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小说: 英语天堂 字数: 每页4000字

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    eradicate (wipe out) such social evils as pornography; gambling and drug abuse 
and trafficking 
扫黄打非      eliminate pornography and other illegal publications 
性骚扰        sexual harassment 
吸毒者        a drug abuser 
戒毒所/班      a drug rehabilitation center/ course 
整顿音像工作    straighten out irregularities in the audiovisual industry 
    confiscate 21;000 CDs (compact disks); VCDs (video compact disks); LDs (laser disks) 
    and videotapes 
侵权的镭射影碟    laser disks that infringed copyright 
    crack down on such illegal acts as manufacturing and marketing fake (counterfeit) or 
    shoddy goods 
    be prohibited from forcing the subordinate unit to buy a luxury car for oneself 
洗钱  money laundering; laundering transactions 
在选举中收买选票  vote…buying at the election 
纪律检查委员会    the disciplinary inspection committee 
监察机构      a supervisory organ/ department 
武警、公安和国家安全部门  armed police and public and state security departments 
身穿迷彩装      wear camouflage uniforms 
承担法律责任    bear the legal liability (responsibility) 
被判六年监禁、剥夺政治权利两年  be sentenced to six years’ imprisonment with deprivation of the political rights for two additional years 
头号通缉犯      the most wanted man 
他在服刑      He is serving out his sentence。 
绝食抗议      go on a hunger strike 
保外就医      be released on a bail for medical treatment (on a medical parole) 
精神文明建设    (promote) cultural and ethical progress 
发扬正气      encourage healthy trends 
制止不良倾向    check the unhealthy/evil tendency 
形成良好的社会风尚   create a society with high ethical standards; foster healthy social conduct 
纠正不正之风    to correct unhealthy practices (tendencies) 
向雷锋同志学习    learn from Comrade Lei Feng; emulate Lei Feng; follow his example 
他的光辉形象    his brilliant image 
表彰见义勇为的英雄人物    commend justice…upholding volunteers(heroes) 
/ public security volunteers 
立功    render (perform) a meritorious service; do meritorious work 
反对拜金主义和极端个人主义  combat money worship and extreme individualism (egoism) 
制止公款吃喝  curb dining and wining at public expense (by using public funds) 
盲目崇拜流行歌星  a blind worship of pop stars 
傍大款    flirt with a tycoon; lure a magnate into becoming her husband 
三陪女    a bargirl; a “three…service” girl who keeps a client company in eating; drinking and singing 
她爱滋病病毒测试呈阳性    She tested positive for HIV。 
他携带爱滋病病毒  He carries the AIDS virus (is infected with the AIDS virus) 
  Public security men seized a dozen scalpers (ticket speculators) at the railway station。 
伪造证件/文凭    forge certificates/ diplomas 

