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我喜欢激烈的竞争,而且喜欢旁观竞争。我喜欢打听他人的战况,当然竞争靠的是勇敢 顽强,光明正大,而不是投机取巧,玩弄诡计;它能激『荡』撒克逊人传统的战斗热血,就像学 童时代“与厄运抗争的骑士”的故事一样使我们童心振奋。
人生的斗争也是一场同可怕的厄运的抗争。每个时代都存在巨人、苍龙之类的庞然大物 ,它们所守护的金子根本不可能像小说里描写的那样会被轻易拿走。在小说里,阿尔格农最 后流连地望了一眼祖先的房屋,抹去眼角的泪珠,离家而去;三年后,他竟然衣锦还乡、腰 缠万贯。小说家并没有告诉我们“他是怎样做到这一切的”,这真是个遗憾,因为这段经历 肯定会极为精彩。
on getting on in the world
j。 k。 jerome
a motley throng — a motley throng! prince and beggar; sinner and saint; but cher and baker and candlestickmaker; tinkers and tailors; and ploughboys and s ailors — all jostling along together。 here the counsel in his wig and gown; and here the old jew clothesman under his dingy tiara; here the soldier in his scar let; and here the undertaker's mute in streaming hatband and worn cotton glove s; here the scholar; fumbling his faded leaves; and here the scented actor; dang ling his showy seals。 here the glib politician; crying his legislative panaceas; and here the peripatetic cheap jack; holding aloft his quack cures for human il ls。 here the sleek capitalist; and there the sinewy labourer; here the man of sc ience; and here the shoeblack; here the poet; and here the waterrate collect or; here the cabinet minister; and there the balletdancer。 here a rednosed p ublican; shouting the praises of his vats; and here a temperance lecturer at fif ty pounds a night; here a judge; and there a swindler; here a priest; and there a gambler。 here a jewelled duchess; smiling and gracious; here a thin lodgingh ouse keeper; irritable with cooking; and here a wabbling; strutting thing; tawdr y in paint and finery。
cheek by cheek; they struggle onward。 screaming; cursing; and praying; laugh ing; singing; and moaning; they rush past side by side。 their speed never slacke ns; the race never ends。 there is no wayside rest for them; no halt by cooling f ountains; no pause beneath green shades。 on; on; on — on through the heat and t he crowd and the dust — on; or they will be trampled down; and lost — on; with throbbing brain and tottering limbs — on; till the heart grows sick; and the e yes grow blurred; and a gurgling groan tells those behind they may close up anot her space。
and yet; in spite of the killing pace and the stony track; who; but the slug gard or the dolt; can hold aloof from the course。 who — like the belated travel ler that stands watching fairy revels till he snatches and drains the goblin cup ; and springs into the whirling circle — can view the mad tumult; and not be dr awn into its midst。 not i; for one。 i confess to the wayside arbour; the pipe of contentment; and the lotus leaves being altogether unsuitable metaphors。 they s ounded very nice and philosophical; but i'm afraid i am not the sort of person t o sit in arbours; smoking pipes; when there is any fun going on outside。 i think i more resemble the irishman; who; seeing a crowd collecting; sent his little g irl out to ask if there was going to be a row —“ 'cos; if so; father would lik e to be in it。〃
i love the fierce strife。 i like to watch it。 i like to hear of people getti ng on in it — battling their way bravely and fairly — that is; not slipping th rough by luck or trickery。 it stirs one's old saxon fighting blood; like the tal es of “knights who fought against fearful odds〃 thrilled us in our schoolboy da ys。
