250学分才能毕业 It takes 250 credits to graduate。
应试教育 examination…oriented education
自费留学 self…funded study abroad
海外留学人员 Chinese students and scholars studying abroad
托福热降温了 The TOEFL fever (craze) has cooled down。
大专生 junior college students; associate…degree students
该硕士生正在进行论文答辩 The master…degree student is giving an oral defense of his thesis。
举行博士生论文答辩会 give the doctoral student (candidate) an oral examination on his dissertation。
博士 a doctorate holder
博士生导师 a supervisor of doctoral students; a doctoral supervisor
走读生 a day student; a non…resident student
特困生 the most needy student
她是我们班的学习/宣传/生活/体育/文娱委员She is in charge of studies/ propaganda(? publicity)/ general affairs/ sports activities (PE)/ recreational activities in our class。
担任系学生会干部 serve as an official of the departmental student union
担任校学生会宣传部长be the head of the Publicity Department of the university’s student union
My major is International Acomounting; and my minor is Computer Application。
pass the College English Test Band 4; obtain a certificate of CET…6
be cited as a “three…good student” (who is good morally; academically and physically)
获人民奖学金三等奖 be awarded the Third…Class People’s Scholarship
召开家长会 hold a parent…teacher meeting
加强科技人员队伍improve the ranks (the contingent) of the scientific and technical personnel
研究所 a research institute
普及科学技术 popularize science and technology
新兴高科技产业 rising and high…tech industries
高科技园 a high…tech park
获16项重大科研成果 gain 16 major (key) research results
科技咨询 scientific and technological consulting service (consultancy)
知识经济 the knowledge economy
信息高速公路 the information superhighway (highway)
hook up your computer to the Internet; wire your computer with the Internet
中关村高科技园是中国的硅谷 Zhongguancun High…Tech Zone is known as China’s
信息技术 IT (information technology)
信息港 the infoport (information port)
多媒体 multimedia
手提式电脑 a laptop computer
硬件/软件 hardware/ software
芯片 the chip
奔腾III处理处理器 a Pentium III processor
带有调制解调器的电脑 a computer equipped with a modem
电子邮件/商务/贸易 e…mail/e…commerce (e…business)/ e…trade
五笔划汉字软件输入平台 the five…stroke Chinese character software platform
杀病毒 to kill the virus
千年虫 the millennium bug; the Y2K bug
电脑黑客闯入了银行的计算机系统 The hacker broke into the bank’s computer system。
光导纤维 optical fiber
超导体 a superconductor
发射运载火箭 launch a carrier rocket
地球同步卫星 a geostationary satellite; synchronous satellite
全球卫星定位系统 GPS (Global Positioning System)
电话会议/可视电话会议 a telephone conference/ a videoconference
电话号码从7位升至8位 to upgrade the seven…digit telephone number to eight digits
大哥大;手机 mobile phones; cellular phones
无绳电话 cordless phones
寻呼机;BP机 pagers; beepers
大哥大用户 mobile telephone subscribers
该寻呼台拥有100多万用户 The paging station has over a million subscribers。
试管婴儿 test…tube babies
克隆一头羊 to clone a sheep
无性繁殖 asexual reproduction
无土栽培 soilless cultivation
杂交水稻 hybrid rice
这位科学家不相信特异功能 The scientist does not believe in supernatural power。
臭氧层 the ozone layer
臭氧层空洞 an ozone hole; a hole in the ozone layer
最近一次厄尔尼诺造成的自然灾害 natural disasters caused by the latest ocomurrence of El Nino
全球变暖 global warming
温室效应 the greenhouse effect; the hot…house effect
空气污染造成的酸雨 acid rain resulting from air pollution
保护热带雨林 protect the tropical forest
防止荒漠化 prevent desertification
义务植树运动 a voluntary forestation campaign (movement)
在北京以北建造护林带 build a shelter…belt (plant a greenbelt) north of Beijing
该高科技园的绿地占总面积的40% 以上
The green area in the High…Tech Park acomounts for over 40 percent of the total area。
公共绿地面积增加了两倍 The public green space has increased three times。
The Yellow River dried up (stopped flowing) half a month earlier than last year。
过度抽取地下水引起的地面沉降surface subsidence (ground depression) caused by the overuse of ground water
污水处理厂 a sewage treatment plant
净水器 a water cleaner
保护珍稀濒危物种 protect rare and endangered species
野生动物保护区 a wildlife reserve (protective zone)
野生动物园 a wildlife park
噪音污染达到了很高分贝 The noise pollution reached a high decibel level。
一次性筷子和饭盒造成的浪费 wastes resulting from disposable chopsticks and lunch boxes
1。 Acomording to a recent survey; four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking。
2。 The latest surveys show that quite a few children have unpleasant associations with homework。
3。 No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet。
4。 People seem to fail to take into acomount the fact that education does not end with graduation。
5。 An increasing number of people are beginning to realize that education is not complete with graduation。
6。 When it comes to education; the majority of people believe that education is a lifetime study。
7。 Many experts point out that physical exercise contributes directly to a persons physical fitness。
8。 Proper measures must be taken to limit the number of foreign tourists and the great efforts should be made to protect local environment and history from the harmful
effects of international tourism。
9。 An increasing number of experts believe that migrants will exert positive effects on construction of city。 However; this opinion is now being questioned by more and more city residents; who complain that the migrants have brought many serious problems like crime and prostitution。
10。 Many city residents complain that it is so few buses in their city that they have to spend much more time waiting for a bus; which is usually crowded with a large number of passengers。
11。 Ther