开展全民健身运动  launch a nationwide physical fitness campaign; carry out physical fitness programs involving all our people 
健身运动;健美  body…building exercises; fitness exercises 
健美娱乐中心  a body…building and recreational center 
健身娱乐设施  fitness and entertainment facilities 
健美热      the beauty craze 
美容师为她整容  the plastic surgeon performed a face…lift for her。 
  The girl with single…fold eyelids had (underwent) plastic surgery to make them double folded。 
带隐形眼镜    wear contact lens 
保健食品    health…care food 
微量元素    trace elements 
伟哥在该国已获批准    Viagra (vigor+Niagara) has been approved in that country。 
时装表演/模特/设计师    a fashion show/ model/ designer 
模特大赛  a modeling competition; a catwalk competition 
模特在T型台上一展风姿    Models are posing on the catwalk (the T…stage)。 
评委选出决赛选手  The members of the jury (The judges) selected the finalists。 
烹饪艺术  the culinary art 
色香味    the color; aroma (smell) and taste 
餐饮业    the catering business; the food and drink industry 
红烧肉    pork braised in soy sauce 
糖醋小排  sweet and sour spare ribs 
茄汁鱼片  fish slices in tomato sauce ( in ketchup ) 
宫爆鸡丁  chicken cubes (diced chicken) in chilly sauce 
麻辣豆腐  bean curd in chilly sauce 
涮羊肉    instant…boiled mutton 
熏鱼    smoked fish 
五香牛肉  spicy beef 
咖喱牛肉  beef curry 
从街头摊贩买羊肉串    buy a mutton skewer from a roadside barbecue stall 
“康师傅”方便面    “Master Kang” fast…cooking spaghetti ( instant noodles) 
软饮料    soft drinks; non…alcoholic drinks 
易拉罐    pop…top; pull…top; flip…top; ring…pull can 
自选商店  self…service shops 
旅游业    tourism; the tourist industry; tourist services 
旅程;旅行日程表    an itinerary 
三日游    a three…day tour 
一日三游  a three…sights…a…day tour 
旅游路线  the tour route 
旅游景点  a tourist destination 
游艇    a pleasure cruiser 
将观光与度假结合起来  combine sightseeing with holiday…making 
在旅游高峰季节      in peak tourist seasons 
星级饭店  star…grade hotels 
这家五星级旅馆的住房率达到90%  The five…star hotel’s current ocomupancy rate stands at 90 percent。 
(旅馆的)商务中心/票务中心  the business center/the ticket…booking center 
分析失事飞机的黑匣子数据  analyze the data in the black box (the flight recorder) of the crashed plane 
游戏机      a game machine 
吃角子老虎    a slot machine 
哈哈镜      distorting mirrors 
卡拉OK   a karaoke club 
京剧票友    Peking Opera fans 
追星族      celebrity worshipper 
发烧友      fans; addicts 
音像制品  audio and video tapes and disks 
镭射厅;录象厅  a laser disk (LD) salon 
随身听    a walkman; a personal stereo 
春节/元宵节/端午节/中秋节  the Spring Festival/ Lantern Festival/ Dragon Boat Festival 
            /Mid…Autumn Festival 
庙会    the temple fair 
共青团为100对新人举行集体婚礼  The Youth League Organization sponsored (held) a group (collective) wedding ceremony for 100 couples。 
旅行结婚  a wedding tour; a tour wedding; the honeymoon tour 
婚外恋    extramarital relations; extramarital affair 
非婚生子女  children born out of wedlock; illegitimate children 
单亲家庭  a single…parent family (house…hold) 
上门女婿  a live…in son…in…law 
大龄青年  unmarried youth above (over; beyond) the normal age for marriage 
老三届    high school graduates of 1966…1968 
独生子女  the only child 
小皇帝    a little “emperor”; a spoiled child 
提倡母乳喂养,不要人工喂养  advocate breast feeding rather than substitute feeding (bottle…feeding) 
离休干部  retired veteran cadres 
托老所/院  a nursing home for the aged 
安乐死    euthanasia; mercy…killing 
电话拜年  pay New Year phone calls 
给他发电子贺卡    send him an e…card (e…mail card) 
挂历    a wall calendar; a hanging calendar 
兼职    assume a concurrent post; do part…time work; go moonlighting 
当家教    teach in a family; serve as a home tutor 
不要强迫孩子弹电子琴  Don’t force children to play the electronic keyboard (organ)。 
在协同工作中,情商比智商更重要    In teamwork; EQ is more important than IQ。 
人际关系  interpersonal relations 
民工  rural laborers (with temporary jobs) in a city; migratory workers from the countryside 
打工妹  country girls working in cities 
女强人    a (sucomessful) career woman 
残疾人    handicapped (disabled) people 
猎头公司;人才物色公司    a head…hunting company 
身份证    the citizen identity card (  ID card) 
他有上海市常住户口      He has the registered permanent Shanghai residence。 
              He is a registered permanent resident of Shanghai。 
差额选举  a multi…candidate election 
He never favors his friends or relatives with any “back…door” (private…channel)deals。 
别听小道消息  Don’t heed the hearsay。 (the grapevine news) 
(会议)签到簿  the guest book/the visitors’ book 
人行天桥    an elevated crosswalk/ a foot bridge 
罗山路立交桥  the Luoshan Road overpass (flyover) 
内环线高架路  the elevated inner ring road(the inner ring viaduct) 
杨浦斜拉桥    the Yangpu cable…stayed bridge (suspension bridge) 
玻璃幕墙摩天大楼  steel…and…glass skyscrapers; glass…walled high…rise buildings 
家电      electrical household appliances 
电话磁卡/磁卡电话  a phone card/ a card phone 
复印机    a phontocopier; a photocopy mach

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