and fighting the battle of life is fighting against fearful odds; too。there are giants and dragons in every age; and the golden casket that they guard is no t so easy to win as it appears in the story books。 there; algernon takes one lon g; last look at the ancestral hall; dashes the teardrop from his eye; and goes o ff — to return in three year's time; rolling in riches。 the authors do not tell us “how it's done;〃 which is a pity; for it would surely prove exciting。
哥尔德史密斯擅长创作批判『性』文章,严厉抨击浮夸不实的假道学,强调人类原始的美德 。本文即是他独排众议,否定“奢华”与人类罪恶的绝对关系,并赞扬它对世界文明的贡献 。
看看这一幅原始单纯的自然照片,告诉我,我最尊敬的朋友,你热爱疲劳和孤独吗?你 会感叹四处漂泊的鞑靼人的节俭,还是后悔生于文明人士的奢侈矫饰中?或者你会对我说, 每种生活方式都有其特有的罪恶。文明的国家罪恶较多,不如此可怕凶残或者不是最可怕的 国家罪恶较少,这难道不是事实吗?背信和欺诈是文明国家的丑行,荒蛮之地的居民则是轻 信和暴力。文明之国的奢华能抵的上野蛮国家无人『性』罪恶的一半吗?当然,那些痛责奢华的 哲学家,对奢华益处只是一知半解;他们好像没有察觉到,我们所拥有的奢华不仅是我们知 识中最伟大的部分,甚至还是我们的美德。
当一个高谈阔论者讲到抑制我们的欲望,只用最少的东西来满足我们的感官,只用大自 然所缺乏的东西来供给它们,这听起来好像很美妙;但是,如果能无辜、安适地尽享这些欲 望,这不比抑制它们更能令人满意吗。快乐生活所得到的满足不比了无生趣地闷头思考之满 足要好吗。人工制造的必需品变化愈多,我们快乐的圈子就越大;只有需求被满足之后,快 乐才会存在;所以,奢华在增加我们需求的同时,也扩大了我们幸福的空间。
仔细调查研究任何一个以富饶和智慧而闻名于世的国家的历史,你将发现,没有最初的 奢华就没有今天的英明智慧;你还会发现诗人、哲学家、甚至爱国者也在“奢华”的列车上 行进。理由是明显的:只有在发现知识系于感官的逸乐时,我们才会好奇而去求知。各种感 觉会为我们指明方向,产生对创造发明的种种评论。告诉戈壁沙漠土人月亮视差的精确测量 ,他不觉得这个信息能满足他什么需求;他『迷』『惑』:为什么会有人肯这么费劲,花这么多钱去 解决这么无用的难题。但是如果把这个和他的幸福联系起来的话,向他表明这样做可以改进 海上航行,有了这样的更暖的外套、更好的枪或者更棒的刀,立刻,他就会为如此伟大的改 良而兴奋。总之,我们只想知道我们渴望拥有什么;无论我们如何反对它,奢华都激发了我 们的好奇心,使我们渴望变得聪明。
on luxury
oliver goldsmith
from such a picture of nature in primeval simplicity; tell me; my much respe cted friend; are you in love with fatigue and solitude。 do you sigh for the frug ality of the wandering tartar; or regret being born amidst the luxury and dissim ulation of the polite。 rather tell me; has not every kind of life vices peculiar ly its own。 is it not a truth; that refined countries have more vices; but those not so terrible barbarous nations few; and they of the most hideous complexion。 perfidy and fraud are the vices of civilized nations; credulity and violence th ose of the inhabitants of the desert。 does the luxury of the one produce half th e evils of the inhumanity of the other。 certainly those philosophers; who declai m against luxury; have but little understood its benefits; they seem insensible; that to luxury we owe not only the greatest part of our knowledge; but even of our virtue。
it may sound fine in the mouth of a declaimer when he talks of subduing our appetites; of teaching every sense to be content with a bare sufficiency; and of supplying only the wants of nature; but is there not more satisfaction in indul ging those appetites; if with innocence and safety; than in restraining them。 am not i better pleased in enjoyment than in the sullen satisfaction of thinking t hat i can live without enjoyment。 the more various our artificial necessities; t he wider is our circle of pleasure; for all pleasure consists in obviating neces sities as they rise; luxury; therefore; as it increases our wants; increases of capacity for happiness。
examine the history of any country remarkable for opulence and wisdom; you w ill find they would never have been wise had they not been first luxurious; you will find poets; philosophers; and even patriots; marching in luxury's train。 th e reason is obvious; we then only are curious after knowledge when we find it co nnected with sensual happiness。 the senses ever point out the way; and reflectio n comments upon the discovery。 inform a native of the desert of kobi; of the exa ct measure of the parallax of the moon; he finds no satisfaction at all in the i nformation; he wonders how any could take such pains; and lay out such treasures in order to solve so useless a difficulty; but connect it with his happiness; b y showing that it improves navigation; th